2 problems with update, or questions rather


Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
1) The player models arm clips hardcore, pretty clumsy I'm sure everyone notice (everyone but Valve ofcourse but wheres the surprise) just hope they fix that.

2) Have the running speeds been reduced? I seriously feel a significant slowdown in the running speeds. Not to say its bad but just wanna see if anyone else noticed.
We know about the clipping arms, I dont think valve care, they released the model knowing perfectly well that the arms clipped like that.

Running speeds haven't been reduced ... Well, I can't notice any slowdown ... Maybe the higher-poly CTs are slowing you down? They do have reflections mapped onto their high-poly helmets and bulletproof armor now so if you get a couple of CTs on your screen it may get a bit choppy (depending on your system specs / display settings etc). Compound is a pretty detailed map too, more so than the others.
im runnin 1600 1200 with anti aliasing im getting 110 fps, its not the framerate. Its the running speeds.
Where did you get a cray supercomputer???

Have you tryed it on more than 1 server? I think theres a server var to affect running speed (Might be wrong though) and maybe the one you tryed it on has been slowed down?
Strangely I first noticed it when I bought a Famas. Dunno why it seemed extra slow with it, but still every server running speeds seem slower.
My update will be done in 7 minutes,can't wait.
Any new guns?
the famas is one of the more heavier guns in besides the AWP and AUTO so you will run slow with it :thumbs: