24 Season Finale!


Feb 7, 2004
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Who else saw it? I thought it wrapped up the best season so far, and the last episode was pretty damn good. And what a lead-in to next year!
Was a decent ending. I wish:
Marwan escaped and lived.
GiaOmerta said:
Was a decent ending. I wish:
Marwan escaped and lived.

Yeah, me too kinda've...I was pissed when he cut Jack's hand, dirty ****...And the fact that the actual ending...Jack has to play dead now...I wonder what they're going to do for the next 24? Will someone end up replacing Jack?
I thought it wasn't that great of an ending.

The first 10 or so episodes were good, then it just fell apart for me there.
The last episode was ownage but I don't really like the very end
I mean c'mon, Jack plays d3ad, runs away, then becomes a traveling railroad hobo going to mexico? how lame is that!?
i think the ending was the best.. and this was the best season so far.

bring on season 5.
I thought it was a great way to cliffhang us for the next season. Can you really say you don't want to find out what's going to happen to Jack now?
I loved the two hour special.

I think the next season will involve bringing Jack back because of something he knows, or just his skills, all while trying to avoid the new President and all the official-ness. Sorta like an underground agent. Plus, the Chinese might find out he's alive and try to exact justice.
I pray there's another season starring Jack Bauer because it just wouldn't be the same without him. I d/led all the episodes and watched them in a big spree today. I burned them to 2 dvd's so I can hook up my roomate's laptop to our tv. Anyways. I hate that Jack has to take the fall for it. I knew Jack wasn't going to die, but I was worried there for a second when they gave him the epi pen and he wasn't coming back.
Now I watching 24 Season 3 - 9-10:00 am :( But its really good (can´t wait for Nina)...
Pretty bad ending considering how long I endured the series lol. It started really well and was exciting for the first dozen episodes, but then it seemed to get into a lul which carried it for the rest of the series, which basically went like this (in 3 episode arcs):

1. CTU finds someone 'connected' to Marwan in some way that was unknown for every episode before it.
2. CTU find and capture Marwan.
3. CTU gets attacked and Marwan escapes (but not without giving them enough information to capture him again).

The last epsode was a real anti climax too. I mean they ended the Marwan story in the first 10/15 minutes and the rest concentrated on Jack, which I wasn't expecting (considering the Chinese story was thrown in at the last minute).