2007 Exclusive games by platform list


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

I thought I'd post this and let you console fanboys duke it out as to which console is more superfantastic than the rest

I'll just post the ones that havent been released yet:

Xbox 360:

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures
Alan Wake
All Points Bulletin
Banjo-Kazooie 3
Blazing Angels: Secret Missions
Blue Dragon
Castle Wolfenstein
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Cry On
Culdcept Saga
Dance Dance Revolution Universe
Dead or Alive Code: Cronus
Earth Defense Force 2017
Eternal Sonata
Fable 2
Far East of Eden Ziria
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
Forza Motorsport 2
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Hour of Victory
Infinite Undiscovery
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
Left 4 Dead
Lost Odyssey
Marvel Universe Online
Mass Effect
Mobile Ops: The One Year War
Postal III
Project Gotham Racing 4
Project Progressive
Project Sylpheed
Tenchu Z
Tetris Evolution
Tom Clancy?s Splinter Cell 5
Too Human
Two Worlds


Angel Rings
Coded Arms: Assault
DC Universe
Devil May Cry 4
Driver 5
Eight Days
Eye of Judgment
Fifth Phantom Saga
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Gran Turismo 5
Heavenly Sword
Hot Shots Golf 5
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Monster Kingdom
Ratchet & Clank 5
Tekken 6
The Getaway 3
Uncharted: Drake?s Fortune
White Knight Story


Alien Syndrome
BWii: Battalion Wars 2
Big Brain Academy
Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting
Bust-A-Move Bash!
Cooking Mama: Cook Off
Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
Dewy's Adventure
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Donkey Kong Next-Gen
DK Bongo Blast
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Escape From Bug Island
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
Final Furlong
Fire Emblem
Forever Blue
Godzilla: Unleashed
Kororinpa: Marble Mania
Line Rider
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
My Sims
Naruto: Clash of Ninja Wii
No More Heroes
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Samurai Slash
Space Station Tycoon
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
Tamagotchi Party On!
Wii Music
Wing Island

to be fair some of the games for 360 on the list arent really exclusive because they're coming to pc as well ..but this list is about console exclusivity. PS3 has very little exclusives (I expect two reactions: "in your face sony" and "not another sony bashing? you're just jealous" type comments
Thankfully, it looks like all the good ones on the 360 list are coming to PC, which means I still don't need one.
Ps3 is quite small in comparison to the others
The 360 list looks sexy. Only things that marginally interest me with the PS3 is MGS4 and Killzone, and that's mainly because I'm curious if these franchises can provide better than their relatively shite preceding releases...

Didn't bother looking at the Wii list since I have absolutely no interest.
Alan Wake, Bioshock, C&C3, Mass Effect, Halo 3/Halo Wars, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Wolfenstein... ****ing hell. Awesome.

And for the record, I don't care about exclusives. I care more about punching myself in the face, this selection here just looks like it's going to make a great year for games. Them being exclusive means nothing to me, and I'd be quite concerned if it meant anything to anyone.
well they obviously must mean something to someone; specifically those who dont have the console the game is exclusive to ...Mass effect for example is an exclusive which I find troubling as it looks really good ..but I'm not buying a 360 just for one game
its weird how theres so many games yet I like none of them....minus the ones slated to come out soon

PC games > console bs
The 360 list looks sexy. Only things that marginally interest me with the PS3 is MGS4 and Killzone, and that's mainly because I'm curious if these franchises can provide better than their relatively shite preceding releases...

Didn't bother looking at the Wii list since I have absolutely no interest.

Killzone is the shit, the speech at the start is just immense.
well they obviously must mean something to someone; specifically those who dont have the console the game is exclusive to ...Mass effect for example is an exclusive which I find troubling as it looks really good ..but I'm not buying a 360 just for one game
I thought there was something about Mass Effect coming to PC anyway...
Thankfully, it looks like all the good ones on the 360 list are coming to PC, which means I still don't need one.

God bless the PC, hallowed be its coding language; Clearly the superior gaming platform. Amen.
I thought there was something about Mass Effect coming to PC anyway...

hasnt been announced ..and even then knowing bioware's rep (it took 2 years for Jade Empire to make it to pc ) I'm not holding my breath
Killzone is the shit, the speech at the start is just immense.

