2014: The day of Reckoning

I like this part:

"In the unlikely event of it hitting the Earth, the rock would have the force of 350,000 mega tonnes - around eight million times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb."

Why is it so unlikely?

We, as a human race need to get off our high horse's and realize that there's really nothing we can do about it either way. We aren't God's so as we can proclaim immortalization.
Well, the Mayans predicted that there would be a drastic change in the world on December 23, 2012. Could this be it?
Ok, this was posted agaes ago. But anyway...

But they say the probability of it hitting Earth is just 1 in 909,000 and the risk of impact is likely to decrease as they collect more information.

Having quoted that...i think there could be every chance the world might end then. Who knows....who really cares? I mean, we either live or die, nothing we can do.
If there turns out to be a really good chance of and asteroid hitting earth then it would actually be a good thing as long as we end up safe in the end. The reason is because of the massive amount of effort that we as a race would have to pour into a project in order to save the human race. That would mean more unity, andincredible amounts of new technology comming at a very rapid pace. Essentially we would be forced into a new era that would most likely be for the better once the threat was over.

I say we need an asteroid that will hit us in 30 years unless we do something about it.
Yeah you make a good point. Things like the space race and as you mentioned, a fight to save humanity especially, will always result in prosperity, and positive outcomes.
"For the first time in the history of the world, a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction."
It will be interesting to see what the next 100 years hold (Yes i plan on living that long :)) What amazing discoveries will we....discover? How fast will technology advance? I cant believe its going to be 2004 in only a few weeks. Not long ago 2004 seemed so long away. I was talking to my mum a while back (She is 54) about the year 2000 (yes...a long while back) and she was saying that people just couldnt imagine what living in the year 2000 would be like, even up until the mid 90's people never thought they would live to see the year 2000.
ROD said:
"For the first time in the history of the world, a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction."

If that technology is anything like one in movie Armageddon, we are doomed.
I thought this was dis-proven a long time ago.

Whatever, if it happens It'll be cool to watch.
I want an asteroid to land in the middle of the sahara of the ocean (Obviously not big enough to cuase a huge cloud or tsunami that would cover the globe) and for there to be cameras. How cool would it be to see it in real life.

Anyone else ever imagine themselves in the doomsday scenario? For instance, everyone has vanished apart from a select few. Or, a virus devastates most of the world. Something like that.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah you make a good point. Things like the space race and as you mentioned, a fight to save humanity especially, will always result in prosperity, and positive outcomes.

Except the space race was part of a huge build up of a nuclear arsenol for the major super powers of the world as well.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Anyone else ever imagine themselves in the doomsday scenario? For instance, everyone has vanished apart from a select few. Or, a virus devastates most of the world. Something like that.

I would eat all the icecream in the world before it melted.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I want an asteroid to land in the middle of the sahara of the ocean (Obviously not big enough to cuase a huge cloud or tsunami that would cover the globe) and for there to be cameras. How cool would it be to see it in real life.

Anyone else ever imagine themselves in the doomsday scenario? For instance, everyone has vanished apart from a select few. Or, a virus devastates most of the world. Something like that.

Personally, I would rather be one of the people who died in that situation.
I can understand that. I bet after i happened i might think the same thing, then again i would want to be one of the people who carried on the human race. I mean, i cant explain the thoughts going through my head but i dunno, its just one of those things that are interesting to think about...not live of course.
It would be cool to a great big fireball in the sky...apart from the Sun.

If it doesn't hit the Earth though, won't it screw up the gravitational force (i.e. the Earth stops spinning on its axis and then everyone and everything on the Earth are hurled in one direction at over 360km/s). Or evern worse screw up the Moon's orbit and have that collide with the Earth!

I have quite the imagination.
A True Canadian, have you played desert combat in the past couple of days? I saw someone with that name, not sure what day it was.

Imagine if the moon was knocked out of orbit and flew into space. The earths oceans would go pretty funky.
I have never played Desert Combat. Is it any good?

And yes, I'm mainly concerned with gravity at this point. Our oceans would be so screwed up. That would be cool to see it simulated.

(Wouldn't it be cool to have reverse gravity for a day?)
Desert combat is an amazing game, yes it deserves the title gme not just mod. Its way better than BF1942.

Reverse gravity for a day? Hmm, that might be a problem as we would all fly off into space...perhaps people in buildings that were secure might be ok, and planes could fly upside down for a while. If you were underground than that might be alright too.
hmm. well, looks like we're all gonna die. might as well give up on everything now.

yep, civilization is over, folks.
not only would the earths oceans go funky, the earth's weather patterns would change quite a bit. the tide would no longer occur and cause the ocean currents to stop. The warmth/coolness that the moving ocean currents gives to the air would stop and global temperatures would rise because cool air form over the oceans would stop blowing. The polar ice caps would melt and flood most of the world. It would still rain, but it would only occur after a long length of time because of the heat evaporating the flood waters. When it does rain, it will rain for a long ass time, temperatures will drop, but once all of the rain falls and the clouds are gone, the sun will heat the earth and start the cycle over agina. the rise of so much flood water would cause the atmosphere to be pushed out into space a bit more causing the air around whatever remaining surface to become thinner. Uh....i lost my train of thought...
CyberSh33p said:
hmm. well, looks like we're all gonna die. might as well give up on everything now.

yep, civilization is over, folks.

