2014 Hammer/Source 2.0 Content Analysis


Dec 30, 2012
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This thread is obsolete, please visit this version instead

Source 2.0 confirmed by SteamDB (http://goo.gl/5cdaQH)

Dota 2 Source1 vs Source2 Cvar List (https://www.diffchecker.com/kjbjtvor)

All tools are currently running on 64-bit, 32-bit support coming soon

.vmf's are now .vmap (Valve Map)
.vtf's are now .vtex (Valve Texture)
.vmt's are now .vmat (Valve Material)

Hammer 2 Features:
View Options:
-2D Top
-2D Side
-2D Front
-3D Wireframe
-3D Fullbright (http://i.imgur.com/tS7GB6i.jpg)
-3D All Lighting (Real-time lighting?) (http://i.imgur.com/VC9Ets3.jpg)

Hammer 2, by default, only has 2 viewports

You can now select objects by its: Vertex, Edge, Face, Mesh, or Groups

There is now an Undo History

Object Properties are now located on the bottom right (by default)
Selecting an object will reveal its properties based on what it is (Entity or block)

A new assets browser can be used to view and modify Materials, Overlays, Models, Particles, and Prefabs

There is a new scaling tool, allowing for more easier scaling of objects

Editing prefabs while viewing the parent map is now possible (Image)

The Hammer size limit is still the same (32768x32768 units), it could be increased as newer Source 2.0 builds are released

The 3D view for hammer now renders a grid

Loading a map with missing textures now shows a red wireframe instead of a white blank block

.vmf (Source 1) files can still be opened and edited. It is currently unknown if you are able to save it as a .vmf.

Everything done in Hammer is real-time, allowing for faster compiling times (Similar to Unreal Engine)

The Dota 2 Tile Editor allows for Starcraft-like map making, entities such as spawns, still need to be loaded from a prefab or created from scratch

Mr. Obsolete, now in HD! http://imgur.com/Ro0aK5O

New Hammer Icon! http://imgur.com/G9IbgjH

Textures for Source 2.0:
vmat is the new replacement for vmt's
.vmat example:

    shader "generic.vfx"

    //---- Color ----
    g_vColorTint "[1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000]"
    g_vTexCoordOffset "[0.000 0.000]"
    g_vTexCoordScale "[1.000 1.000]"
    TextureColor "materials/dev/reflectivity_40_color.tga"

    //---- Lighting ----
    g_vGlossinessRange "[0.000 1.000]"
    TextureGlossiness "materials/default/default_gloss.tga"

    //---- Normal Map ----
    g_flBumpStrength "1.000"
    g_vNormalTexCoordScale "[1.000 1.000]"
    TextureNormal "materials/default/default_normal.tga"

Texture Editor Screenshot: http://imgur.com/RykfHXw

Sound Editor for Source 2.0:
Neogaf members have discovered bits of code hinting to a Sound Editor within the SDK
At the time of writing, a useable Sound Editor in the SDK is not available

Left 4 Dead 3!:
L4D3 files in core located in core folder of dota_ugc
Left 4 Dead 3 files found! climb.vmat (http://imgur.com/3HqIpA0)
Neogaf and other sources reports L4D3 code in many vscripts
A flashlight texture file in the "effects" hint to a similar flashlight as the ones in previous Left 4 Dead
A fair ticket can be found in the "particles" similar to Left 4 Dead 2's "Dark Carnival" Campaign

Team Fortress:
Thumbnails to the "Meet the Medic" Short are in the core files
A heal sign icon can be found in the "particles" folder in the core files

Source 2.0 Features:
There are folders in the workshop tools that point to "win64" with .dll files hinting to Source 2

Folder Location: %steamdir%/common/dota 2 beta/dota_ugc/game/bin/win64

-mss64.dll (hinting to 64-bit)
-vconsole.dll (The new console featuring Breen)

Console screenshot: http://imgur.com/kjJTbl3

Custom scripts are now programmed in lua

In-Game Time?
One of the changes made to the Workshop tools exposed
Hinting to a possible in-game time (such as night-time, day-time, etc.)

Other Notes:
The tools version of Dota 2 runs on Source 2.0 (http://imgur.com/aSnpvnm)
Using the "quit" command on the console can cause up to a 1-5 minute hang
.vmap files must be put inside the addon folder to work ingame

More to come...

Here's the video I promised at the beginning:
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Source 2.0 features a new console The icon is a portrait of Dr. Breen from Half-Life 2

Got any images of that? I'd love to see if it's new art or not.

L4D3 files in core located in core folder of dota_ugcLeft 4 Dead 3 files found! climb.vmat (http://imgur.com/3HqIpA0)

Yeah, that probably won't be in there for long, haha. That's some interesting squash-and-stretch on those "climb the wall here" textures, looks like they'll be animated like grabbing hands.
Interesting bits, we're waiting for more :) Hammer is still not really stable right now ? Well, at least we know there is progress ( hehehe ). Anyway good luck (y)
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Source 2.0 features a new console The icon is a portrait of Dr. Breen from Half-Life 2
For anyone wondering, it's just a joke. Dr. Breen was known as the "Consul" during the development of Half-Life 2 before being renamed "The Administrator".
Yeah, haha, I figured. It's a good joke. "Portrait" just made me think it might've been art and not a screenshot.

Thanks for the screens, guys!
To clarify: when you say "this version of Dota 2 runs on Source 2", do you mean that with this latest update, the game has been ported to Source 2 and is running on the new engine right now when you load it up? Or do you mean something else?
To clarify: when you say "this version of Dota 2 runs on Source 2", do you mean that with this latest update, the game has been ported to Source 2 and is running on the new engine right now when you load it up? Or do you mean something else?
Thanks for pointing that out, the tools version of Dota 2 runs on Source 2.0
Interesting bits, we're waiting for more :) Hammer is still not really stable right now ? Well, at least we know there is progress ( hehehe ). Anyway good luck (y)
I used the new Hammer for about 2 hours (no pun intended) today, didn't crash once, however saving map files often causes 5-10 second hangs.
Thanks for creating this thread, it's an interesting read.