**** **** **** **** **** ****!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
My computer kept shutting down when xp would try to install so my brother told me to see if anything felt hot when it was running to I unplugged 3 fans and tooks off the side panel and started feeling if wires were hot if the heatsink was hot(they were all warm) and then he told me to check the hard drive so I touched the bottom of it and all of a sudden my ****ing computer shut the **** off and now it won't ****ing turn the **** back on what the **** am I suppose to do? I think I just lost $1000...if I did I think I will go kill a few people then myself....
The motherboard LED is still on, but that is on even when my PC is turned off.
If the computer refuses to turn back, as in it can't even recieve any power then it could just be the power supply that is the problem, if can get power but won't get anywhere in its usual start up procedure then it could be something worse.

Just make sure you calm down first, its impossible to debug a problem if your upset.
How can I check that? Can I still return this shit back to new egg?
I've never had to check the power supply before so I don't know, to tell you the truth I don't have much experience when it comes to debugging hardware problems, your best bet is probably search the net for general things you can check that may be causing the problem.
I don't even know what the problem is....do you know if I could still return everything to newegg?
Please, o please tell me you grounded yourself before you went into your computer...

I stumbled across this thread the other day. I haven't read all the way through it, but it doesn't look good for you.
Foxtrot said:
I don't even know what the problem is....do you know if I could still return everything to newegg?
Its highly unlikely that everything needs to be returned, its probably only one thing thats the problem. I don't know if it can be returned to newegg though, depends on what it isn't working (if thats the case) and what the warranty is.
How do I check everything? And what could be wrong? I am so ****ing pissed off right now, ****ing wasted all my ****ing money on some shitty ****ing computer that has taken up all my ****ing free time and I haven't gotten shit out of the ****ing thing....**** **** **** **** **** ****
Also it turned off RIGHT when I touched the hard drive, so it could be the hard drive....god ****ing damnit...
Paradox? computer F***ed up ... how are you talking to us now? :eek: another computer? friends house..? just a general question... sounds like something on the MB has blown,, actually I doubt that.. is something loose? double check, sounds like it could be the hard drive if the LED is still coming on. might be worth reformatting it if you can, see if it can be recovered. after checking to see if it works in another computer.. have a look around

edit: did you have anything important on it?
Foxtrot said:
Also it turned off RIGHT when I touched the hard drive, so it could be the hard drive....god ****ing damnit...
I doubt it is the hard drive since unless you did something to the cables connecting to the hard drive then nothing should happen, nothing will happen to a hard drive when its on by just touching it. I have rougly handled hard drives while they were many times before (moving them around, rotating them, not being very gentle, etc). and nothing ever happened.

Plus if it was the hard drive then the computer would still turn on but it would recognize and tell you that something was wrong with the hard drive, you would be able to go into the BIOS even.

I know im not being much help but its next to impossible to figure out any problems with a computer unless your there yourself to see everything.

It was probably just a coincident that it shut off right when you touched the hard drive unless you did something with the cables.
I know, and that is why I am so pissed off because no one can help me. I am going to replace every single part in my PC one at a time starting with the power supply to see what doesn't work. Also there was no sound(pop or anything), flash of light, smoke or weird smell or anything.
I bet something is loose .. hmm? nah., Mullinators right.... Hmmm . I reckon something funny could be going on with the MB, it might have the current passing through it.. but who knows maybe something got fried? i really dont know

did u accidentally hit a switch on the MB?
My Dad is being a ****ing idiot and keeps bitching at me saying my PSU was probably way to small so I told him to **** off, is there any way I can caluculate it to find out? It was a 420W
Lets start with the basics. Turn off your computer (the switch on the back of your power supply)

- Ground yourself
- unplug all of your IDE and power cables.
- Try reseating your graphics card and RAM.
- When building your computer, did you use brass standoffs when you were laying down your motherboard?
- Replug all of your power connectors and IDE cables.
- See if your computer turns on.
- If that doesn't work, try testing the components on another computer. (Start with the power supply or the harddrive)

Detailed question. So what happens when you try to turn on your computer? Does it make a noise? You have to be specific. Does your computer try to post? Does your computer make beeping noises if you can turn it on?