Nah, don't worry, scientists will be all like coming out of their labs and say "WTFUX, WE WAS WRONG IT R NOT HIT US!!!" and then a dumptruck full of penguins will fall on him.
CyberSh33p said:
hmm. well, looks like we're all gonna die. might as well give up on everything now.

yep, civilization is over, folks.

Yep thats right...Might as well just sell up, send all your money to me and move the Australia.
This is an excerpt (what a stupidly spelled word) from a books series called remnants by K.A. Applegate. The description of the impact was quite brilliant. I'll try to get that by tommorow, if you want

"Can't they blow it up?"

D-Caf thought about that for a moment. He trusted Mark, respected him. But at the same time he had always thought his brother lacked imagination. Mark was brilliant, no one argued with that, but he was not an imaginative person.

D-Caf said, "In this old movie I saw on TV, I forget the name, something about an asteroid, anyway, they blew it up. Most of it, anyway."

"It's too big, Hamster. If they were lucky maybe they'd knock a chunk off of it."

D-Caf bit his lip, then bit his thumbnail. "Don't call me Hamster. My name is D-Caf, everyone calls me that. You can call me Harlin if you can't handle D-Caf. Not Hamster."

"Whatever." Mark returned his gaze to the monitor, gazing intently, working, worrying an idea, tapping fitfully at the keys, occasionally muttering a simple spoken command.

D-Caf watched with what minimal patience he could summon. His brother had just announced the end of the world, and he seemed almost uninterested, distracted by the streaming number series on the monitor.

"Aren't they at least going to try?" D-Caf pressed. "I mean, in this old movie they landed on the comet, I mean I think maybe it was a comet, and they were drilling holes down into it and putting nuclear bombs and—"

"Let it go, Hamster. Just let it go, all right?" Mark yelled. He slammed his hands down together on the desktop, sending a souvenir pencil holder from Ocean City crashing to the floor. He leaned over and picked it up, put the pencils back in, and returned the cup to its place.

"Look," Mark said, "it's too big, it's too fast, it's too close. It's about four days away. If you dug a hole right to the center of it and piled every bomb on Earth in there all you'd do is crack it in half and both halves would hit Earth. Or maybe you'd melt some of it, and then we'd get hit by two great big rocks plus a few million cubic yards of molten rock and maybe some nickel and iron. You got the picture? Last big rock that hit Earth drilled a hole about a mile deep and left a crater almost a mile across. You know how big that rock was? One-hundred-fifty feet. Not miles, feet. So guess what? The Rock is coming, the Rock is going to hit, and it's going to be like swinging a sledgehammer into a watermelon."
Hmmm...Swinging a sledgehammer into a watermelon.

I suppose it would be difficult to blow this asteriod up. Precise calculations are needed. Wouldn't that suck if some scientist screwed up the calculations and we all thought we were going to die, and then nothing happens?
A True Canadian said:
I suppose it would be difficult to blow this asteriod up. Precise calculations are needed. Wouldn't that suck if some scientist screwed up the calculations and we all thought we were going to die, and then nothing happens?

Yeah, it would really suck if we found out we were going to live :)
Any of you played Ace Combat 4? The cannon that was built to destroy it was named Stonehenge. Hey, maybe...
I also remember that this was disproven some odd 6-10 months ago.
What, that the cannon in Ace Combat four the was built to destroy...something, wasnt name stonehenge? If is, what is it named.

Or perhaps the asteroid thing. I suspect that some media guy was bored and found an asteroid that could possibly hit the earth, and then he simply made a big thing out of it.
A True Canadian said:
Hmmm...Swinging a sledgehammer into a watermelon.

I suppose it would be difficult to blow this asteriod up. Precise calculations are needed. Wouldn't that suck if some scientist screwed up the calculations and we all thought we were going to die, and then nothing happens?

that would suck. I was planning on having wild sex with total strangers the day b4
[This] has been classified as "an event meriting careful monitoring" by astronomers
:hmph: Nominees for the understatement of the millennium
A rash is an event meriting careful monitoring.
that would suck. I was planning on having wild sex with total strangers the day b4
Surely that would be a good thing if the scientists only realized on the day? :confused:
If everything thinks they're gonna die tomorrow some really wild things would happen the today. But when tomorrow comes and goes and nothing has happened, I think I would have a huge problem :p
Innervision961 said:
cancer stricken boys?
omg I thought I was sick. OK I confess I wouldn't do anything except play scrabble and eat chicken all day. I'm a loser ;(