22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dewayne2
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Am I right to be angry?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 47.9%
  • No

    Votes: 22 31.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 15 21.1%

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I don't see a problem with that, lots of high school girls here have relationships with older men. If both like eachother, who are we to say it's wrong? It's not like she's too young to make an independent decision.
Psychological harm my ass, it's hardly a rape waiting to happen. If the girl consents to the action, how exactly is it going to cause her harm? Being pressured into something is different entirely, but then I'm not arguing about that am I?

Just because you think the odds of him being genuine are slim does not mean that his case is automatically the same.

Also, who do you think you are telling me I have no idea? Or that I (due to my age) am inherently a bad judge of character?
Being 16 makes me no more ignorant or easy to manipulate than being 22.
You're not making any sense. You acknowledge that she could be pressured as well as his intentions of being good as slim, yet you still think it's fine for him to sleep with her.

Your teen angst really shines through on your last paragraph by using irrational absolutes. Of course not all 16 year olds are naive, saying otherwise would be false, but it's common sense to say that most 22 year olds have more world knowledge and are better judges of character then most 16 year olds, it's just the nature of being alive longer, you can't fight it, it's fact. It's the very reason why theres a voting age, a driving age, a drinking age etc...

I'm not saying 16 year olds shouldn't have sex. I'm saying they should find some one their own age, someone who is at the same stage of self discovery as they are. The high risk of the 16 year old getting taken advantage of by a 22 year old makes it immoral for the 22 year old to sleep with her. Also the guy in the article is just further proving my point, he's a ****ing sleaze.
I'm 24 (nearly 25) and my ex is 19. That's a similar age gap isn't it?

You telling me theres something wrong with that?
In THIS case, I'd say it was wrong, simply because that guy hasn't met a girl and fallen in love with her. If it were like that then so be it, let them be happy.

The fact thet he's just picking random younger girls mkes me sick, because a 16 year old girl (in truth, any aged woman) will feel they are loved by a man who has sex with them. And if that isn't the case (ie he doesn't love her) then he is being misleading which can mentally harm.
In my junior high class there was a 14-year old girl (really mature for her age though), who had a sexual relationship with a 30-year old man. That was pretty disgusting.
You're not making any sense. You acknowledge that she could be pressured as well as his intentions of being good as slim, yet you still think it's fine for him to sleep with her.

Did I say it was morally right if she was pressured into it? No, I didn't, I said it was alright if she consented properly to it. Which renders your entire argument utterly invalid. Smooth.

Your teen angst really shines through on your last paragraph by using irrational absolutes. Of course not all 16 year olds are naive, saying otherwise would be false, but it's common sense to say that most 22 year olds have more world knowledge and are better judges of character then most 16 year olds, it's just the nature of being alive longer, you can't fight it, it's fact. It's the very reason why theres a voting age, a driving age, a drinking age etc...

The difference between 16 and 22 is minimal, at most. The very fact that the legal age for sexual intercourse is 16 would indicate the majority of people that age are more than capable of making the decision about sex themselves.

Oh, and nice use of 'Teen angst'. Real mature, I love a good stereotype (More assumptions as well, bravo!)

I'm not saying 16 year olds shouldn't have sex. I'm saying they should find some one their own age, someone who is at the same stage of self discovery as they are. The high risk of the 16 year old getting taken advantage of by a 22 year old makes it immoral for the 22 year old to sleep with her. Also the guy in the article is just further proving my point, he's a ****ing sleaze.

You're still using the claim that there is a large difference in judgmental abilities between the two age groups, which is unfounded (As I've previously addressed)
Bloody hell guys, your getting lazy, no ones posted this yet

In THIS case, I'd say it was wrong, simply because that guy hasn't met a girl and fallen in love with her. If it were like that then so be it, let them be happy.

The fact thet he's just picking random younger girls mkes me sick, because a 16 year old girl (in truth, any aged woman) will feel they are loved by a man who has sex with them. And if that isn't the case (ie he doesn't love her) then he is being misleading which can mentally harm.

So women don't mislead men and take advantage of them? In fact, this doesn't happen in all sorts of relationships involving people of all ages all over the world?
That's life eh.

The difference between 16 and 22 is minimal, at most.

That's just stupid. It's more of a vast chasm than a difference - and being only 15 yourself, you're not even remotely qualified to make that judgement.

Doesn't mean I have a problem with a 22 year old boning a 16 year old though - so long as she's hot, of course.
Of course women mislead men, but as far as I read, the story was about a man misleading a woman..

Also its a pretty well estalished fact that most women will be affected by a sexual relationship more then most men, This goes back to animals.
Male - ug mate.
Female - ug man need.
Of course women mislead men, but as far as I read, the story was about a man misleading a woman..

Also its a pretty well estalished fact that most women will be affected by a sexual relationship more then most men, This goes back to animals.
Male - ug mate.
Female - ug man need.

I just don't see why it's a factor. Women are like ruthless packs of wolves, ascending in the hierarchy of their peers by the sharpness of their tongue and the quality of their deception. Very broadly speaking, of course.
Might as well take advantage of the good things they have to offer while you have the chance.
That's just stupid. It's more of a vast chasm than a difference - and being only 15 yourself, you're not even remotely qualified to make that judgement.

Doesn't mean I have a problem with a 22 year old boning a 16 year old though - so long as she's hot, of course.

The irony made my head explode.
The irony made my head explode.

What irony is that? The irony of a 15 year old's arrogant assertions about things they know nothing about actually being challenged in today's world of kids being able to do whatever they want?
I just don't see why it's a factor. Women are like ruthless packs of wolves, ascending in the hierarchy of their peers by the sharpness of their tongue and the quality of their deception. Very broadly speaking, of course.
Might as well take advantage of the good things they have to offer while you have the chance.

Of course, I could respond by replacing the word women with men. But thats not what this is about. Im sure some women do decieve men, my point was it is much easier to deceve a woman than most men which was what the thread was about in the first place.
What irony is that? The irony of a 15 year old's arrogant assertions about things they know nothing about actually being challenged in today's world of kids being able to do whatever they want?

Oh dear...

Statement One : That's just stupid. It's more of a vast chasm than a difference - and being only 15 yourself, you're not even remotely qualified to make that judgement.

You're saying I'm not qaulified to make proper decisions due to my age.

Doesn't mean I have a problem with a 22 year old boning a 16 year old though - so long as she's hot, of course.

You then say that you don't care about who the person has sex with, as long as she's hot - Which is an incredibly immature and stupid thing to think.

You're in your twenties, acting like a fifteen year old would (as you seem to think) while telling me that a fifteen year old is totally different to a twenty-something year old.

Of course, I could respond by replacing the word women with men. But thats not what this is about. Im sure some women do decieve men, my point was it is much easier to deceve a woman than most men which was what the thread was about in the first place.

I don't agree. A lot of (foolish) men will do anything for an attractive woman, and they know this and fully take advantage of it. Flutter the eyelashes, lean in suggestively...say hello to some free drinks. Or a job offer.
Manipulating men is so much easier and more prevalent than manipulating women.
It just occured to me that something along the lines of this exact situation happened to one of my friends.


I mean, she knows what she's doing... I just still think she's wrong.

I should probably talk to her about this.
Oh dear...

Statement One : That's just stupid. It's more of a vast chasm than a difference - and being only 15 yourself, you're not even remotely qualified to make that judgement.

You're saying I'm not qaulified to make proper decisions due to my age.

I'm saying you're not qualified to make proper judgements due to your immaturity, inexperience and outright refusal to consider anyone else's point of view. You're always right, no matter what.
Your age merely highlights the point. Act like an adult and I'll treat you like one.

Doesn't mean I have a problem with a 22 year old boning a 16 year old though - so long as she's hot, of course.

You then say that you don't care about who the person has sex with, as long as she's hot - Which is an incredibly immature and stupid thing to think.

No it's not, it's an incredibly hedonistic and male thing to do. It has nothing to do with maturity or intelligence. If you fancy yourself as a pseudo-intellectual artsy type who follows the nobility of saving himself for marriage, well, suit yourself. Doesn't make you intelligent or mature. Idealistic and naive, maybe.

You're in your twenties, acting like a fifteen year old would (as you seem to think) while telling me that a fifteen year old is totally different to a twenty-something year old.


That doesn't even make sense.
I'm saying you're not qualified to make proper judgements due to your immaturity, inexperience and outright refusal to consider anyone else's point of view. You're always right, no matter what.
Your age merely highlights the point. Act like an adult and I'll treat you like one.

No it's not, it's an incredibly hedonistic and male thing to do. It has nothing to do with maturity or intelligence. If you fancy yourself as a pseudo-intellectual artsy type who follows the nobility of saving himself for marriage, well, suit yourself. Doesn't make you intelligent or mature.