Ehh... I thought it was mediocre in nearly every regard. Certainly not the kind of material I'd use for a "Killer App" on a new console.
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Whats this "versus" thing? D:
well they obviously must mean something to someone; specifically those who dont have the console the game is exclusive to ...Mass effect for example is an exclusive which I find troubling as it looks really good ..but I'm not buying a 360 just for one game

I worded what I said wrong - I meant I don't care if the games coming to the 360 (ala, Mass Effect) go anywhere else, like to the PC or PS3, etc. I've seen way too many people get annoyed when a 'exclusive' game on one format goes somewhere else. Quite worrying, an odd and quite sad form of elitism, ebven.
All we need is for MGS4 to get its ass over to the 360 and we are in business.
The PS3 has a lot more good exclusive games than the 360. These are all AAA games that can only be found on PS3. I took out the shitty games.

Devil May Cry 4
Driver 5
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Gran Turismo 5
Heavenly Sword
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Ratchet & Clank 5
Tekken 6
The Getaway 3
Uncharted: Drake?s Fortune
White Knight Story

These are the AAA 360 games that aren't coming to PC. Some of these, like Fable 2, Halo 3, and Mass Effect will be ported to PC eventually. Also, IMO, the caliber of these games is significantly less than the PS3 exclusives - the only game on this list I would even buy is Mass Effect (which looks absolutely amazing, I love Bioware).

Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie 3
Blue Dragon
Dead or Alive Code: Cronus
Forza Motorsport 2
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect
Project Gotham Racing 4
Too Human

The 360 is only a great console if you don't already own a good PC. If you do then it's a bit redundant.
Xbox 360:
Alan Wake
Banjo-Kazooie 3
Forza Motorsport 2
Halo 3
Halo Wars (PC version please :))
Left 4 Dead (PC version for me, but its on the list :p)
Mass Effect

Final Fantasy XIII
Gran Turismo 5
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (if its anything like the first then yes please!)
Killzone (maybe)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

BWii: Battalion Wars 2
Donkey Kong Next-Gen
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
Wing Island

I want those please :) So little time :(
And of all those AAA PS3 games, not a single one looks appealing.
Xbox 360:

Alan Wake
Banjo-Kazooie 3
Fable 2
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Lost Odyssey
Marvel Universe Online
Mass Effect
Postal III
Too Human


DC Universe
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
L.A. Noire


BWii: Battalion Wars 2
Dewy's Adventure
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Donkey Kong Next-Gen
DK Bongo Blast
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers
Fire Emblem
Forever Blue
Line Rider
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
My Sims
No More Heroes
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Space Station Tycoon
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
Wii Music
Wii Health (They forgot this one *shrug*)

That is my list of games I want. I know which are my two top consoles. :p
I have nothing against the PS3 (well.. a bit) but nothing appeals to me on it. :cheese:
And of all those AAA PS3 games, not a single one looks appealing.

Haha, well then you have very peculiar tastes.

It's pretty hard to believe that someone wouldn't find any of those games appealing. I get the feeling that if one of the games you happened to be looking forward to on 360 or PC was a PS3 exclusive then it probably wouldn't be too appealing either, right?
the list is console exclusive ..there's a lot of pc games in the 360 list
Haha, well then you have very peculiar tastes.

It's pretty hard to believe that someone wouldn't find any of those games appealing. I get the feeling that if one of the games you happened to be looking forward to on 360 or PC was a PS3 exclusive then it probably wouldn't be too appealing either, right?

Quite wrong.

Never been a fan of Tekken. Never been a fan of Gran Turismo or any other racing game (except Mario Kart ftw). I've long since stopped caring about Capcom titles. The FF series should die already. Killzone was meh, and the MGS series is overrated drivel in substitution of actual gameplay.
As for most of the rest, I have either a superficial familiarity with them or I have never heard their names. So I can't really say I'm impressed at all with the line-up. Ports or not, a side by side comparison between the 360 and PS3 titles leaves me favoring Microsoft's console. Not that I didn't already.
The only games that appeal to me for the PS3 are MGS4 and Killzone 2. Out of the list Scott posted, nothing else there appeals to me (Final Fantasy, Tekken, Ratchet... etc, never liked any of them either way, except FF7) or I've not heard of/not looked into (Warhawk, White Knight, Heavenly Sword) Who knows? Perhaps those latter games may look good to me, I'll have to have a look around, but until then it's going to take more than that anyway.

