2142 Knifing


Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Many people are purely knifing for the fun of it, post any pics you may have.

Getting the dogtags makes knifing so much more fun now. Don't know why, there's just something about the noise that plays and seeing the dogtags that makes it so enjoyable.
Its cool because after you receive the person's dogtag, you can check whose dogtags you have. I love this addition.
Not to mention knifing gives you a heck of a lot of points. Ended a round with 97/58/48/15/2.89 spm
Wait, it gives you more than the regular 2 points for a normal kill?!
Oh! A friend just told me, kills are only worth 1 point now. So I guess knifes are worth 2.
Actually, I think that's a good idea. It means that it's more profitable to work with a squad and actually get shit done, as opposed to just running around with a sniper rifle and picking off every slowpoke in view.
Hit detection still sucks shit.
It has a short delay of 0.27 seconds between when you click and when it actually hits. So if your target is trying to sidestep, you will in effect (although you clicked at the right moment) hit thin air. If you are fast enough, aim for the arm on the side you see him moveing and your hit might go where you want it to.

Hit detection is still dodge as the knife is treated like any other virtual bullet.
Some time ago I edited a 5 min clip from a little knife fight I had with two mates. Shows how dodgy the hit detection is.


(sorry for quality, but that's youtube nerfing it; framerate kinda crap after Windows Movie Maker conversion)
Yeah, there's always been bad hit detection. I can't count the number of times I've knifed somebody directly, heard the noise on hit, and not actually killed them.
Well I'm not sure but it could purely be different areas causing different amounts of damage. Stabbing someones foot wouldn't kill them, but it would hurt like hell.
Well I'm not sure but it could purely be different areas causing different amounts of damage. Stabbing someones foot wouldn't kill them, but it would hurt like hell.

A knife kills in one hit always. You never lose a part of your health, it's either you don't get hit at all, or you do and die.
The worse thing is when you jump over some barrier ar them, stab them in the face, then they mow you down! Gah!
Haha, I was playing last night (just downloaded it) and the hit detaection seems a lot better then in bf2. Also, the animation is cooler! lol

But yeah, is it just me, or can you lunge with the knife? I was about 2 metres away from a guy, I swung, and suddenly I jumped forward and hit him in the face? Was a little weird.
Haha, I was playing last night (just downloaded it) and the hit detaection seems a lot better then in bf2.
I noticed that too. Any time I've tried to knife someone in 2142 they've died, as opposed to BF2 where I see the hit, hear the hit, but the enemy doesn't feel the hit or even acknowledge me until I get into his peripheral vision.
I noticed better hit detection, but I still had a few dodgy moments.

It's actually a bit easier to knife now (and snipe BTW) cause the soldiers run slower and sprinting is shorter. Yesterday I knifed two people near a flag, luring them closer to a corner, running at them with a knife and stabbing in the face. I nearly got a 3rd guy, but he was constantly jumping when he saw me try to knife him and this time I think I had an unregistered hit (cause I was close to him when I swinged).
Although, I believe I have discovered the new jet. If you get a mech with a crew of an engineer and a support, the thing is basically indistructable! I had 43 kills and 2 deaths from a walker round. lol
Hmm... something to consider. But I mean, even against tanks. Sure they can nail walkers from a distance, but walkers have the benefit of manouverability. I mean, you can just dodge most of the tank shots, close in and obliterate them with those ultra powerful missle things. The active countermeasures are extremely useful, as long as you time their use right. I mean, I was against an EU mech and 2 tigers and I managed to destroy them all and still have 75 health left. It was an intense fight.

Someone needs to make a MechWarrier mod now... or at least a mod that puts jump jets on the mechs. :P
Meh I can nail walkers as soon as their arses are exposed. One shot to the rear grills and boom.
Sshh...don't ruin it for the whores...

(not that I am one :P)

Haha. Walkers arn't whoring, they are surprisingly easy to take down if they have a stupid pilot, who just walks into a base thinking that walkers are all powerful :P
Leader board - tick dog tags - You can then view the position on the leader board of the all the folks you've knifed.
In the demo I thought the knife hit detection was better than in BF2. Now I think it's actually worse and the animation looks like you have to touch the guy to actually stab him. And I think it takes longer for the knife to "reload".

Yesterday I saw a guy crouched near some boxes, probably looking for me. I approached him, crouched, stabbed, he turned around and sprayed at me killing me. In BF2 I think I would have enough time to stab again.:flame:
The attack is from the center of the screen, that's where your vision should be so missing is pretty difficult unless the servers lagging.