24 and Half Life 2

Hmm, I thought you were going to make a relationship between the show and the game...but, nah, I don't think Kiefer Sutherland would make a good Gordon Freeman.
I don't think Gordon should be in the movies at all.

But if for some reason they did put him in I think Kiefer could do well, even if he overacts somewhat.

Eric Clapton would, of course, beat out any competition for the part for obvious reasons.
I think it would be cool if they ever made a movie to make it just like the game. It would be First Person and no talking from Gordon. I don't think u could have an actor play as him......it would ruin everything IMO
beam said:
I think it would be cool if they ever made a movie to make it just like the game. It would be First Person and no talking from Gordon. I don't think u could have an actor play as him......it would ruin everything IMO

you'd need somebody to be hand actor

imo, i think that if they did make a movie, no freeman. just some random shmo trying to get out of black mesa. you'd go to places where gordon have been or will go. and like once in a while, see catch a glimps of gordon or see his shadow or something
bigpapa400lb said:
Has there ever been any first person movies?

Not that I can recall, ever since I saw Saving Pvt. Ryan I thought it would be really neat to see a movie in this perspective......if u remember at the beginning of the movie while they're storming the beach, some of it is done from a First Person view and u can hear the cameraman breathing heavily and his frantic movments really made me feel like I was on the beach.

Some of the best cinematogrophy I've seen
blair witch project :D Kind of. But you still see all the character cause they gave eachother the camera. So i don't know
major5013 said:
blair witch project :D Kind of. But you still see all the character cause they gave eachother the camera. So i don't know

Ahh yes, I suppose your right

Well no good movie :upstare:
Even though I don't think he's that good of an actor, I've always thought Ben Affleck would be a plausible Gordon Freeman.
Everyone your naming isn't skinny and dorky enough.

The only guy I can think of who would make a good Gordon Freeman is that skinny leader of the nerds from "Can't Hardly Wait" with Seth Green and Claire Danes. Remember? "NOBODY DRINK THE BEER! THE BEER HAS GONE BAD!"

It's now 6 years later so he'll be the right age. All he needs is a goatee and Gordon Freeman style glasses.
Actually, first person movies were tried back in the black-and-white film era. They really didn't work out well. Since then, everyone has taken the hint and stuck with 3rd person.
Not a first person movie, but with a lot of first person elements.....Being John Malkovich