Alot of the games for the 360 coming out that will eventually be going to PC later in the year(s) means little to me. My PC can no way handle any of them, and I'd rather just have a 360 where I can play my games straight away in great form without the hassle of upgrading every now and again. People probably think different - some would rather upgrade - that's fine with me. It's just not my thing.
Alot of the games for the 360 coming out that will eventually be going to PC later in the year(s) means little to me. My PC can no way handle any of them, and I'd rather just have a 360 where I can play my games straight away in great form without the hassle of upgrading every now and again. People probably think different - some would rather upgrade - that's fine with me. It's just not my thing.
I figure I'm going to need an upgrade for Crysis anyway, might as well.
Well, Crysis doesn't intrest me that much anyway :p But yeah, if it did, then I'd probably upgrade for it then get games like Bioshock, Alan Wake, etc to follow on. But because I chose to get the 360, I've really no need for a PC for gaming as I'll do it all on my 360.

The only reason I'd like to upgrade is for Project Reality with BF2. That's it, really, but that wouldn't require a beastie upgrade (for min spec, which is fine for me)
Alot of the games for the 360 coming out that will eventually be going to PC later in the year(s) means little to me. My PC can no way handle any of them, and I'd rather just have a 360 where I can play my games straight away in great form without the hassle of upgrading every now and again.

Ditto. The argument that "Oh, they'll be PC ports eventually" is so freakin' hollow that it makes me want to gouge out the eyes of anybody who uses it. The implied statement is that everybody has the cash or will to upgrade their PCs into supercomputers to run their games, which is ridiculous. So Mass Effect, Bioshock, and other 360 titles will come to PC as well. Will I be able to run them? No, so why should I care.

This ****ing unspoken pretense that a console is somehow less valid because its titles will appear on multiple systems is bogus.
Alot of the games for the 360 coming out that will eventually be going to PC later in the year(s) means little to me. My PC can no way handle any of them, and I'd rather just have a 360 where I can play my games straight away in great form without the hassle of upgrading every now and again.

it's not a hassle, I enjoy it/look forward to upgrading my rig ..this time next year there'll be vid cards with 1g of memory, 2gs in the near future ..in a year or two intel octo cores (8 cpus smushed together) will be out, etc etc ...leaving the 360 and ps3 in the dust with each new technology ...I'll always have the option of enjoying the latest technology today when a game I want has it: whether it's gameplay or graphics it'll come to pc first ..not 5 years from now when the next iteration of xbox is ready to hit the shelves.

and why do you guys insist on implying that the only way possible to play pc games is with the latest greatest pc? People with ati 9600 could play Oblivion for gods sakes ..you can buy a 1950xt for less than $200, which is a great card ..heck you can even buy a 8800gts for $329 which gives you dx10 and outperforms 2 7900gts in sli ..a decent rig that will run every single game for at least 2 years at medium to high settings should cost no more than $1000 ..I can probably build one for about $500

oh and crysis is probably coming to ps3 (rumour started by devs at GDC) ..wonder if ps3 fanboys will buy it now
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Whats this "versus" thing? D:

Versus is a spin off set in the same universe.
it's not a hassle, I enjoy it/look forward to upgrading my rig ..this time next year there'll be vid cards with 1g of memory, 2gs in the near future ..in a year or two intel octo cores (8 cpus smushed together) will be out, etc etc ...leaving the 360 and ps3 in the dust with each new technology ...I'll always have the option of enjoying the latest technology today when a game I want has it: whether it's gameplay or graphics it'll come to pc first ..not 5 years from now when the next iteration of xbox is ready to hit the shelves.

and why do you guys insist on implying that the only way possible to play pc games is with the latest greatest pc? People with ati 9600 could play Oblivion for gods sakes ..you can buy a 1950xt for less than $200, which is a great card ..heck you can even buy a 8800gts for $329 which gives you dx10 and outperforms 2 7900gts in sli ..a decent rig that will run every single game for at least 2 years at medium to high settings should cost no more than $1000 ..I can probably build one for about $500

Good for you if it's not a hassle. I personally don't care/have time/really want to do it. :)