That doesn't even make sense.

So, despite being told exactly why what you posted was rubbish, you skimp around it and attack me personally? Way to go.

Nice assumption that I'd prefer marriage before sex, to.

Honestly, can't you read? :laugh: If was such a simple point I made, for you to attack like this you obviously don't have a clue.
I don't agree. A lot of (foolish) men will do anything for an attractive woman, and they know this and fully take advantage of it. Flutter the eyelashes, lean in suggestively...say hello to some free drinks. Or a job offer.
Manipulating men is so much easier and more prevalent than manipulating women.

All a man has to say to a woman is "I love you" and she's most likely willing to do anythin gfor him.

I know that what youre saying is true, I see it all the time. Still, chances of the man sitting there offering a free drink or whatever and thinking about marrage or kids or even a long term relationship is usually 0. Chances of man wanting someone to take home for the night .. Id say about 65%

Thats the main difference here, most women are looking for relationships no matter how much they whore themselves out.
So, despite being told exactly why what you posted was rubbish, you skimp around it and attack me personally? Way to go.

Nice assumption that I'd prefer marriage before sex, to.

Honestly, can't you read? :laugh: If was such a simple point I made, for you to attack like this you obviously don't have a clue.

What? You didn't make any kind of argument for why what I posted was rubbish, you said I was stupid, immature and hypocritical. In fact, you used a lot more personal attacks than I have and far more baseless to boot.
Do yourself a favour and learn to just shut up giving it the big "I am" for once. You ain't.
In fact, if you had said "I don't think there's much of a difference in maturity between a 16 year old and a 22 year old", you would have opened up a discourse but instead you had to arrogantly proclaim it as gospel truth when you have no platform from which to make that judgement in the first place.
If that hasn't sufficiently highlighted for you why you can come across as so arrogant and obnoxious, then I guess I'll just have to wait for you to turn 22 when you can realise for yourself.
All a man has to say to a woman is "I love you" and she's most likely willing to do anythin gfor him.

True, but that's conditional. She has to love him too (or be very young, naive and have a huge crush on the guy) - otherwise he would be nothing more than the laughing stock of her entire circle of friends. Something has to have been built up in the first place, but womens' deception will work on any man at any time.

I know that what youre saying is true, I see it all the time. Still, chances of the man sitting there offering a free drink or whatever and thinking about marrage or kids or even a long term relationship is usually 0. Chances of man wanting someone to take home for the night .. Id say about 65%

Thats the main difference here, most women are looking for relationships no matter how much they whore themselves out.

True, but the kind of relationships they're looking for are usually based on frivolous things like the wealth and status associated with a particular man. As soon as that's gone, she'll disappear without a trace.
I went to Slovakia with a friend recently...champagne costs £5 a bottle in the clubs, which is a lot of money over there but nothing to us. So we bought bottles of the stuff..and we were gods as a result. Women were flocking around us, just to get a taste of "the life". And we had whichever of them we desired.
Of course, that's what we were after in the first place, so we were playing the same game, but it illustrates perfectly how many women are like vultures. And why it will take a special lady for me to drop the cynicism.
What? You didn't make any kind of argument for why what I posted was rubbish, you said I was stupid, immature and hypocritical. In fact, you used a lot more personal attacks than I have and far more baseless to boot.
Do yourself a favour and learn to just shut up giving it the big "I am" for once. You ain't.
In fact, if you had said "I don't think there's much of a difference in maturity between a 16 year old and a 22 year old", you would have opened up a discourse but instead you had to arrogantly proclaim it as gospel truth when you have no platform from which to make that judgement in the first place.
If that hasn't sufficiently highlighted for you why you can come across as so arrogant and obnoxious, then I guess I'll just have to wait for you to turn 22 when you can realise for yourself.

Stop avoiding the point.

If you want to play it your way, then formulate a decent argument as to exactly WHY 6 years is going to radically change my entire perception of the world.

The fact that this all comes from you failing to understand how a statement you made was ironic makes it rather sad. oint.

Also, just remember that I actually had to pick apart your previous statement so that you'd understand the irony, and you STILL claim I didn't offer anything.

So, if you want, make a point and I'll address it. Or continue to moan about me not brining up a point, If you want me to hold your hand while explaining the finer points of ironic statements :hmph:
Yeah you're right, if a woman can get something for free chances are she will.