[Edit]: A 420 Watt power supply is more than enough for any gaming computer. One question, who made your power supply? Also, did you daisy chain (connect more than one thing) your power connectors? If you did, what did you daisy chain?
It sounds like you fried something. You'll have more luck if you approach this systematically. Before you do anything more, be sure to read up on the electrostatic precautions you need to take before and while working in your case.

First, try draining the power completely and restarting it. Do this by shutting off the PSU with the switch on the back or unplugging it from the wall. Try to turn it on while it's unpowered (it may help drain stored energy). Give it a while. Restore the power and attempt to boot.

If that doesn't help, then disconnect things your computer doesn't need. This includes unpluging the hard drive from the power and from the ATA cables. Unplug all ATA cables from the motherboard. Try again. If nothing, strip it down to to just these things: motherboard, CPU, a minimum amount of RAM (usually one stick unless you have RAMBUS, for example). Boot it. If everything sounds normal, stick a graphics card in it and try again. So on.

You really do need to be careful about ESDs. You probably haven't done much (if any) damage yet, but mishandling these components will be costly. The magnitude of discharge required to destroy these electronics is well below what you might feel, like when you discharge onto a door handle after shuffling on carpet. Some very basic tips are to work on hard wood floors or cement, ground yourself often, and wear an appropriate wriststrap.

And naturally I take no responsibility if you do end up frying something.

Good luck.
- When building your computer, did you use brass standoffs when you were laying down your motherboard?
I used plastic standoffs

Detailed question. So what happens when you try to turn on your computer? Does it make a noise? You have to be specific. Does your computer try to post? Does your computer make beeping noises if you can turn it on?
Nothing at all happens, not a single noise or anything.

[Edit]: A 420 Watt power supply is more than enough for any gaming computer. One question, who made your power supply? Also, did you daisy chain (connect more than one thing) your power connectors? If you did, what did you daisy chain?[/QUOTE]
I connected everything to my power supply....all the fans and all the 4 pin thingers
And this is my PSU: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=17-103-604&depa=0
And this is what
OMFG Thanks so much I got it fixed!!! I did everything everyone told me and it just started working. I also found out why it would shut down when XP is installing, the CPU fan cord was turned off. I touched the heatsink and almost burned myself one it, it must have been about 150 F
Hmmm. Well if you removed the fans and messed with the heatsink, then I think I know what happened. When your CPU gets too hot, it will automatically shut off to protect itself from frying. I suggest letting you CPU cool off, put the fans back in, and then start it back up later. It won't turn on if the processor is too hot.

EDIT: Oh nm, you fix0red it.
i got so excited reading this thread i was almost disappointed you fixed it. was hoping for a picture of a mushroom cloud or something.

nice work anyway :)
Try to refrain from all the stupid ****ing **** **** **** **** **** please?
Moto-x_Pat said:
When your CPU gets too hot, it will automatically shut off to protect itself from frying

this happens with intel's.

RTFMish said:
Try to refrain from all the stupid ****ing **** **** **** **** **** please?

lighten up dude he thought he almost sent $1k down the toilet. It's human nature to get up set about these things and to suppress your emotions is stupid. Maybe $1k isn't alot of money to you but i know most of us would be shittting our pants to get what ever died back to life.
Glad you got it fixed FoxTrot. Though you shouldn't speak to your dad like that when he's only trying to help you. Whatever the situation.
Fenric said:
Glad you got it fixed FoxTrot. Though you shouldn't speak to your dad like that when he's only trying to help you. Whatever the situation.
I know, I have anger managment problems :P
Foxtrot said:
My computer kept shutting down when xp would try to install so my brother told me to see if anything felt hot when it was running to I unplugged 3 fans and tooks off the side panel and started feeling if wires were hot if the heatsink was hot(they were all warm) and then he told me to check the hard drive so I touched the bottom of it and all of a sudden my ****ing computer shut the **** off and now it won't ****ing turn the **** back on what the **** am I suppose to do? I think I just lost $1000...if I did I think I will go kill a few people then myself....

be carefully when touching anything in your computer if you did not ground yourself to get rid of any static in your body. You could have easily fried your Hd by touching it when it was on.
A few hours without your beloved computer can feel feel like days and days... I know how it feels!
staddydaddy said:
this happens with intel's.
And AMD's...
BTW it isn't the CPU but the motherbaord that does that function.
thank god for modern day heat and error management, 5-6 yrs ago this WOULD have been a meltdown.. back in days before temp sensors and smart mobos.. you used your nose and eyes to look for melted components and smoke! hopefully those days are ALMOST over. OOps, my age is showing, ok so the first PC i troubleshot was an 8088, there i said it!
staddydaddy said:
this happens with intel's.

lighten up dude he thought he almost sent $1k down the toilet. It's human nature to get up set about these things and to suppress your emotions is stupid. Maybe $1k isn't alot of money to you but i know most of us would be shittting our pants to get what ever died back to life.

