28 Days later

The Bear

Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone seen 28 days later? What'd you think of it? I thought it was pretty scary and well done although a bit far fetched. I thought it strayed a bit from the standard horror movie format which also gave it some originiality.
I thought it wasnt scary at all, the story was alright, but it was a little screwed up at the end. It was kinda stupid acctually.
I loved it. I didnt think it was scary at all really, but I liked the way the music and such made you feel alittle insecure and you got the idea of what it would really be like in that situation.
The scariest movie I have ever seen. Especialy in the begigning, in the church.
Not a scary film really, although it was a very, very good one.
not scary at all, and its slow to start.. the beginning was quite uninspiring... and badly acted.

however I was surprised... I enjoyed it :)
its basically what Resident evil should have been.
if your a fan of that sort of thing I recommend it.
I heard monkeys play a part of the story.

...Then again, Goats play a lot in our lives.:)
Loved it immensely. One of my favorite movies of all time; actually I'm listening to the soundtrack right now as I'm typin' this, heh.
Originally posted by The Bear
Has anyone seen 28 days later? What'd you think of it? I thought it was pretty scary and well done although a bit far fetched. I thought it strayed a bit from the standard horror movie format which also gave it some originiality.

I enjoyed it, I didn't find it really scary, though there were some made-me-jump moments and some of the scenes you just don't expect to happen (when she hacks the guy to pieces cause he "might" have been infected, didn't expect that heh). I thought it was really well done considering the budget and equipment they used, quality was really high and it showed up many a big budget movie from Hollywood, also the CG was invisible effects for the most part, mentions a few of them on the extra's. Though the shot of Manchester burning looked pretty badly done, but the rest was well done and not easy to spot, like the lights in the store that were removed in post, I wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't have mentioned them.

I think towards the end of the film it kinda began to lose the plot, but zombietype flicks usually do at that point. But even so I think they handled it pretty well. The DVD has some good extra's on it too, I wish they'd filmed the alternative ending heh

Overall its a good movie, deffinately worth checking out if someone hasn't seen it.
Ummmm...wow. I guess I'm alone, but I found it quite horrible. It was too predictable, and left me bored. The ending was silly and very typical, the plot seemed like an afterthought and I felt nothing for any of the people in it. It could have been so awesome, but to me-failed. Granted there were some cool parts, like the woman slashing dude for possibly getting infected, the "ragers" running through the tunnel chasing rats and the church scene, but that was all.

Plus am I the only person in the whole world that is astounded by the fact that one scrawny guy can beat the hell out of a highly trained military group, who has guns?
Originally posted by Myke_Malicious
Plus am I the only person in the whole world that is astounded by the fact that one scrawny guy can beat the hell out of a highly trained military group, who has guns?

That was the point I think, showing how Rage can turn anyone into a monsterous killing machine like that even if their not infected with pure rage. With what he'd gone through he eventually just snapped, so when the girl attacks him thinking he's infected it shows the fine line between intense rage and being normal

or something like that anyway heh
28 Days Later is a great movie.

Awesome storytelling, nice acting, great script and a great effort setting the mood.

I bought the special edition DvD as soon as it came out.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
That was the point I think, showing how Rage can turn anyone into a monsterous killing machine like that even if their not infected with pure rage. With what he'd gone through he eventually just snapped, so when the girl attacks him thinking he's infected it shows the fine line between intense rage and being normal

or something like that anyway heh

yes, its all about the human condition maaan.
Well, I may have missed that point, and I guess I will try to give it a second chance, but hidden social meaning aside it's still a little cheeseball. I guess I may rent it this weekend.
28 days later is the best movie I've seen in a long time. I came in expecting a bloody zombie horror show, but it's actually really deep and meaningful, in a creepy depressing way.
It wasn't really frightening to me, but it was frenetic and never boring. The action and cinematography were all great, and the soundtrack was very well done too.

There was lots of gore that could dissuade some people, but since i'm talking to the Half-Life community, that shouldn't be an issue. :)

I recommend it a lot, so avoid spoilers!

Now that I think about it, it was kinda similar to HL in some ways tone-wise.
Excellent film, better because it's British! (;)).

