256MB Palit Geforce 7800GTX DDR3 PCI-E


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Is a 256MB Palit Geforce 7800GTX PCI-E a good card? And will it take Lost Coast?
tembleofbu said:
Is a 256MB Palit Geforce 7800GTX PCI-E a good card? And will it take Lost Coast?
If a 7800GT won't take Lost Coast you'll need a Blue Gene.
The 7800GTX is the best card on the market at the moment. If it doesn't play lost coast then we're all screwed. :)
Ty.. then my new computer looks like this: AMD Athlon64 Pr3000+ (S-939), Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe, 1 GB Ram, 256MB Palit Geforce 7800GTX PCI-E , 250 GB HD... :)
That processor probably wont be able to keep up with the video card and RAM, and ive never heard of Palit before. Maybe you should stick with a good well known brand like BFG, they're overclocked and only 10-20 bucks more than normal 7800GTXs. By the way, what country are you in, and where are you ordering from?
Asking if the 7800 is a fast card is like asking if the Concord is a fast plane. The answer to both: meh, it's decent.
Yeah the A64 3000+ is a fast CPU but it won't let that 7800 push out that many extra frames over other highend cards. Now if you get an Athlon 64 3500+ or higher then you will begin to release the mighty 7800's power. ;)
you're not going to leave that 3000+ at stock are you? you could take it to 2.6+ with a good air cooler
poseyjmac said:
you're not going to leave that 3000+ at stock are you? you could take it to 2.6+ with a good air cooler

I'm currently running a 4000+ on this machine, and a 3500+ on my other. What can a 3500+ be overclocked too? I don't dare overclock my 4000+.

And how would I go about doing that? BIOS?
tembleofbu said:
Is a 256MB Palit Geforce 7800GTX PCI-E a good card? And will it take Lost Coast?
My 4000+ is OCed to 2.7 GHz, any higher and my PC won't boot for some reason. My 7800 GTX is pushed up to 480Mhz Clock speed and 1.26GHz memory speed. I haven't tried going higher but i get almost 9000 in 3d mark 05
Hey guys, will my Athlon FX 150, 8 GB 1 Ghz DDR RAM and Geforce 8800 Ultra with 2 GB of RAM be able to run Lost Coast? 'cause I just spent all this cash on my system and I want to make sure.
MiccyNarc said:
Hey guys, will my Athlon FX 150, 8 GB 1 Ghz DDR RAM and Geforce 8800 Ultra with 2 GB of RAM be able to run Lost Coast? 'cause I just spent all this cash on my system and I want to make sure.
Don't you mean dual Geforce 8800 Ultra 2GB in SLi config?
DreamThrall said:
Don't you mean dual Geforce 8800 Ultra 2GB in SLi config?

Don't you mean quad Geforce 8800 Ultra 2GB in SLi config?

nah I'm just joking. I would look at the 3700+ A64 cpu. They have come down in price and I think, but could be wrong, that they run at 2.4ghz where the 3500+ runs at 2.2ghz. Might be better value for money, although both would be good processors.
MiccyNarc said:
Hey guys, will my Athlon FX 150, 8 GB 1 Ghz DDR RAM and Geforce 8800 Ultra with 2 GB of RAM be able to run Lost Coast? 'cause I just spent all this cash on my system and I want to make sure.

Nope, sorry. Your system is too old and shitty. You should've just thrown your money IN THE BIN.
