2007 Exclusive games by platform list

No, it's simply listed as being exclusive to 360 rather than the other consoles. It's still up for pc.
Some stonking games coming out over the next year or so. I can count a good 20 or so coming out for the Wii and 360 that are must haves for me, and good few that are coming out for the PS3 that look very tasty (if only it wasn't ?400+ in the UK :/)

In regards to the 360 and pc sharing quite a few titles - the simple fact is it's alot cheaper to play these games at decent settings on the 360 (I also feel the majority of these are more suited to a pad/big tv). To buy a new pc worthy of the latest greatest you'd have to fork out enough cash to buy a 360, Wii and PS3. There just aren't enough pc exclusives to make that kind of expenditure seem worth while to me, infact, the PS3 seems like a gaming bargain in comparison.
The games that i will be buying!

Alan Wake - PC or 360?
BioShock - PC
Castle Wolfenstein
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - PC
Dance Dance Revolution Universe
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - Not sure but it looks very interesting.
Left 4 Dead - PC
Mass Effect - PC OR 360 Cant decide! Those achievements are getting me hooked!
Tom Clancy?s Splinter Cell 5
Too Human

PS3 Games:

Devil May Cry 4
Driver 5
Final Fantasy XIII
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Wii Games:

Mario Party 8
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy

Damn thats a lot of games, and many more on pc.....
I hate you all for having monies.

If I had monies, I would be getting:

Fire Emblem
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Twilight Princess

HL2:Ep2 (if it's out this year)

More when I think about it. -_-
Wow. Some seriously tasty games are coming out in the next year or so. I say "or so" because many of these likely will be pushed into '08 unfortunately.

The 360 list is very deceiving though with all of the PC titles in it. Still, if those cross-platform games perform as well on the 360 as they do on the PC then its a remarkable bargain for most of us who still need to update their GPUs, RAM, and CPUs.

That said, I am still a bigger fan of the PS3s titles. I have grown to love most of those series and the next iteration of them should all prove to be incredible experiences. The new series look amazing too, with games like White Knight Story , Lair and Afrika leading the way there.

Mass Effect and Fable 2 have LOADS of promise and it will likely be worth the purchase price of a 360 just for those 2 but if the latest Bioshock vid really was 360 footage, then my mind is made up already. I just hope the UIs for these titles aren't gimped for consoles like Oblivion's was....
360 FTW!!! Im sorry but 360's list is just so much better IMO!
I look at it, and I think... nah...

Srsly, only two games on there I might conceivably want are Mass Effect and Fable 2.