3, 2, 1....pissed off


Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
:flame: :flame: :flame: right, i just can't settle on a good game of Half Life 2. i get approx. 10-15 minutes of gameplay.. and then my computer restarts.

its not a hardware problem, as all my system specs are higher than the games requirements. theres no wires touching any circuit boards in my pc, ive dusted out my pc totally...3 times now. and i've re-installed that many times, ive lost count now...

does any one know whats wrong? ive noticed a few people are having similar problems, but whats causing them?

if any one knows what to do than please inform me of my mistakes... or if anyone finds a 'cure', then please lets me know.

thank you,

so bcos ur system is meeting the requirments & no wires are touching the CB's & its not dusted its not ur fault. I very much doubt that. Post ur system specs please.

Also goto start, right click My Computer, Properties, Advance, Startup & Recover Settings,& then untick automatically restart & then ok apply. Next time ur PC wants to restart a blue screen shud appear, wire down what it says, then post back here.
Are you sure all your fans are running? Power supply, CPU, video card, case fan, northbridge?

If so, try some other RAM, or pull out/swap sticks and test and see if it still happens. Try a full ScanDisk as well...
Over heating and/or shitty PSU.

Gimme the comp specs and the watts and rails of your PSU or link me to it.
ATX Switing Power Supply

is that what you need? sorry, had no exp. in power supply
Bounty_Bam said:
windows xp
1gb ram
radeon 9550 256MB (new)

That looks fine, what about ur CPU (Processor)

start, right click My Computer, Properties, Advance, Startup & Recover Settings,& then untick automatically restart & then ok apply. Next time ur PC wants to restart a blue screen shud appear, wire down what it says, then post back here.
pentium 4 3.00ghz

ok ill try that, i unticked the auto reboot earlier but still reboots but ill try again :D
HALF-LIFE 2:hl2.exe Application Error

The Instruction at "0x241f94f7" referenced memory at "0x0da5fl1c". The memory could not be "read".

is it the max. memory read thing in settings and performance??

other than this message, i just get a blue screen with a clicking fast sound (aka...crashed)
Kinda sounds like a power supply problem too me, my power supply has given me problems similar too that (though not nearly as bad). Somebody with more tech knowledge could probably help you more.
Bounty_Bam said:
HALF-LIFE 2:hl2.exe Application Error

The Instruction at "0x241f94f7" referenced memory at "0x0da5fl1c". The memory could not be "read".

is it the max. memory read thing in settings and performance??

other than this message, i just get a blue screen with a clicking fast sound (aka...crashed)

That sounds like its a fault on ur memory, when u was cleaning out ur PC of dust did u knock ur memory stick, double check that they are seated correctly, aslo make sure no dust has got between the motherboard & the ram sticks. If that dont work, take 1 stick out (if u have more than 1 that is) & try that.

Also are u overclocking ur memory? If so i would revert them back to the default timings in BIOS.
I'm throwing in with the "sounds like a PSU problem" crowd.
Glirk Dient said:
Over heating and/or shitty PSU.

Gimme the comp specs and the watts and rails of your PSU or link me to it.

Qhartb said:
I'm throwing in with the "sounds like a PSU problem" crowd.

380W doesn't boot much nowadays. I agreed.
i removed my memory sticks and cleaned them and the game was running perfeclty, like ive been playing for like 2-3 hours this morning but it just now crashed with the common problem with the "send error report" etc.

just validating again now
my pc has this kinda "humming noise" im after making it more silent... i think its either the fans on the power supply, or the fan on the back of my pc...does anyone have an idea?
have you ever overclocked your PC?? what vid card you running? is that overclocked? monitor ALL temps during gameplay... are any of them getting above 55-60? are you disabling any 3rd party software in the background thats un-needed to play HL2? also what are your options at with HL2 ie video, res, refresh, sound, etc... any of those could be causing a malfunction... check on that
Bounty_Bam said:
my pc has this kinda "humming noise" im after making it more silent... i think its either the fans on the power supply, or the fan on the back of my pc...does anyone have an idea?
Well, you could try putting your computer on something soft like some foam or a cushion. That sometimes helps, because often the vibrations are caused by the computer case banging against the ground very slightly, but it sounds like humming.
Well then you shouldn't buy fans that come from (insert odd name here)-tan, eh :p

Or you can buy one of those Zalman passive coolers ;)
Odd that you should mention that power supply. I just that exact one. Unfortunately, I've not installed it yet and I'm not in a hurry to install it, so can't tell you how well it works. Sorry.
Fixing the Memory error when playing Half-Life 2 in Windows XP SP2
By Sam Raheb, December 28, 2007

Windows XP Pro SP2 Error prompt:
The instruction at "0x241f94f7" referenced memory at "0x0e54f41c". The memory could not be "read".

From researching the internet, this error is apparently associated with Paged Pool Memory (PPM). It seems like other programs or devices are using too much of the allocated PPM. So you need to either increase the amount of PPM or find and remove / disable the programs or devices using too much of the allocated PPM to play Half-Life 2.

The easy way that works is to increase the amount of PPM.

You can manually set the PPM pool size via the Registry [Windows default value is 0 (Hexadecimal)].

To make the change, use Window's Regedit.

1) Start>Run, type in "regedit" (without quotes as always) and hit enter.
2) Navigate to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management
3) Double click on the "PagedPoolSize" key.
4) Enter these values to set the size:
192Mb - 0c000000
256Mb - 10000000 (fixed PPM for Sam's XPS ccomputer on 12/28/2007, original hex value was 0)
384Mb - 18000000
256MB should be enough. 192MB didn't work for me, so just experiment.
5) Reboot

Instead of manually editing the Registry to make PPM change, you can create a simple Registry file (.reg) using the following code.

Registry code to Set the PagedPoolSize to 256Mb - 10000000 (Example file name: Game_Add_PPM.reg):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Registry code to Restore the PagedPoolSize back to 0 (Example file name: Game_Restore_PPM.reg):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Remember to Reboot for the change to become effective.

Playing Half-Life 2
If you created the two registries files as stated previously, then perform the following to play Half-Life 2:

(1) Run the Game_Add_PPM.reg file to set the PPM.
(2) Reboot
(3) Play Half-Life 2
(4) Run the Game_Restore_PPM.reg file to restore the PPM.
(5) Reboot

Steps (4) and (5) are optional. I needed to perform Steps (4) and (5) in order to re-enable my Ramdrive.
:flame: :flame: :flame: right, i just can't settle on a good game of Half Life 2. i get approx. 10-15 minutes of gameplay.. and then my computer restarts.

its not a hardware problem, as all my system specs are higher than the games requirements. theres no wires touching any circuit boards in my pc, ive dusted out my pc totally...3 times now. and i've re-installed that many times, ive lost count now...

does any one know whats wrong? ive noticed a few people are having similar problems, but whats causing them?

if any one knows what to do than please inform me of my mistakes... or if anyone finds a 'cure', then please lets me know.

thank you,


Feel your computer. Alot of heat? I knew it. You need a better FAN Drive. See that fan In the back? Fan drive. Get a Faster, Cleaner, Less power using FAN for the safety of your computer.