2weeks left: Hype Poll

whats your hl2 hype like?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
(i'l start another one in a week and then another 2days before HL2 is released :P)

How hyped are you?!

Burnout - OMFG R0x0rZ! - Constant Hype - eat sleep dream hl2
Super Charged - f3kiN a/\/\aZ1N! - Can't stop thinking about hl2
Turbo - ^_^ HappyHappy ^_^ - hl2 is in your head
Revved - Yippie! - hl2 cheers you up
Racing - Yahoo! - you think of hl2 2/3 times a day
Drifting - YaY - you think of hl2 every day or so
Coasting - Oh yeah - you're glad its here but life>hl2
breaking - half li.. oh look a birdy! - dont mind hl2
stopped - no way hozay - dont care at all about hl2
Locked'n'Gone - like i give a .. - hl2 is too overrated!
Drifting, but i will be totally hyped the day before release
Drifting, but once it gets to the final half week i should be rapidly getting to burnout :D
I'm hoping that after the third and final "hype poll" i can compare the poll graphs and you see a stready average 'bump' of people going up the hype rating...

But at this rate people are a LOT more hyped than i thought! :P

(btw yes i will keep the same terms for the next 2 polls :))
Drifting. Might go up when there's like 2 days left.
Drifting, regrettably. Though my hype will return when we get closer to release.
I try not to think about the game at all, though it pops up in my mind several times a day. thinking about it makes time really slow. haven`t read any reviews or seen any pictures either. last media I experienced was the e3 2004 trailers. drifting
Think I hit drifting once Nov 1st rolled around.

The hype is steadily climbing once again, which I feared it would do for me.
chriso20 said:
(i'l start another one in a week and then another 2days before HL2 is released :P)

Or you could just not spam the boards with silly polls.

The number of

"omgz i will have teh game in X hooors" threads will be plenty of indication as to the hype level.

plus the regular tone of folks posts.

I want it right now... ARRRRGH!

I think the closer it gets the more hyped i'll be... Right now im Coasting.
I have decided that I won't buy Hl2. I'll just download it and play the singleplayer, in my opinion not worth the 50$ (got cs and dod already, better graphics won't change 'em, it will only make 'em more buggy. And since Valve is slow on patching/not good at, 1.6 still the Hit boxes bug). Since there won't be Hl2 dm and Cs:s is still full of shit (i would not call it a full release, a pre beta would be more suitable).
Bakurei said:
I have decided that I won't buy Hl2. I'll just download it and play the singleplayer, in my opinion not worth the 50$ (got cs and dod already, better graphics won't change 'em, it will only make 'em more buggy. And since Valve is slow on patching/not good at, 1.6 still the Hit boxes bug). Since there won't be Hl2 dm and Cs:s is still full of shit (i would not call it a full release, a pre beta would be more suitable).

the game isn't worth your money, but you will download and play it anyway?

well hey, no one is going to stop you (and chances are that you will be caught are pretty slim)... have fun?

I can't wait for the mods, the SP, the source ports... just everything.... and I have money.
Im at Revved at the moment, but in a week i will probably rise to Turbo, den Super Charged in the weekend before HL2 release.
And then Burnout at Monday.
And finally, at Tuesday, i think you know the story ;)
What's to be hyped about? I ripp through FPS like a fat kid through candy. It's all about single player story to mutiplayer replay. THe only mod I care about is AFK MIA and completly retarded at the moment. DOD is going to be a lame port? Come on. NEW CONTENT NEW CONTENT. And I can't get a discount on what will be a 3.1 port. I will have to buy the instore copy and wait for them to upgrade the game to somthing special!

GRRRR. I am jonesing for some real quality not hype.
boo yea

straight being mad sideways driftin in my s13 :afro:
Irs2k3 said:
Well HL2 will be good but not as good as DNF!

I love that in the gamer world DNF means Duke Nukem Forever, but in the real world a lot of the time DNF means Did Not Finish.

How apt... ;)
Nice thread.

I'm revved right now, but all it would take is for me to watch one or two HL2 bink videos to get me ready to burnout.
Omgzorz Hl2 Roxx00rz
and yes i love the poll :) very creative
Coasting - My HL2 hype died last september 2003. I still want the game on day 1 but thats besides the point...i could wait till after christmas for it if i had to.