20 Signs You Might Be A Bush Supporter

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Sep 14, 2003
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We here at the Bush Support Rehabilitation Clinic recently generated a list of twenty indicators of Bush Support, a degenerative mental illness afflicting millions of people in the United States. This list helped thousands in realizing their condition.

In an effort to provide greater assistance to the public health, the following are twenty additional indicators of this illness. As before, if you find yourself agreeing with a majority of these indicators, please seek help as soon as possible. And remember, if you don't get help with us, please, get help somewhere.

1. You think that liberals are to blame for the deaths of U.S. soldiers, and not the people actually killing them or sending them to be killed.

2. You find the death of unborn children abhorrent only when it is the result of a woman's choice and not when it is the result of environmental contamination, malnutrition, lack of prenatal healthcare, or the bombing of civilians.

3. You draw no conclusion whatsoever from the fact that prescription drug prices have risen for senior citizens since President Bush enacted the Medicare prescription drug plan.

4. You think liberals hate U.S. soldiers and want them to die.

5. You support the philosophy of checks and balances in government, but cannot think of any instance in which the Bush administration should be subject to checks or balances in this "time of war."

6. You think President Bush is fighting to protect your freedoms from terrorists, but are willing to give up your freedoms in order to fight terrorists.

7. You think that knowledge of Valerie Plame's status as Joseph Wilson's wife is the same as knowledge of her status as a CIA agent.

8. You believe that as a Christian in the United States, you are a persecuted minority.

9. The death of Israeli civilians at the hands of Palestinian militants or terrorists causes you to rage against the attackers, while the death of Palestinian civilians at the hands of the Israeli military causes you to rage against the liberal media for its anti-Semitic news coverage.

10. You believe that corporate executives care more about the condition of the working class than labor unions.

11. You don't understand the difference between being accused of terrorism and being guilty of terrorism, and therefore do not understand the need for due process in terrorism cases or the outcry against the torture of people who have never been convicted or charged of a crime.

12. You don't think the subjects discussed and the conclusions drawn at Dick Cheney's secret meetings with Enron and other energy industry representatives to form our nation's energy policy are any of your business.

13. You've never heard of the Office of Special Plans or the Project for the New American Century.

14. The name "Hillary Clinton" sends you into a vitriolic diatribe against the senator, yet you cannot identify any of her policy positions.

15. You despise Bill Clinton for not catching or killing Osama Bin Laden prior to the attacks of 9/11, but excuse George W. Bush for not catching or killing Osama Bin Laden prior to or after the attacks of 9/11.

16. In the Bible, you find no exception to the proclamation in the Book of Leviticus that it is an abomination for a man to lie with a man, but find a vast number of exceptions to the commandment "Thou shalt not kill."

17. You find yourself willing to devote yourself to protecting the well-being of unborn children, but uninterested in the well-being of children after they're born or their mothers at any stage.

18. You do not believe that falling middle class income and rising corporate executive compensation is class warfare against the working class, but do believe that mentioning this fact is class warfare against the rich.

19. You despise the liberal media for its constant lies and distortions, but believe any and all reports from the media that sets President Bush in a positive light.

20. You proudly display a bumper sticker to "support the troops," but consider discussions of inadequate body armor, strategy, veteran's benefits, and soldier pay to be nothing more than liberal whining.

Original: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x1745334
hehe, good list. Luckily I don't fit into any of those positions.

:LOL: :thumbs:


2 points for using vitriolic in a sentence, too.
It's somewhat sad that this list sums up many of the republicans that I know...
Here is the original:

Friends, you might be concerned that you are afflicted with Bush Support. We here at the Bush Support Rehabilitation Clinic have assembled twenty indicators of this degenerative mental illness. If you find yourself agreeing with a majority of these indicators, please seek help as soon as possible. And remember, if you don't get help with us, please, get help somewhere.

