$20 for BIA Trade in

Alan Freeman

Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Well just went to EB games and to my surprise i got $20 for Brothers in arms PC and was pleased because i wasnt happy with the performance, i had to run it at 800X600 with no AA and no AF and every detail settings to low Why i dont know. I thought this game was going to be freakin awsome. Here is the Screenshot that blew my mind when i first heard about BIA


Anybody else having performance problems or isnt happy with there purchase of BIA. :(

P.S. Is that evan an In game screen shot.
Alan Freeman said:
i wasnt happy with the performance, i had to run it at 800X600 with no AA

BiA actually doesn't support AA so running it with AA is impossible.

It does seems strange you had such major problems with it. It ran silky smooth at 1280x1024 for me.

Ive got:

3.07 P4 (hyperthread)
6800 GT
1 gig RAM.
SearanoX said:
The graphics were toned down for the XBox. The PC graphics are still quite good, but not as nice as what was featured in that screenshot. The lighting effects are just about as good when you turn on HDR, though, and the smoke effects are excellent, though I think it may be slightly enhanced there. The shadows were definitely toned down a lot, though.

It's a great game, though. It's a shame the graphics didn't turn out to be quite as good as they could have been, and the performance is shoddy for a PC game. Gearbox shouldn't have sold their soul to the XBox - develop for the PC and tone down as necessary is what I say.
I agree with ya thanks.
DarkStar said:
BiA actually doesn't support AA so running it with AA is impossible.

It does seems strange you had such major problems with it. It ran silky smooth at 1280x1024 for me.

Ive got:

3.07 P4 (hyperthread)
6800 GT
1 gig RAM.
in my ATI control panel i set it high so i guess in doing that didnt do much
Ah! another game that Hype killed.

I didn't buy in.

Now. Imagine if you had never heard of this game, and you were bored with your games that you have now, and you go into a store and decide from looking at the box that You will buy it and give it a shot - not expecting too much.

Now; isn't this an awesome game??! omfg this is teh best game EVER! :sniper:

lol :dork:
Alan Freeman said:
Well just went to EB games and to my surprise i got $20 for Brothers in arms PC and was pleased because i wasnt happy with the performance, i had to run it at 800X600 with no AA and no AF and every detail settings to low Why i dont know. I thought this game was going to be freakin awsome. Here is the Screenshot that blew my mind when i first heard about BIA


Anybody else having performance problems or isnt happy with there purchase of BIA. :(

P.S. Is that evan an In game screen shot.
yeah it ran poor for me too

3.2ghz p4,gig of ddr2 ram,x800xt bla bla

i'm waiting for the new patch to see if it improves performance

also the hdr is just bloom
well thats really weird.
im running an amd athlon xp 3200 512 mb ram, 9800xt 256 mb vid card
and i run the game at 1024x768 all highest graphics settings and havent had a drop in fps below 60... the graphics arent the best thing ever but they run continuously smooth even when there are 30 soldiers on screen.
i was very impressed with this game and im sorry for anyone who is recieving performance issues
Why do people always say "Wow, I wonder why it didn't run as well for you...It ran great for me -lists monster of a machine with a 6800GT- Yet I don't know why." ?
What about us unfortunates with FX5200s?!
xlucidx said:
Why do people always say "Wow, I wonder why it didn't run as well for you...It ran great for me -lists monster of a machine with a 6800GT- Yet I don't know why." ?
What about us unfortunates with FX5200s?!

I thought I was the only one with a 5200! I am getting a ATI 9600 pro (Or XT) next though :thumbs:
xlucidx said:
Why do people always say "Wow, I wonder why it didn't run as well for you...It ran great for me -lists monster of a machine with a 6800GT- Yet I don't know why." ?
What about us unfortunates with FX5200s?!

Well, I just listed my specs because they're actually slightly worse than Freeman's so I was surprised it ran so poorly for him.
since when actually are you supposed to be able to play games with cards that are two years and a half old, especially when they are this shitty? i wasn't bitching about games performance back then when my 2500$ p3 500 with a voodoo3 completely died games-wise after less than three years. i accepted my poorness like a man and baught a ps2. i know i know, life contains hardships. but the payoff today is well :stare: