2 new wallpapers !!


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Check them out in the HL2-Art section at the link in my signature...

:bounce: Forums back up !
is that a joke cuz the link doesnt work at all.......:flame:
100MB transfer per month wont do it.....plus I wouldnt sign up on a site like that even If I had to.....

if anyone else knows a good host please post.....

preferably with unlimited bandwith and no ads (if ads then no pop ups)
lemme seee.....TRY THIS!!

comments and suggestions welcome :cool:
BWMASTER, love your site.

How much bandwidth do you use? I might be able to help ya out.
hmmm lets see....well I have about 10 000 unique visits to my basic countdown wallpaper in 2 weeks which gets downloaded evereytime someone looks at it on their desktop.....

45 965 views on it.....

preferably unlimited....

thanx for trying to help me out :cheers:
I would love to but me has no money....;(

I'm only 15 and currently have no job. I'll see what I can do in the future.
er.. if you can't afford 59 bucks for an entire year's worth of hosting, how are you going to afford half-life 2? :) might be time to get out the fake tears for the parents.
actually I could get a thing like that but my parents don't beleive in buying things over the interned and are scared of hackers :(
well, they DO have a phone number for those paranoid about doing money stuff over the internet. They're hardly a fly by night operation. I've got some big bandwidth server stuff going on with them for a couple of years now.

1.877.764.6783 US Only
yeah, all the info's under 'contact us' at prohosters.com. here's the number that'll work from canada


obviously just add the US country code if necessary.
Thank you Jager :)

I like your sig BTW
(...never went into gif animation, maybe I should try it sometimes...)
If all else fails use Deviantart.com, they let you link pictures.
If you need a GOOD host for CHEAP, check out these guys. I use them, and the service/packing/price could not be any better. 94 bucks a year for half a gig storage and 20 GIGS transfer limit each month.

Lunar Pages
Originally posted by BWMASTER
I would love to but me has no money....;(

I'm only 15 and currently have no job. I'll see what I can do in the future.

I'm in the same boat over here....

*realizes the boat is named "U.S.S. Titanic"*

Uh oh........

Anyway, very nice wallpapers!:cheers:
viper, prohosters is half that price, same amount of disk space, and NO limit on transfer. 20 gigs isn't all that much. a T1's worth of usage a day is already 8 gigs.
Lunar Pages is also ranked in the top 3 by just about any hosting review site in terms of service and extras provided. ;)