I'm sorry, 200/300 dollars (whatever that translates to pounds, equally a similar number) may be cheap to you, but I don't just have that sort of money. To me, I value ?20 quid, which I then want to spend on as much cheap DVD's/CD's as I can. I imagine I would do the exact same with ?200, except throw in a few games, too. If I had a job I might, but I've really no intrest in getting job to get money so I can upgrade my PC to play Oblivion. You know why? Because I can play Oblivion now in a top form on my 360. :)

EDIT: Just looking at the post again - a thousand dollars?! Again, not sure on the translation of pounds for us Brits, but christ it's still a big number. I like my video games, but not that much. I mean, by the end of this year I'll have spent just under a thousand on my 360 and at least 10/12 games for it, aswell as equipment like Play and Charge, etc, but that's in small intervals, like a game every 2/3 months. I am seriously not up to paying upwards of a thousand all at once just so I can get the latest technology.

Waiting 5 years for the next console suits me fine - in the last 5 years, theres only been two PC title that I have played and owned - Half-Life 2 (which I now play on my Xbox for better graphics) and BF2, the latter which I don't even own, I've just played at a mates. Says something, doesn't it? And as for the next few years? Well, it turns out all the games coming out for PC that intrest me are coming out for 360. See a pattern here? Huzzah! :D
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

The only real reason to own a PS3. And that's coming from someone who has had every Sony console (obviously minus a PS3) to date! Hell, the only incentive for me to get a PS2 was for MGS 2... go figure :D
Good for you if it's not a hassle. I personally don't care/have time/really want to do it. :)

personal preference

I'm sorry, 200/300 dollars (whatever that translates to pounds, equally a similar number) may be cheap to you, but I don't just have that sort of money. To me, I value ?20 quid, which I then want to spend on as much cheap DVD's/CD's as I can. I imagine I would do the exact same with ?200, except throw in a few games, too. If I had a job I might, but I've really no intrest in getting job to get money so I can upgrade my PC to play Oblivion. You know why? Because I can play Oblivion now in a top form on my 360. :)

well it'll look/perform better on pc ;) ...but again I think you hit the nail on the head when you said it's not for you ..personal preference: everybody has a limit as to what they're willing to spend for a gaming platform ..I prefer pc becase I get to decide, not some corporation that has it's bottom dollar in mind ...I mean we've gone from free everything for gaming to being micro-transactioned to death in a few short years ..and that's largely to do with the business model tighting up to plug the profitability leaks like free online multiplayer, player built mods that can mean gamers wont purchase the next game because with a few mods they can get a whole new experience ..I mean look how poorly Oblivion mods are doing for the pc ..for the 360 they actually sell fairly well ..not so with pc ..there's equal or more player built mods that are just as popular or more so than the official ones ...console players dont have the luxury of an open system ....but I digress

Waiting 5 years for the next console suits me fine - in the last 5 years, theres only been two PC title that I have played and owned - Half-Life 2 (which I now play on my Xbox for better graphics) and BF2, the latter which I don't even own, I've just played at a mates. Says something, doesn't it?

not really ..it says something about your taste in games ...in the last 5 years I've purchased exactly 3 games for my xbox yet dozens of games for my pc ...console games just dont offer me as much ..again personal preference

And as for the next few years? Well, it turns out all the games coming out for PC that intrest me are coming out for 360. See a pattern here? Huzzah! :D

not really ..there'll always be games that cant be ported to either side ..and if you're suggesting pc gaming is dying to be replaced by consoles you're not only wrong you're also doing a disservice to gaming in general: I'm not a fan of closed systems that dictate how, when and with whom you will play. Gaming has gone from this grass roots democratic type of entertainment to a publisher/console manufacturer controlled enviroment played by their rules.

Sure there's inherent advantages disadvantages for each platfom avaiable however to negate a segment of gaming just because you get nothing from it is just pandering to an artificial exclusionism that's largely created by the console manufacturers themselves

anyways I'm digressing again
personal preference

Exactly, which is why I said it in the first place. ;)

well it'll look/perform better on pc ;) ...but again I think you hit the nail on the head when you said it's not for you ..personal preference: everybody has a limit as to what they're willing to spend for a gaming platform ..I prefer pc becase I get to decide, not some corporation that has it's bottom dollar in mind ...I mean we've gone from free everything for gaming to being micro-transactioned to death in a few short years ..and that's largely to do with the business model tighting up to plug the profitability leaks like free online multiplayer, player built mods that can mean gamers wont purchase the next game because with a few mods they can get a whole new experience ..I mean look how poorly Oblivion mods are doing for the pc ..for the 360 they actually sell fairly well ..not so with pc ..there's equal or more player built mods that are just as popular or more so than the official ones ...console players dont have the luxury of an open system ....but I digress