Also, about the very young naive girl with a huge crush on the guy .. who just came over and spoke to her over everyone else oh he must like me .. You can see my point about the whole '22 year old man is deceiving young girl' thing?
Stop avoiding the point.

If you want to play it your way, then formulate a decent argument as to exactly WHY 6 years is going to radically change my entire perception of the world.

The fact that this all comes from you failing to understand how a statement you made was ironic makes it rather sad. oint.

Also, just remember that I actually had to pick apart your previous statement so that you'd understand the irony, and you STILL claim I didn't offer anything.

So, if you want, make a point and I'll address it. Or continue to moan about me not brining up a point, If you want me to hold your hand while explaining the finer points of ironic statements :hmph:

The irony is non-existant, because I'm not being stupid, immature OR hypocritical - the three accusations you have levelled at me.

Formulate an argument...? Life experience is not a subject for debate. It's bit like demanding I write a thesis explaining how you will be more literate if you go to school - stupid and irrelevant.
Besides which, you made the claim that 16 year olds and 22 year olds are practically alike, so you back it up. Anyone with any common sense knows that's bullshit, and personally speaking I couldn't be more different now that I'm almost 22 from when I was 16. Actually I was rather like you - I was forever writing cheques my life experience couldn't cash.
Assuming the young girl doesn't know what the guy wants...which I very much doubt.
Yeah you're right, if a woman can get something for free chances are she will.

Also, about the very young naive girl with a huge crush on the guy .. who just came over and spoke to her over everyone else oh he must like me .. You can see my point about the whole '22 year old man is deceiving young girl' thing?

Yup. I also know there's a very good chance she'll manipulate countless men in her life too, and probably has already, so it's fair game in my book.
Did I say it was morally right if she was pressured into it? No, I didn't, I said it was alright if she consented properly to it. Which renders your entire argument utterly invalid. Smooth.

The difference between 16 and 22 is minimal, at most. The very fact that the legal age for sexual intercourse is 16 would indicate the majority of people that age are more than capable of making the decision about sex themselves.

Oh, and nice use of 'Teen angst'. Real mature, I love a good stereotype (More assumptions as well, bravo!)

You're still using the claim that there is a large difference in judgmental abilities between the two age groups, which is unfounded (As I've previously addressed)

My argument is that a 16 year old will MOST LIKELY be pressured into it whether it was the 22 year olds intention or not, consent means nothing if you don't fully understand what you are getting yourself into.

Minimal at most? tell me, have you ever been 22? No? Oh well thats a shame, I guess you really aren't qualified to make that judgment then. I on the other hand happen to be 22, so I will tell you, 16 to 22 is MASSIVE.

Stereotypes exist as long as there are people like you who perpetuate them. Your post smacks of inexperience and arrogance which is expected at your age. I know this because I was once 15.

Unfounded? I guess you hypothesizing what it's like to be 16 or 22 is much more sound then my account of actually being those ages.
Yup. I also know there's a very good chance she'll manipulate countless men in her life too, and probably has already, so it's fair game in my book.

Thats a bit of a broad and unfair statement.
The irony is non-existant, because I'm not being stupid, immature OR hypocritical - the three accusations you have levelled at me.

Ok, I'll be as nice as I possibly can. This refers to the statement you made which I said was, in my opinion, Ironic.

Part One
That's just stupid. It's more of a vast chasm than a difference - and being only 15 yourself, you're not even remotely qualified to make that judgement.

In this part of the statement, you claim there is a big difference between 16 and 22 year olds. You are implying that they are too immature to make good decisions when it comes to important matters.

Part Two
Doesn't mean I have a problem with a 22 year old boning a 16 year old though - so long as she's hot, of course.

In this statement, you say you don't mind 'a 22 year old boning a 16 year old' as long as she is attractive. This part of the statement is immature - It shows a disrespect for the girl, and implies that sex is fine as long as the person involved is good looking.

The irony comes from the fact that despite Part 2 of your statement, you claimed earlier (Part 1) that there is a huge difference in the judgment of the two age groups, stemming from the maturity of the people involved. This statement, coupled with your seemingly bad judgement, makes the statement ironic.

Happy now? Jesus.

Formulate an argument...? Life experience is not a subject for debate. It's bit like demanding I write a thesis explaining how you will be more literate if you go to school - stupid and irrelevant.
Besides which, you made the claim that 16 year olds and 22 year olds are practically alike, so you back it up. Anyone with any common sense knows that's bullshit, and personally speaking I couldn't be more different now that I'm almost 22 from when I was 16. Actually I was rather like you - I was forever writing cheques my life experience couldn't cash.