1. You believe that leaking the CIA status of Valerie Plame, a "NOC" working on nuclear proliferation issues, was a heroic act, while you believe that the publishing of Bush's SWIFT monitoring activities by the New York Times was treason, eventhough it was a matter of public record.

2. You believe that you will stop loving your husband or wife and get a divorce if the two gay dudes down the street are allowed to get married.

3. You have no problem with voting machines being made by private corporations owned and operated by Bush supporters who claim that their programming code may not be inspected by anyone, make it impossible to perform recounts, operate elections in such a way that they can be manipulated while leaving no evidence whatsoever, and that we should all just "trust them."

4. You believe that the Jack Abramoff scandal is a bipartisan controversy.

5. You believe that Mexicans are to blame for stealing your jobs when corporations export hundreds of thousands of manufacturing, textile, and service jobs to Mexico, South America, China, Taiwan, and India.

6. You believe that "everyone" thought Saddam had WMD prior to the Iraq War.

7. You believe that one day we will find the last terrorist on earth and kill them.

8. You believe that in a time of war, the President may search and seize without a warrant, may deprive persons of life and liberty without due process of law, may detain persons indefinitely without trial or counsel, and keep all these actions away from the review of Congress and the Judiciary.

9. You earn the minimum wage and applaud Republicans for rejecting proposals to raise it.

10. You blame high gas prices on environmentalists.

11. You think President Bush should invade Iran, a country nearly four times the size and population of Iraq.

12. You think NAFTA was good for America eventhough you haven't really noticed cheaper prices for cars or other products made in Mexico.

13. Even though men have been released from Guantanamo Bay with no charges against them, you think everyone in Guantanamo Bay is a terrorist who should stay there forever without trial.

14. You think the best way to improve public schools is to reduce their funding.

15. You think Creationism is science.

16. You think liberals are responsible for all the troubles in the United States when all three branches of government are controlled by conservative Republicans, as is our economy.

17. You believe our nation's forefathers desired to establish a Christian nation, but accidentally left that part out of the Constitution, and didn't really mean that part about not "respecting an establishment of religion."

18. You think American soldiers have died throughout our history to protect a colorful piece of rectangular cloth, and not the rights it symbolizes.

19. You can't locate Iraq on a world map.

And perhaps the most serious indicator:

20. You believe that the violence in the Middle East is the will of God acting though George W. Bush, His most cherished vessel, and that the turmoil portends the coming End Times, when you and other Bush Supporters will vanish and ascend to Heaven while the Anti-Christ establishes a worldwide peace back on earth.
That was stupidly stereotypical and ignorant, nice going on copying and pasting that forward there :)
What about this one:

You believe Fox news is an accurate and decisive way to get information.
That was stupidly stereotypical and ignorant, nice going on copying and pasting that forward there :)

Have you read some of the posts on this board by right wingers. I think these fit them perfectly.
Have you read some of the posts on this board by right wingers. I think these fit them perfectly.

There aren't many right wingers here to speak of...... like what, 5?
That was stupidly stereotypical and ignorant, nice going on copying and pasting that forward there :)

I agree. It's not so much that I support Bush, in that I would rather him over Kerry. /shrug
I agree. It's not so much that I support Bush, in that I would rather him over Kerry. /shrug

BUT BUSH HAD ROYALLY ****ED UP BEFORE THE 2004 ELECTION AND YOU STILL VOTED HIM BACK IN!!!!! Voting that prick back in was encouraging a failed administration with disastrous policies. Why not try something new instead of following these intensely corrupt criminals? Plus, the debates between Kerry and Bush made it obvious who the smarter candidate was. If people had actually watched it instead of some other stupid reality show, they would have seen what a dolt Bush is.

The stupidity of America is unbelievable. WAKE THE **** UP PEOPLE!!!!
more like "20 Signs you might be Rush Limbaugh"
more like "20 Signs you might be Rush Limbaugh"

I think the list would have to be amended to accomodate a statement about being addicted to pain killers and using Viagra.