2 things i miss from HL in HL2



ok well 1 i miss and with out the other it just isn't the same,

I really miss snarks, anyone else? i really loved watching them run around as marines tried to kill them before they were killed themselves.

the other thing that i dont so much miss as i think is just plain missing is black ops. sure they were a pain, but i guess in some sick way they were fun.

Ok kinda thought of a third one just know, would be cool if combine could show up through portals but i think mossman says something to explain why that can't be. nothing like random enemies warping in behind you like in HL
the the so called combine elites were a lazy cop out if you ask me compared to the female black ops assasains from HL1. what we got with the combine elites, was a standard combine grunt with better armour and the AR2 grenade...that was it. lazzzzzzy valve.
I miss the old scientists..ahh truly good times...
I miss...nothing? Both games by themselves didn't do much for me, honestly.
it didn't get to shoot any unarmed helpless people in the head either, i think i shot every scientist in HL. And as shepard i didn't feel bad about it cuz hey, wasn't that why i was there?
Pesmerga, how can you miss nothing and say the games did nothing for you then go and sign up to a HL forum?
Cons Himself said:
the the so called combine elites were a lazy cop out if you ask me compared to the female black ops assasains from HL1. what we got with the combine elites, was a standard combine grunt with better armour and the AR2 grenade...that was it. lazzzzzzy valve.

You mean gearbox. :|
eatbugs said:
Pesmerga, how can you miss nothing and say the games did nothing for you then go and sign up to a HL forum?
It's a testament to the quality of these games. People who hate them still wind up on the fansites to chat about them!

crazy stuff!
Mr-Fusion said:
It's a testament to the quality of these games. People who hate them still wind up on the fansites to chat about them!

crazy stuff!

Ha har that is brilliant.
I think that the setting in HL was WAY better than hl2
Yeh that's what I felt too. HL was far more gripping and addictive
LittleB said:
You mean gearbox. :|
No... He meant VALVe, you see VALVe made all the combine characters, wich is what his talking about, he just compared them to Gearboxes character "the black devils". ;o)

Anyway I kinda liked the feel of HL1 better too, but hey it is quite hard to beat an original! Also most of us probably experienced too many spoilers first. :(
what I truly miss is all the gruesome deaths that would happen in every corner. like all these scientists that get pulled up airvents, to come out as vital organs and bones. or the one who hid on top of the generator and gets fried when you put the power back on. and the one who doesn't manage to climb up the ladder and falls like 50 meters down an elevator shaft, and those who were in the elevator that you crash at the beginning. then there's the ones that get eaten alive by the first Itchyosaur and Tentacles.

let's also not forget the marines. sure you all remember the one in "power up" that gets pulled in a crack in the wall by a bullsquid and his legs split all the way to his side and you hear a MAD bone cracking sound. that one was nuts. also the marine getting thrown through a concrete wall by an alien grunt was speechless the first time.

sometimes I don't believe that this was all seven years ago, and that with today's technology the best they could find is dropping a container on some idiots that are programmed to get right under it from the top of a crane.
The Grunt was one of the best 'Holy Shit' moments in a game :) .
I dont miss anything. Half life is half life. Half life 2 is half life 2. Simple as that.
KNoX said:
I think that the setting in HL was WAY better than hl2

I can't wait for the totally re-done Source version of HL(not the straight port Valve included).

I miss the snarks the most I guess.
i'm not saying HL 2 sucked and they left stuff out.

They are very different games. HL is a game about survival and fear. Hl2 is a game about overcoming oppression, liberation, and freedom.

In HL gordon isn't a hero, HL2 you one step below jesus.

HL your in a secret goverment base, with lots of weird stuff and things teleporting in, very sci-fi. And HL2 you in a city fighting basicallly a war and is far less sci-fi and more towards real life, USSR or Nazi like acts being done.

Both are greet games, but have different feels to them. but i agree i think HL was much more addictive.
There was this subtle ambience in Half Life that was missing in Half Life 2. Other than that, I don't miss anything. It's hard to put my finger on it.
OD-Black_Fire said:
There was this subtle ambience in Half Life that was missing in Half Life 2. Other than that, I don't miss anything. It's hard to put my finger on it.

Both games were excellent in their own right, but I have to agree with this statement.

HL had a gradual progression to it that HL2 seemed to stop short of. HL got to the point where it was intence enough you swore the end had to be close, and then it started a whole new chapter that blew you away... and then did it again, and again, and just kept doing that until you faced Nahilinth (or however you spell it's name) and you slumped back exausted into your chair in complete awe.

HL2 got to the point it was really starting to get interesting, and then ended. Not that it wasn't good, it just missed that feeling of awe HL gave me.... which is an awefully nit-picky thing to complain about so take it with a grain of salt. :D