Seriously though, while it's not very scary, it is quite chilling... I love a good apocolyptic movie. The plot and acting were pulled off very well, too.
Top movie, went a little down hill towards the end .... but good fun :)

Anyone seen Dog Soldiers? (appologise if it's been mentioned already) I enjoyed that movie just as much.
dunno what some of you are talking about i thought it was f'in amazing
and to warbie, yeah dog soldiers was alright but i didnt really like it ,the werewolves looked too crappy. 28 days later was way better.
I thought it was an excellent movie. I agree with frentic, about the line between this "infection" and "human nature". It really kept me hooked in my seat.

Has anyone seen "THE RING"? I know it's a remake of some japanese flick, but that one scared me, and that doesn't happen easily. Damn horses!
Originally posted by Element Alpha
I thought it was an excellent movie. I agree with frentic, about the line between this "infection" and "human nature". It really kept me hooked in my seat.

Has anyone seen "THE RING"? I know it's a remake of some japanese flick, but that one scared me, and that doesn't happen easily. Damn horses!

I don't like the US remake of Ring (or ringu as its mostly called in the west), too much of it is based on Ring 2 which wasn't as scary as the first one and gave away too much, shoulda been a faithful remake of the original only, to have stood a chance.. However I personally think they should have left it alone.. Though the second time I watched Ring the other night it didn't really scare me, not like the first time I saw it, damn was it scary then :D.. but the sh*t that kept happening for a week after Ring 2 did begin to scare me lol. Though I am still alive past the 7 days after the STB froze on that image woohoo lol

Atleast we can be thankful The Ring wasn't based on Rasen instead
Sometimes I couldn't understand what the heck some of them were saying, the accents were too thick or the they spoke too low.

And it is not as scary as other horror movies IMO. The only part that made me jump at all was when the car alarm went off.

But other than that I loved it. It would be nice to have some kind of explanation of why the main character killed all those soilders, and why they were gonna kill them. I kinda missed that part, couldn't hear why.

Because the soldiers were crazy and wanted to rape the women. When he tried to stop them they took him out to be executed but he escaped and then came back at dark to save the women and kill the soldiers
Originally posted by CokeLite

Because the soldiers were crazy and wanted to rape the women. When he tried to stop them they took him out to be executed but he escaped and then came back at dark to save the women and kill the soldiers

I saw it as woman and girl and the fact she was just a girl was an important part of the film. At first you see her as what appears to be a scared girl, thne she begins to seem far more mature and worldly, only to once again be shown as nothing more than a child that the woman attempts to protect by giving her sleeping tablets so she didn't have to "experience" what was about to happen. That it was worse because she was just a child but the soldiers didn't give a hoot, all laws were out the window and what would have otherwise been law abiding citizens would stoop to any level following a mad man who thought he could be some ruler of the country. Also the thing with dressing them up. You read all the time in the papers how the weirdo's do things like that with their prey. And I think the film at that point is like asking the question, are the infected the worse humans can get, or are these soldiers the lowest form of human. Or something like that, I don't normally bother to analyze films I watch :)

I think the Director mentions something about it on the DVD but goes more into detail about how the lead male at points is like the old guys son or something *shrugs* heh
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I saw it as woman and girl and the fact she was just a girl was an important part of the film. At first you see her as what appears to be a scared girl, thne she begins to seem far more mature and worldly, only to once again be shown as nothing more than a child that the woman attempts to protect by giving her sleeping tablets so she didn't have to "experience" what was about to happen. That it was worse because she was just a child but the soldiers didn't give a hoot, all laws were out the window and what would have otherwise been law abiding citizens would stoop to any level following a mad man who thought he could be some ruler of the country. Also the thing with dressing them up. You read all the time in the papers how the weirdo's do things like that with their prey. And I think the film at that point is like asking the question, are the infected the worse humans can get, or are these soldiers the lowest form of human. Or something like that, I don't normally bother to analyze films I watch :)

I think the Director mentions something about it on the DVD but goes more into detail about how the lead male at points is like the old guys son or something *shrugs* heh

Agreed 100%. Especially on the part about how the chick seems like a scared little girl at first, but you then are shocked when you realize that you're thinking of her as more of a mature young-woman towards the latter half of the movie; especially


after she loses her father. :(
Did anyone see the jap version of The Ring(1998). Damn that is so funny, with the old guy with the rag on his head lmao. Me and my friend kept pullin that on each other...than we started freakin ourselves out...
28 days later is a great film!! I almost made a thread about it too.
A 28 days later mod would be cool as hell to play!!!afro: