250GB Xbox 360 coming For Modern Warfare 2

90% of this forum is anti-console, or atleast PC "fanyboys". In my opinion you're missing out on a lot of gaming if you don't own at least one console. Whichever one it may be. I'm not going to bash any platform. They all have pros and cons. But in the end a PC+one of the consoles is the way to go.

Anyways, this deal is a pretty good one considering it comes with such a large hard drive and two wireless controllers. If I didn't already have a 360 I might consider getting this.
That's nice. I'd say first your full of it and second why do you need to throw in some holier than thou argument?

I was just refering to the fact that I've never spoken to a pc gamer who frequently buys games.
90% of this forum has consoles and do play them, but still prefer PCs after an objective observation of the pros and cons.

Pretty much everybody here knows that PCs are best for shooters, RTS games, MMOs, and most RPGs, and consoles are better for platformers, sports/racing, and whatever other genres i cant think of but exist.
90% of this forum is anti-console, or atleast PC "fanyboys". In my opinion you're missing out on a lot of gaming if you don't own at least one console. Whichever one it may be. I'm not going to bash any platform. They all have pros and cons. But in the end a PC+one of the consoles is the way to go.

Anyways, this deal is a pretty good one considering it comes with such a large hard drive and two wireless controllers. If I didn't already have a 360 I might consider getting this.
Missing out on a lot of gaming, and it's all you console supporters fault! If it weren't for you meddling kids... I kid. I'm not missing out on anything because wake me up in so many years when I can find a 360 in a bargain bin where MS only makes a dollar on the sale, and I can pick up a stack of used games. I won't support this beast any more than I have to.
I was just refering to the fact that I've never spoken to a pc gamer who frequently buys games.
I've never pirated a PC game. I don't frequently buy games though because they cost a lot of money and I've very selective. Quality not quantity and so on.
And if it were it would be $300 given the ridiculous pricing of their proprietary peripherals. :eek:
All of them are guilty of this to be honest.

Sony was still charging $35 for an 8 megabyte memory card even 10 years after it's release. It never came down in price from when the system launched. I bought a 8 gigabyte USB stick for my PC for about $20 not long ago.

But I think Apple is probably the worst, lets be fair.

90% of this forum has consoles and do play them, but still prefer PCs after an objective observation of the pros and cons.

Pretty much everybody here knows that PCs are best for shooters, RTS games, MMOs, and most RPGs, and consoles are better for platformers, sports/racing, and whatever other genres i cant think of but exist.
The thing is, there is no console that can play any game better than a PC, it's the fact that different games would be designed around different controls.

For example, the PC has the greatest racing simulations, yet not just any game pad would be appropriate. A game pad for a modern racing game or simulation would require analog control not just for steering but for gas/brake to get the most out of it. There is only one gamepad that I know of for the PC that even offers analog triggers, and that is the 360 pad.

Also, it seems 90% of PC gamers won't invest in a control pad for any reason, so there you go. It seems that they don't want the types of games that require a pad. I do! I don't discriminate!
This rebundle is totally unnecessary. That being said, I'm actually tempted to purchase it (trade console + games in of course). This is bad news, as I always let my financial impulses control me. *whimpers*
i find that many games are more enjoyable on my console, mainly because i can sit on my couch and play games, vs sitting in my PC chair and not feeling as comfy. also i do love my PC but I go through my phases. I played Xbox 360 in the first 3 years of release the most, but now its getting rather old in the graphics department and i feel like i get more out of PC. also PC games are mad cheap, I got the Deluxe Edition of Red Alert 3 for $10 brand new which is a steal. Mirrors Edge I got for $6 brand new on PC which is almost a crime if you ask me. i can get cheap games for the xbox too, but I'm with Omega, you gotta have variety and at least own one system. who here has ever played a naked game of UNO....and don't lie!! ;)
what? you play games on consoles? bewahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAH god you suck, just go kill yourself
ITT: Stupid people argue with other stupid people.
I bought cod4 for the ps3 specifically the avoid all the modded servers and hacking. One of the things I hated about BF2 was modded servers/servers with rules and I'm sure it would be very similar with cod4.

With that said, I think it's stupid they're releasing an xbox specifically for this game. They don't need more types of 360's, they need better 360's; 360's that don't RRoD, 360's that all have hdmi out.

Whatever though, I guess some people will buy it.
I bought cod4 for the ps3 specifically the avoid all the modded servers and hacking. One of the things I hated about BF2 was modded servers/servers with rules and I'm sure it would be very similar with cod4.

With that said, I think it's stupid they're releasing an xbox specifically for this game. They don't need more types of 360's, they need better 360's; 360's that don't RRoD, 360's that all have hdmi out.

Whatever though, I guess some people will buy it.
Well, considering the HDMI has been standard since last year/the year prior, and the 360s RROD rate has dropped immensely since they released the latest rendition of the console last year, I don't think it's that stupid at all to be releasing this console.
I guess that's better, it just seems absurd how long it took them to get the issues under control.
I guess that's better, it just seems absurd how long it took them to get the issues under control.

they have gotten some issues under control. they released that patch that let users install the game to the hard drive which allowed the system to be much much cooler when playing games.