2 New HL2 Screenshots *Sorry if it was posted already*

Another person posted em, but the links wouldnt work for me, so thanks for postin em.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
The second one looks like the hazard course.

Yeah, I think it's not a separate map though. I think the hazard course is somehow implemented into the story line. Maybe once you get reunited with the HEV suit again the people that give it to you tell you to step into a "Test Course" to see what it can do.

Just my two cents.
there isnt any hazard course in the map list....i think
There was alos a third pic on the new batch right? One of Eli and that female scientist, I forget her name.
Yup, those are new AFAIK :)

Those striders are being ninja-like trying to sneak through the dark... Sneaky bastages.
They didnt have any facial animation applied in may, anyway, i doubt there will be a hazard course/training map, most people choose to play them first, and having ur training with charecters and locations that u havnt been introduced to yet would suck, anyway it has become trend in games now to teach you as you go, through clever game design.
rrm said:
mossman. she looks kinda ugly and old

Frankly, I prefer that look over a big bust forceful sexual female such as lara croft, e.t.c.
lans said:
Frankly, I prefer that look over a big bust forceful sexual female such as lara croft, e.t.c.

Same here. Looks more real, and alot easier to relate to the characters when they don't look like they came out of a American Gladiators.
lans said:
Frankly, I prefer that look over a big bust forceful sexual female such as lara croft, e.t.c.


I actually think they went too far with the oldness/ugliness... Could have been a little less oldified mm hmm..
1: That first screenshot is ace :thumbs: sweetness.
2: I dont find them to be too ugly/old. Besides, Its kinda hard to play FPS's with just 1 hand.

Personally, I prefer the new models, as well. more realistic. I mean, think about it. How would a girl grow up in an oppressive society like in City17, and maintain a perfect face and look attractive? You try it, it wouldn't work. They just made it more realistic!
Iced_Eagle said:
Yup, those are new AFAIK :)

Those striders are being ninja-like trying to sneak through the dark... Sneaky bastages.

AFAIK? What is this world coming to?!?! 5 letter abbreviations?? How in the world am I supposed to figure out what the five words are?


Try to guess that one.
the other day i was reading slashdot and i ran across ATEOTD.

that was a new one for me. (it's At The End Of The Day)

Also, something interesting about forum acronyms.

IIRC - if i remember correctly
AFAIK - as far as i know
IMO - in my opinion

are three i see often, and they are all hedges.
Wow, nice!

Is that realtime (dynamic) shadows in the strider pic??
Or do you think they shadows are just lined up to work with the lighting in that particular scene?
sexy! :cheers:
I think they are both from some sort of hazard course. Far too weird to be in the actual game, except as some sort of dream sequence.
Nah that first one could be in the citadel or whatever its called!!

Its all dark and metal and plain and stuff...Looks pretty citadelic..Ha.

Now, admire my sig.
news to me thanks

haha I might try to play hl2 in traditional chinese once I beat it in engrish...
jaguar_987 said:
Your Puny Nipples Tried Shagging My Ass

Lmfao... nice try guys.

It's simply You People need to stop making abbreviations

Y.M.C.A. !! :dork:
OMG Sudlidieminal DMY f00xX0r!!1

just kidding
old as of like yesterday.......but still good ones......

your pint needs to smell more aromatic