2pac still alive??

Originally posted by chu

Sorry but there are no good lyrics in rap songs. Don't try and prove me wrong either.

"Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction
To get your brain relaxin, cause they be actin maniac in action
A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction
You looking zany whack with just a fraction of my tracks spun"

I don't consider this an astounding verse of lyrics, I call it garbage.

The only reason he raps about famous people is to get attention, if he didn't, no one would give 2 sh*ts about this guy.

Plus being white has nothing to do with his fame, it's been done before, i.e. Beastie Boys.

I hate rap music, I wish it would go away. I could tolerate late 80s to early 90s rap on a humerous level, not that I would listen to it on my own accord. It's this new wave of rap that is truly horrible. And if you listen to it, you are an idiot. These guys/girls make millions for having no talent other than grammar school word rhyming techniques and being able to rap that over a looping drum beat, a turn table is not an instrument no matter what you say. It is so easy to become a rapper, LP's are signing whatever is in the in-box, they don't care if it is pure crap, as long as it makes them money. Record companies are the sluts of the music industry, they'll lie on their backs and let any waste of life give 'em a pop for some change.

I appreciate musicians and instrumentalists, rappers aren't musicians. I mostly like metal bands, such as Slayer, In Flames, Iced Earth, Soilwork, Drain STH, Pantera, Metallica, and Shadows Fall. But I do listen to other music, such as AtDI, Alice in Chains, Boy Hits Car, CoC, and TOOL. I am not to keen on metal singers such as Chris Barnes of Six Feet Under, where all they do is that low raspy groaning type of singing. I like singers with range, two of my favorite singers are Maynard of Tool and Layne Staley of Alice in Chains. You can call me a queer but I like classical music too. It's very calming for me.

Now I don't consider myself a "Metal Head" because the majority of them just listen to metal. My brother is a metal head and he hates a lot of the bands I like. I like to expand my interests with music. I enjoy bands that experiment with new sounds. One such band is the Mars Volta, I recently heard the song "Inertiatic ESP", and I found myself drawn in. I liked Cedric Bixler and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and their pervious band At the Drive In.

Now it's just not rap that I hate, so you rap enthusiasts can calm down. Now we are being put in the rush of "70s Look a Like Bands". Right now I am going to focus on one band from this rush, The Strokes. Now I said I appreciate instrumental bands, but that only goes so far. I appreciate musicians that play instruments and experiment and expand, such as guitarists that go off on a tangent from the song to throw down a killer solo after the second chorus, i.e. Zakk Wylde. What I hate is these bands like The Strokes, who play the same chord over and over until I actually have a stroke. Everyday you see one of these bands come into the light for their one hit and then they make room for another to follow.

Another new craze is these Good Charlotte wannabe bands. I will put A Simple Plan in the spot light. Do you like this music? I like some pussy music but christ, this goes beyond pussy. The saddest thing is that a lot of these bands, Good Charlotte the most, try to throw us off with that punk persona. Sorry but punk is dead, these guys are just sobby posers that enjoy their 14 year old female listeners.
I say it's a sad time we live in. The good bands of today are identified as "underground" while the craptacular music is put in the lime light. MTV is the demise of good music. They are making it alright to listen to f*ggy music because the whole family can listen to it. But most "underground" enthusiasts don't want their bands in the lime light because they feel like it is their band, they want to keep it all for themselves. The day that some kid in an ambercrombie shirt and american eagle pants finds out about the underground metal scene is the day a metal kid will die. I feel that these "underground" bands deserve their 15 minutes, a lot of them are extremely talented and deserve more than any backstreet boy or slutney spears.

My children will never listen to rap, never! I suggest you people do the same, because rap will dull their sense of good music and make them start slurring out ebonic slangs. I can see it now:

Dada chu - "Where did you put that screwdriver son?"
son of chu - "Yo pops, I be puttin dat skewdriva down thuur, under the fizzle, ya hear!?"
Dada chu - "..."
son of chu - "I mean, I placed that screwdriver down there under the fender, aight?"
son of chu - "I put it down there under the fender, eh?"
Dada chu - "..dear god..."

