21st birthday, baby!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Ohhhhh yeah. The big two-one.

It was on this day... that I was born 21 years ago. May 9th, 1985.

Now I am old enough to legally drink, old enough to legally gamble. I don't much care about the former, but the latter is what interests me.

This weekend, I am going to be going to Shreveport with my dad and brother, and gambling for the first time. My game of choice? Craps... I love the game.

It's hard to believe I joined this forum back when I was 18. And three years later, I am 21.

Don't let the game play you. Gamble Responsibly.

Please note that gambling in private is illegal.


Happy birthday :D
Happy birthday Raz! Good luck with the gambling!
happy birthday cow man

oh forget the craps ..strippers man 21 is all about the strippers ....unless you meet strippers while gambling ..then it's all good
CptStern said:
happy birthday cow man

oh forget the craps ..strippers man 21 is all about the strippers ....unless you meet strippers while gambling ..then it's all good

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Thanks everybody.
Ikerous said:
I thought 18 was all about the strippers?

depends where you're from ..canada it's either 18 or 19 but in parts of the US (Ny for example) it's 21
In ca its 18 :/
I thought it was 18 everywhere in the us
Lol. 21 to drink. What a load of bs.

CptStern said:
depends where you're from ..canada it's either 18 or 19 but in parts of the US (Ny for example) it's 21

No, the saying here is 18 to party, 21 to drink.
Happy Birthday!
Hope your 21rst B-Day is a great one (If you can remember any of it)
Zeus said:
Lol. 21 to drink. What a load of bs.

No, the saying here is 18 to party, 21 to drink.

I dont get it ...you have to be a certain age to "party"? what does party entail?
CptStern said:
I dont get it ...you have to be a certain age to "party"? what does party entail?

That there will be strippers and sex at the party.
I just got back from Shreveport. It's 200 miles there, 200 miles back. I was driver both times <chuckles> Had that much energy in me.

Anyways... I started with 100 bucks on craps in the Sam's town casino. By the time I quit that first table, which was short... I was up 10 bucks. I quit because I realized it was a weird looking craps table, with all the numbers able to establish a point(i'm used to 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 being points)

So... Went to another casino after that, right nearby. El Dorado(all riverboat casinos). Went and played roulette there... lost 40 bucks. Went and played craps, lost 60 more bucks, for a net loss of 100 bucks in the second casino, total loss 90 bucks.

Went BACK to El Dorado, and won a total of 38 bucks. So only down 52 bucks around then. That was a fun game... there was a guy there, doing some AWESOME rolls. He was making 400 dollar bets on different numbers, at one point he won thousands of dollars on a hard 8. Pretty exciting stuff, and the table was lively. He ended up making me that money too ;) I won more, but walked out 38 bucks richer, with only 52 loss out of 200 bucks.

Went ahead and went to this other casino(forget the name)... another awesome table of craps... I made about 100 more bucks there(50 ahead total for the day), but didn't quit when I should have, and instead I bled myself back down to 25 dollar loss... That's when all the casinos started changing from a 5 dollar to a 10 dollar minimum, and I visited a few more casinos to look at em, but didn't play anymore.

All in all, 25 bucks thankfully isn't that big of a loss compared to what it could have been. The thrill and excitement was there, and for a 25 dollar expense... it was worth it!

I hope next time I'll start betting more wisely, and actually come out a hundred or two hundred ahead! It could very easily be done if I learn to stop at the right time.
Happy Birthday Raziaar. You are no longer restricted by your age in North America.
You do have to be 25 if you want to supervise someone with a drivers permit, other than that you have no restrictions but I dont see why you would want to do that. Maybe if it was a hot 16 year old chick but hey, you would be considered a ped now.
I also have much more expensive auto insurance until I reach a certain age. 25 I think?

Us young males have this problem, young women don't. Stupid insurance companies... I drive much safer than most of the guys my age, and older.

In fact, on the way back from Shreveport, there was a storm out. The rain got really heavy until I could barely see the road, and then the fog rolled in blinding things even further... some guy ahead of me wound up in the ditch, whereas I never had an issue. Yet my auto insurance is so much more expensive <grunts>
Hooray! Happy Birthday!

:cheers: < (non alcoholic beverage)