24: Season 7 Spoiler Discussion


Dec 8, 2005
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Well, the first two episodes have aired, with another 2 following within the next 24 hours. What are your thoughts so far?

I've personally enjoyed every second of it so far. Feels like the old 24 is back.
There is already a thread about this somewhere I think. We Brits have to wait a bit longer I think.
There's a thread about Redemption that I made. I checked for a Season 7 thread to make sure. Found nothing.
forgot it was on last night...oops

instead i watched the golden globes, how exciting!

"I'd like to thank my dogs..." Nice one Mickey Rourke
Shit, this has started already? I haven't even seen Redemption yet.
Not started in UK yet I don't think.
UK TV sucks. Started, to me, means ''on the Internets'', and I am sailing the Internets! :p
I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch any more 24 after seeing (most of) Season 6.
Just because the show might waver for one season dosen't mean the show's gone to crapsville. I suggest watching it. It feels like old-school 24. Great start so far.
The show had stagnated quite a bit by season 6, but so far this season feels like a pretty decent reboot, what with the new location and all, things feel quite fresh, its hard to tell early on where the season will go, I mean the first 4 episodes of season 6 were pretty decent, then it slumped, but they have had 2 years to go over this season, hopefully it works out.
Just because the show might waver for one season dosen't mean the show's gone to crapsville. I suggest watching it. It feels like old-school 24. Great start so far.

Indeed, but that only reminds me of how season 6 started out. That was a kickass start, then it all went down the pan after that.
I'll wait until the season is finished. If it still has good word of mouth I'll, uh, rent the DVDs.
I watched it yesterday and will be watching tonight. I think this show is pretty ****ing retarded at this point but I have watched all 6 seasons up to this point, if I give up now I will feel like 144 hours of my life have been a total waste. :(
Good start. With the writers strike, hopefully they've had enough time to really put the polish on this season!
I haven't seen tonight episode yet. I'll catch it online but last nights was really good.


I always felt like if Jack were to leave the show, Tony was the only one who could take his spot and keep it going.
Well I take back what I said above, after watching last night this season has potential.
Season 6 was garbage. Redemption was garbage. This is better – it's what 24 ought to me. So far, it's very enjoyable. The crisis is overseas and the events taking place in Washington are more focal, more concise, and the whole Bill/Chloe/Jack underground operation is several distinct shades of distilled awesome. It's too early to tell if it's better – 24 was never really that good (though Season 5 was exceptional), but this is definitely on the right track.

Also, Miss Walker and her lovely red hair? I'm so there.
I have only seen the first two episodes but I have really enjoyed it so far, it seems to be back to its core basics or at least i have sense its going in that direction, the plot outline so far is fantastic. And yes Agent Walker is shexy :D
Watched the first episode, quite enjoyed it.

When will they learn to move away possible leads from BIG APARTMENT WINDOWS, though? As soon as he sat down I could see what was going to happen next. ''I-- BANG BANG BANG!'' :|
Season 6 was garbage. Redemption was garbage. This is better – it's what 24 ought to me. So far, it's very enjoyable. The crisis is overseas and the events taking place in Washington are more focal, more concise, and the whole Bill/Chloe/Jack underground operation is several distinct shades of distilled awesome. It's too early to tell if it's better – 24 was never really that good (though Season 5 was exceptional), but this is definitely on the right track.

Also, Miss Walker and her lovely red hair? I'm so there.

So was Season 1. I think Seasons 1, 2, and 5 have so far been generally outstanding thriller television. Season 7 seems to be shaping up to be among them. 4 was fun. It felt fresh. 3 wasn't bad. 6 was, as you said, pretty much garbage except perhaps for its first four episodes.

I can't quite see how Redemption was garbage. You seem to be going against your previous comment of calling it 'allright, though lacking substance' by now calling it 'garbage'. I liked Redemption. Had some very nice messages. Represented Jack is a very 'lost' state of mind.
Season 1 was engaging enough but fell back on a constant loop of cliche after cliche. Season 2 was good enough but, again, never came into its own. Season 3 I've only been able to bring myself to watch once. Season 4 was fun but pure nonsense for the most part in laughable terrorist plot after laughable terrorist plot. Season 5 was very good. Season 6 was garbage. Redemption...there was nothing to it. It was a waste of time, almost, and again fell back on cliches. It did not engage. And really, we've seen "Lost Jack" for a few seasons now.
I think he's been 'lost' in very different ways. I agree with you that, so far, Season 5 has been the best. Without a doubt! I'd say Season 1 would come next (except that amnesia plot with Teri). It was very personal; it didn't rely on heavy use of torture, or technological aids such as sattelites; it was about Jack, and his wits in order to save his family.