/ps: I don't hate Canadians, it's just that you talk funny. :cheers:

I agree with you! Well to a point anyways, i dont agree that rap isnt music and i dont see how you can say that either. Music is a vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of rhythm,haramony..etc. So whether you like it or not rap is music, im not saying you cant say its shit thats your opinion say whatever you want.

I myself also try to be more diverse. Im actually very much into some types of jazz, rock and comteparary electric (uhh not sure if thats the name). Jazz to me is perfect to listen to when sleeping or just hanging out thinking. I personally will listen to whatever music i can relate too or moves me emotionally in some way.

I agree with you on people completely ignoring better bands for the more commercialed shit aired of mtv. It seems like young minds are willing to swallow (not in the literal term) anything that is feed to them by society. I actually saw quite a few girls walkin around with the famous faded, expensive looking, glasses seen in so many rap videos at the mall.

But crazes like these will always come and go, people just migrate from one thing to another this is how it is in all forms of media and theres nothing you can do about it. So enjoy the music you do and be glad your not just another sheep.
(the above is not mockery)

BTW chu, not alot of canadians actually say "eh" or "aboot", we speak "normally" here in fact.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Im a big 2pac fan, i always have been since i was about 13, mainly because i could relate to what he was saying. But anyways his new cd is about to come out this november..if you keep up with the number of cds that have been released after his death its about 1 a year, some of them being double cds. Plus at the same time he did call himself makaveli, who also faked his death. So what do you guys think?
I think your 2 short of a six pac
2pac is dead. My mother was one of the nurses trying to keep him alive. She was one of the three nurses there when he died. Its kind of interesting because she works trauma all the really interesting accidents that happen in vegas, Like Roys mauling by the tiger ends up there.
Not really rap... But this is one of the worst songs ever... yet it was popular...
"It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes"
"I am, getting so hot, I needa take my clothes off"

I don't really mind rap. I don't like it but I don't care for it but if people want to listen to it, it's their choice. It's when people have it playing full blast on their speakers so EVERYONE has to hear it that annoys me. Every time a car goes by with blasting speakers playing rap I wish their stereo thing would just explode. It's not like eveyone wants to hear it. Sometimes I think they do it not to listen to it themselves but so other people will. I have no idea.
Originally posted by Detharin
2pac is dead. My mother was one of the nurses trying to keep him alive. She was one of the three nurses there when he died. Its kind of interesting because she works trauma all the really interesting accidents that happen in vegas, Like Roys mauling by the tiger ends up there.

remind me not to have an embarrasing accident in vegas then, or it'll be all round this forum the next day ;)
Nah unless its somebody famous, or they do something really funny or really stupid i dont ask to many questions about my mothers job. Nurses make good money but most of their job is cleaning up crap, and changing crap soaked sheets. have no fear, the forum goers will never hear about your near death condition where you lie in a doped up state covered in your own filth while you heal. Unless you jump in front of a train and your severed leg ends up in a bucket in the nurses kitchen and cant be located for half an hour... (actually happened)
im gettin tired of the hip hop scene, just the same bs every month. A new single? hmm who can it be? Jay-Z ft Pharell? Snoop dogg ft Pharell? Always this Pharell!!! Ok hes a good producer but im sick of hearing that sqeacky chorus all the time!
So Tupac is alive? Man now I feel guilty for whackin Notorious BIG. :(
Originally posted by Xtasy0
BTW chu, not alot of canadians actually say "eh" or "aboot", we speak "normally" here in fact.

what the fook are you tookin a boot eh?

I saw 2pac's autopsy photo's... They were pasted all over the internet.. He's dead man just give it up.
Rap music was introduced for the black community. This country is still torn up into it's own little culture groups. We all can't agree to listen to the same music as others, so RI's sign different bands that have a sound that would appeal to a certain group in hopes of pulling in a larger audience and establishing a larger revenue.
I like some hip-hop: talented hip hop like Run DMC, Mark B & Blade, the Herbaliser (great band) and the Beastie Boys... :)
Does it matter whether Tupac is alive or not? He left the world with enough garbage to last for the next 50 years anyway.