Are you implying that i'm rich? My parents both live on unemployment checks at the moment, still think im rich?

Of course 1,000 is alot of money but that doesn't give you
an excuse to delete all the words in your vocabulary, everything except ****. Your pathetic.
Foxtrot said:
I know, I have anger managment problems :P

I think your just a spoiled brat and im glad your shitty ass computers borderline broken.

I hate ungratful brats, if i was your dad, i woulda punched you square in the chest and folded you onto the floor. Some may call that rough, but I gaurantee next time the kid wants to mouth off he'll think twice, get use to it, then carry it in life. Ive seen people get put into the hospital because they didnt know how to shut up because they had pussies for parents who never taugh em. tough love but it works.
Glad he fixed it. Something similar happened to me once. Turned out the "On" switch was busted...
Same happened to my mates PC, turned out he knocked the PSU-Motherboard connector half-out the socket whilst installing a CD drive. It looked like it was in but it wasn't. Took a complete rebuild for me to realise though, had all the components out and was just about to remove the PSU when the connector fell out the plug (without me unclipping it).... then I kicked myself :D

Stupid computers.
amneziac85 said:
I think your just a spoiled brat and im glad your shitty ass computers borderline broken.

I hate ungratful brats, if i was your dad, i woulda punched you square in the chest and folded you onto the floor. Some may call that rough, but I gaurantee next time the kid wants to mouth off he'll think twice, get use to it, then carry it in life. Ive seen people get put into the hospital because they didnt know how to shut up because they had pussies for parents who never taugh em. tough love but it works.
Hahahahaha, omfg, hahaha he called me spoiled hahaha LOL. If getting just barley enough food on the table is spoiled then sure I am. But if it isn't then shut the **** up. And yah, my dad hit me for cussing at him, he always hits me or yells when I cuss so I don't do it too often. And I don't think my Dad can afford to spoil the family, as he only makes $11/h.
RTFMish said:
Are you implying that i'm rich? My parents both live on unemployment checks at the moment, still think im rich?

Of course 1,000 is alot of money but that doesn't give you
an excuse to delete all the words in your vocabulary, everything except ****. Your pathetic.
People express their anger in different ways, I have seen some of the nicest and smartest people do nothing but swear when they got really upset. Its not unusual and although it isn't appropriate to do on forums like these it doesn't mean its unusual or unexpected when something like what happened to Foxtrot occurs.
amneziac85 said:
I think your just a spoiled brat and im glad your shitty ass computers borderline broken.

I hate ungratful brats, if i was your dad, i woulda punched you square in the chest and folded you onto the floor. Some may call that rough, but I gaurantee next time the kid wants to mouth off he'll think twice, get use to it, then carry it in life. Ive seen people get put into the hospital because they didnt know how to shut up because they had pussies for parents who never taugh em. tough love but it works.

if your gonna post shit like that, dont bother, you know nothing about his life and what goes on in his household. if you continue then im sure everyone will agree that we dont want you to come back here.
burnzie said:
if your gonna post shit like that, dont bother, you know nothing about his life and what goes on in his household. if you continue then im sure everyone will agree that we dont want you to come back here.

Just from looking at your avatar you must think your a bad ass. Ive seen you around giving much helpful advice to everyone who has a problem. Syke. I never see you post anything but unhelpful crap, so as for someone who helps no one, telling me, someone who when I can help someone out (just look at the board and youll see that) is ignorant and egocentric. So until you actually add something positive, you wont be missed so mind your business and know your place.

Hearing the brat say he swore to his father strikes a cord in me. The the problem and if you actually read what I wrote, I give my reasons. So keep what your "sure everyone will agree" on to yourself.