Again, these are all claims and assumptions that suggest the average 22 year old has had SO much more life experience than the average sixteen year old. Which I disagree with.
Not only that, but what do you mean 'it's not a subject for debate'? You suggested a discuss it in the first place!
Thats a bit of a broad and unfair statement.

Yeah, I know. Nobody cuts you any slack in life though, so my view is that you should take the things you want when they are available (to an extent, obviously).
Besides, learning a lesson the hard way isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Ok, I'll be as nice as I possibly can. This refers to the statement you made which I said was, in my opinion, Ironic.

Part One

In this part of the statement, you claim there is a big difference between 16 and 22 year olds. You are implying that they are too immature to make good decisions when it comes to important matters.

Define "important".
Your average 16 year old is not going to be able to make a good business or relationship decision because they have precious little experience of either, combined with a lack of wisdom and common sense. Although what I actually said was that there is an enormous difference in the life skills of a 16 year old and a 22 year old, something rather different altogether.
The same way the UK government is a useless bunch of morons because people with no real business or management experience have been left in charge of a whole country.

Part Two

In this statement, you say you don't mind 'a 22 year old boning a 16 year old' as long as she is attractive. This part of the statement is immature - It shows a disrespect for the girl, and implies that sex is fine as long as the person involved is good looking.

Why is it immature? It's a perfectly valid viewpoint, derived in fact from a clear understanding of the world we do live in and the methods best suited to gaining as much as possible from that world. I make my decisions based on the world we have rather than the world I want. If anything, that makes it a mature viewpoint.
Sex is fine as long as both parties agree to it, it's really as simple as that. Any greater implication comes solely from one person's moralising bullshit and personal opinions.

The irony comes from the fact that despite Part 2 of your statement, you claimed earlier (Part 1) that there is a huge difference in the judgment of the two age groups, stemming from the maturity of the people involved. This statement, coupled with your seemingly bad judgement, makes the statement ironic.

There is nothing wrong with my judgement at all, I just happen to value different things to yourself which is evidently a concept you don't yet have the life experience to comprehend. Believe it or not, it is possible for people to have a vastly different worldview from yourself without being immature or having bad judgement.

Happy now? Jesus.

Yes, but not for the reasons that you intended - you're making my point ever more self-evident.

Again, these are all claims and assumptions that suggest the average 22 year old has had SO much more life experience than the average sixteen year old. Which I disagree with.
Not only that, but what do you mean 'it's not a subject for debate'? You suggested a discuss it in the first place!

You don't have a place to disagree with it. You're 15 years old.
This is not a political debate or some other ambiguous situation - the reality is, Coyote and myself are qualified to make that judgement and you are not. The only evidence I need is that I'm 21 and you're 15 - it's as simple as that and you'll just have to accept it.
All a man has to say to a woman is "I love you" and she's most likely willing to do anythin gfor him.
*random insertion of anecdotal evidence*
I know a guy who has, on multiple occations, told girls that he loved them and they left him almost instantly afterwards.
You don't have a place to disagree with it. You're 15 years old.
This is not a political debate or some other ambiguous situation - the reality is, Coyote and myself are qualified to make that judgement and you are not. The only evidence I need is that I'm 21 and you're 15 - it's as simple as that and you'll just have to accept it.

This statement itself nullifies your ability to be in a proper debate.
Oh, and I can't help thinking about this
2 words....statutory rape.

Its illegal for someone the age of 18 or over to have intercourse with someone under the age of 18.
The guy is taking advantage of her for sex. Its simply easier for a 22-year old to coerce a 16 year old to fall for him and have sex with him than for a 22 year old to coerce another 22 year old.

I can see if they were like...childhood friends, or had known each other for a long time, but looking at this guy's blog makes me see that he was just looking for a younger, naive girl to prey on and coerce her into having sex with him.

It's thus not consensual love but an older guy who is taking advantage of a younger and more naiive woman.
This statement itself nullifies your ability to be in a proper debate.
Oh, and I can't help thinking about this
why are you so offended by that? This debate is essentially what frame of mind a 22 year old is in compared to the 16 year old, you being 15 means you would know very little about how much more experienced you are at that age. In fact It's something you cannot possibly comprehend until you are that age. Same way I couldn't possibly know what its like to have scope of knowledge of a 40 year old but at least I'm not running my mouth pretending I know.