Personally, I see Oblivion on my 360 as a fantastic looking game. If it can go better, then cool, but for now, I'm in love with it's visuals, and they do me fine. I'm not paying extra just for a few visual enchancements when, to me, they please me already. As for mods... meh, not really an intrest to me. I picked up Oblivion for ?20 and that's a fine price for me.

not really ..it says something about your taste in games ...in the last 5 years I've purchased exactly 3 games for my xbox yet dozens of games for my pc ...console games just dont offer me as much ..again personal preference

What do you mean, ''not really''? What I said isn't a fact, it's my opinion: my opinion that over the last few years, I (<< EMPHASIS!) have seen not alot intresting for the PC, just like you haven't seen anything intresting on the Xbox. I can live with that, it's not my problem, I really don't care. Exactly, personal prefence. Bingo.

not really ..there'll always be games that cant be ported to either side ..and if you're suggesting pc gaming is dying to be replaced by consoles you're not only wrong you're also doing a disservice to gaming in general: I'm not a fan of closed systems that dictate how, when and with whom you will play. Gaming has gone from this grass roots democratic type of entertainment to a publisher/console manufacturer controlled enviroment played by their rules.

Erm, I'm not suggesting that at all. Also, I'm in no way even meaning anything to do with porting. I do not care if a game I enjoy on my 360 goes to PS3 or PC or whatever. It's not my problem. I'm saying that theres no point in me getting a good PC/upgrading when all the games that will come out for it are coming out for the 360. Likewise with PC games a few years ago. I say games, I mean game - Half Life 2 to be exact. Yeah, I got it for PC, then couldn't play it no longer because of bad performance issues. Low and behold, it came out for the Xbox after, where I can now play it in a great looking form with no issues. The same is going to apply for, say, Bioshock. It'll hit PC, but I don't want to shell out 300 hundred quid so it will run good on my PC. I'd rather pay 40 quid and have it play awesomely already on my 360. Hmm?

EDIT: Oh, and **** the peusdo bullshit about what the developers are thinking, stopping/doing/etc or what I'm doing to 'gaming in general' because of my negative opinions. **** that right off. I couldn't give a damn. I play games to relax and for entertainment, and I've always gotten that out of games I have bought.
I really find dumb PC fanboys bashing consoles

"lolz PC ruelz cuz you need like more inteligence cuz you hav to press like much buttons and in console you hav to press 2 lolololol"

is obvious that the PC is much a better choice for gaming for all the stated reason
PC fanboys just like to inlfate theyr ego

and the only reason I got to buy a ps3 is for the sequels of the games that every ps1/2 owner know
Titles I KNOW I want (excluding the titles that come to PC as well):

Xbox 360: 3

PS3: 3

Wii: 7
Why Godzilla gotta be Wii exclusive? :frown:

The only game on the PS3 that are really interesting are Lair MotorStorm.
Ditto. The argument that "Oh, they'll be PC ports eventually" is so freakin' hollow that it makes me want to gouge out the eyes of anybody who uses it. The implied statement is that everybody has the cash or will to upgrade their PCs into supercomputers to run their games, which is ridiculous. So Mass Effect, Bioshock, and other 360 titles will come to PC as well. Will I be able to run them? No, so why should I care.

This ****ing unspoken pretense that a console is somehow less valid because its titles will appear on multiple systems is bogus.

It's not hollow at all. If you don't have a relatively new PC then a 360 is a good choice. There are a lot of games on there that you can't get on PS3. If you do own a decent PC, or plan on getting one/upgrading in the near future, then the 360 would not be such a good choice.

While it may not affect you, it does affect some people and influence their buying decisions. For instance, I know that within the next year I am going to upgrade to a much better computer that will last me a few years. When I do this, pretty much all the 360 games I want will be available to me. That is a huge factor in why I chose to get a PS3 over a 360.

I did not say that the 360 was somehow useless because the majority of its' good exclusives are available in better form on PC - I said it makes owning both a high end PC and a 360 redundant. With a PS3/Wii, you get a totally unique selection of games ... with the 360 you get mostly overlap and a few true exclusives (which I personally don't care for).