24 Plot Holes


May 28, 2003
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I just got through half of season 7 of 24. I remember watching season 2 and really getting into it, but all I can think of this season is, "wait that doesn't make any sense".

Dubaku has an "insurance policy" for in case he is assassinated which will expose everyone to the Justice Department. This insurance policy is a one time read data card implanted in his abdomen. So if his "plane explodes" (his words), the conspirators will be exposed... wait that doesn't make sense.

The White House is protected by the same kind of morons that you can gun down one at a time in Rainbow Six or Thief. Rather than seal off the old secret enterances in the basement completely, they put laser beams across it. yeah.

The president has a safe room that is nowhere near her office which I guess isn't safe enough. None of the doors in the white house have locks or are bullet proof. But the safe room doesn't have a phone line or any kind of exit. And for some reason it has a single video and audio channel to a webcam stuck in a chandelier. It also has canisters of methane.... because.... umm they didn't mention why.

Post your favourite or least favourite plot holes.
I've never seen 24, but I recall hearing that later seasons require significant suspension of disbelief.
Yeah, really though these types of plot holes have been around since the show started. You either lived with it or you didn't. After season 5 I wanted to give up but since I already watched over 100 episodes at that point felt like I might as well finish.
There are heaps of plot-holes in Season 7, in particular. It's really quite bad.
The show went downhill after Season 6 which was at a tie for Season 4 for me for best 24 Seasons.