2 Vocalists = Better Music??

Aug 29, 2003
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Here's the question: Does having two vocalists in a band make the music better?

Let's have some examples of bands with 2 vocalists...

- Linkin Park: I know many of you hate the band, they are very popular. Their debut single, "One Step Closer" featured both vocalists screaming their heads off (which attracted the metalheads and punk fans out of curiosity). Then their next single, "Crawling" featured one main vocalist (Chester in this case) with the other doing backups. It wasn't until their third single "In The End" that the band became mainstream with both vocalists getting equal singing time. The band hasn't really lost momentum since.

- The Barenaked Ladies: A Canadian Band that many of you have probably never heard before. They are classified as a rock band, that have even tried country as well. The band features two main vocalists who play off each other with silly (and very amusing) lyrics. Singles include "If I had a $1,000,000", "Brian Wilson" and "One Week" to name a few. They're not very big now-a-days, but when they were in there prime they were a big hit.

- Blink 182: These guys are partly responsible for the surge of punk music in the late '90s, and yes they have 2 vocalists. Much like Linkin Park and The Barenaked Ladies (that's the first time I've heard those two bands in the same sentence :LOL:) they've used the two singers since their debut album. Singles include "Adam's Song", "All the Small Things" and "Down". Unfortunately, rumor has it that the band has now split.

-System of a Down: These guys only started out with one vocalist in their first album (System of A Down), and flew under the radar until their second ablum (entitled Toxicity). Most of the songs were sung by the main singer, Serj, with backups vocals provided by Daron. There next album (Steal This Album) provided the same formula with Daron's backups becoming more apparent. Now the band is using both vocalists to their full potential in their upcoming double album. And during these changes the band has garnered a larger fan base with each release.

- The Gorillaz: Perhaps only known by their single "Clint Eastwood", here's another band that sports duel vocalists. In this case you have the one guy singing for the majority of the song only for the other to come in and start sporting his crazy rap. There new single "Feel Good, Inc." is quickly rising on the charts, earning even more noteriaty for this band.

-Evanesence: Not really a band with two vocalists, but on their debut single "Bring Me To Life" many of you may remember that there was another singer (male) providing the backups. That song opened everyone's eyes as they awaited the next single to see if the band could strike twice. They did, but this time the backup vocalist was nowhere to be seen (in fact he is completely erased as "Bring Me To Life" got changed to only having Amy). The band is drifting away in popularity, with only the duet song "Broken" keeping Amy Lee in the spotlight.

Speaking of duets, they're done all the time in the music industry, and those songs usually turn out to become hits. Althought it can be viewed as a marketing stunt, it still shows that having 2 vocalists will make better music than just with one. Look at the Rap industry. Those artists are always looking to get another rapper in on their albums (and often times, those turn out to be the hit singles too).

So in conclusion, I believe that two vocalists will make the songs more interesting, and in turn make the music better than before. I've only touched on some bands with duel vocalists, but to conserve space (and give myself a break), I'll stop there. :E

Anyone agree, or is it just ironic?
If you can make two vocalists work.use it. It gives you a better range of notes and styles (usually) and can sound quite good. I agree with you in saying that two vocalists sound better and more interesting.
Damien Rice - Also has a female singer who accompanies him on some songs. It works fantastically. And she's hot.

The Libertines - Had two singers/frontmen. Their voices were slightly distinctive enough that it worked very well, plus they did the whole two people singing into one mic thing which looks very cool. Albeit slighty homoerotic.

The Cooper Temple Clause - One main singer, but the other five chip in every so often, which gives some songs a nice variation.

Oasis - Noel sometimes sings. I wish he sung all the time. Liam Gallagher's a twat.
I actually hate most of the bands mentioned in this thread.
I think all the bands you list prove that 2 vocalists are horrible.

The only exception is Alice in Chains. Jerry Cantrell was mainly the guitarist, but sang on some of the songs (he is not a good singer at all). Layne Staley did most of the singing.

It doesn't work when there's a rock singer then some rap/angry guy shouting crap in the background (linkin park, evanescence, soad).

And plus, usually the singer writes the lyrics, so the 2nd singer would be singing someone elses lyrics, which doesn't usualy work (Alice in Chains excluded because they are indeed GODS).
Its different, and something you don't often hear. So your view of it is bound to be bias to some degree, depending on how you see different things. So, you might quite like the novelty of it, or you might not. If there were more about, I suspect most people would like them all equally...depending on talent of course.
Perfect combination: one main vocalist with a few background vocalists, much better
Some bands can really pull it off. But some can't or when they do it doesn't go so well.

Lacuna Coil are very good at singing with a male and female vocalist at the same time. Problem is, when the dude sings on his own the song suddenly starts to suck :( that is until the woman starts to sing again! (Good examples of where they can pull it off: Entwined, Humane, Unspoken, To Live Is To Hide, Purify and Senzafine)

KMFDM also are good, however they tend to have two people that don' really sing at the same time but take turns. However, its still very effective. (Good Examples: WWIII, Blackball, Stars and Stripes and Bullets Bombs Bigotry)

Nightwish have the same problem as Lacuna Coil. The dude ruins any song he sings in. Although when they sing over a Choir, then it can sound amazing. (Good Example: Ghost Love Score)

Staind, Now this choice will make a few people kill me! but they are very good at pulling off backing vocals (Good Examples: Fray, Fill Me Up, Reality, Layne, Oh and special props to the Outside duet with Fred Durst many people hate him I know but that song rocked.)
I like the staind option (kudos)...

Also Queens Of The Stone Age used two vocalists to expand the style of music that they played...They have Josh for the mellow and singing and had Nick for screaming like a raving lunatic...Worked well
Linkin park sucks
the barenaked ladies suck
evanecance sucks

Aaron Lewis has an amazing singign voice
Vertical Horizon had two singers before they sold out (Everything You Want), they're very talented. Same guys now, except only one sings lead with the other doing backups