Just out of curiosity, could you give me an example of these cliches you speak of? No sarcasm intended. I really am honestly curious.
I liked S1 and 2 the best. They each had their pitfalls (amnesia bullshit and Kim falling into ridiculous trouble constantly) but they had less ridiculous CTU interactions than the other seasons.

Hopefully this new season's changes to the general dynamic will keep things as fresh as they felt through the 1st 4 eps.
Season 6 was garbage. Redemption was garbage. This is better ? it's what 24 ought to me. So far, it's very enjoyable. The crisis is overseas and the events taking place in Washington are more focal, more concise, and the whole Bill/Chloe/Jack underground operation is several distinct shades of distilled awesome. It's too early to tell if it's better ? 24 was never really that good (though Season 5 was exceptional), but this is definitely on the right track.

Also, Miss Walker and her lovely red hair? I'm so there.

Due to lack of anything else on (no LOST or BSG yet) I actually watched 24 for the first time since about season 4, and despite the absurdities (all our systems are wholly interconnected and easily controllable ..again!!) and typical republican propaganda (tortures perfectly acceptable, if it gets you results) thought it was fairly enjoyable bubble gum stuff, and I agree Miss Walker is rather lovely, and certainly fills out a Suit nicely.
i hope the next four episodes (and there on) keep the same momentum and we dont end up having a mentally challenged kid help jack on the job.
...It was okay.
The underground thing was somewhat retarded though, I was hoping Tony was actually bad so Jack could finally shoot him in the ****ing head. :angry:
...It was okay.
The underground thing was somewhat retarded though, I was hoping Tony was actually bad so Jack could finally shoot him in the ****ing head. :angry:

Apparently Tony has a bullet proof head so that wouldn't work. Maybe a wooden stake through the heart would?
...It was okay.
The underground thing was somewhat retarded though, I was hoping Tony was actually bad so Jack could finally shoot him in the ****ing head. :angry:

im half and half. on one side tony being the bad guy puts jack in an interesting position on whether to kill somebody he truly cared about or do the job (which is prolly what wouldve happened). with this whole underground plot though it makes jack even more against the government than he ever has before, so i guess its a trade-off thing.
Come on guys, it was obvious that Tony was good the whole time, just like it was obvious that there would be a mole and an asshole boss that doesn't trust Jack.
Come on guys, it was obvious that Tony was good the whole time, just like it was obvious that there would be a mole and an asshole boss that doesn't trust Jack.

i honestly thought they'd keep the friend as an enemy cliche, not gonna lie.
Do you think it is to much to ask that the presidents closest aide doesnt turn out to be crooked this time?
I actually felt the underground operation was a very interesting move, I knew Bill and Clowe would return but I never expected it like that, Bill seems somewhat more darker, maybe something happened between him and his wife. And I knew there was something strange about Tony's actions, never thought he would be capable of killing fellow countrymen.

But yeh so far I am really enjoying it, the scene where jack drove the car out of the car park was awesome.
Oh wow, moles ahoy.
Come on 24, get some ****ing originality for once.

How can they still have moles in CTU... oh I mean the FBI... even after they dealt with that shit in the past 83 seasons?
It's getting ****ing stale, I'm almost inclined to just stop watching already... just more of the same bullshit as before.
You're saying that just because of the moles? To be honest...this seasons seems to be acting like Season 1 in regards to a mole. Which is great!
The moment with the turning aide was a little cringe worthy, mainly because it was broadcast in advance via his overly modest loyaly, he may aswell have had a giant sign over his head saying "MOLEMAN". The episode wasnt completely terrible, im glad the show is moving at a slower pace than previous seasons, it got a little ridiculous when jack was having 14 gun battles and defusing 6 bombs an episode, the ending was quite cool to, though it could have an obvious solution, we'll see how it goes.
Can spoilers be put in the tags please, along with info on what episode it is. Makes it all better in the long run.
The moles work because they're kind of anonymous. There's a few of them, but they're redshirts. So long as it isn't a pivotal character, then it's acceptable. Episode was okay. The Jack/Tony/Bill/Chloe A-team is the best thing they have come up with since Season 5. It works, cuts out the crap of the inter-CTU-politics and gets straight down to business.
The moles work because they're kind of anonymous. There's a few of them, but they're redshirts. So long as it isn't a pivotal character, then it's acceptable. Episode was okay. The Jack/Tony/Bill/Chloe A-team is the best thing they have come up with since Season 5. It works, cuts out the crap of the inter-CTU-politics and gets straight down to business.

I agree - except they're still keeping some of the inter-CTU nonsense, except now it's inter-FBI nonsense. There is a lot less of it so far though.