3 days until e3, where will you get your media

www.evilavatar.com !!!11III
awesome news site, where all members can write news, and people can comment. usually with files, users post 10 mirrors in the comments. they hate fileplanet a whole lot. :naughty:

if they post the movies on steam, they will quickly learn that bittorrent/everyone sharing when downloading will help keep steam from dying
I hate the sites where you must Register, and give some money.
I think your site must take Video at E3, and post it on video Section to download it for free.
David said:
I hate the sites where you must Register, and give some money.
I think your site must take Video at E3, and post it on video Section to download it for free.

we're not going to E3!! we're UK based

even tho sum of us live in the US
Fileplanet sub account

*skips merrily past stressed out, tired, angry people in queue*
Im going to snag them from a friend during a LAN...im on 56k so otherwise they would literally take DAYS to download if they are anything comprable to last years E3 video size...

A few years ago they did LIVE e3 coverage and last year they just had a ton of videos up later in the night and just brought articles through out the day...it kinda sucked. I still think gamespot gets the best though and quickest. BTW those videos surely wont be out over steam until a few days later if not a week.
I pay $3.99 a month for Gamespy, and It's well worth it. They always have movies up very quickly, and they have live coverage of E3... their movies are 640x480 quicktime too... can't be beat.
Spiffae said:
I pay $3.99 a month for Gamespy, and It's well worth it. They always have movies up very quickly, and they have live coverage of E3... their movies are 640x480 quicktime too... can't be beat.
Has to be better than www.e3insider.com
Relating to this topic, did anyone get Gamespot's E3 DVD last year? I was going to but for some reason or another never got around to it, but I was wondering how it was. I'll definately be getting it this year, it's going to be 4 DVDs worth of content so it should be worth it, not to mention us Complete members get a discount as well.
i don't understand why people would subscribe to gamespot complete, you can stream all the vids and download all the demos and all you have to be is a basic member, i don't think there's much bang for your ten bucks at gamespot :dozey:
Well it's $25 a year, or only $6 a month. I've gotten a couple people to sign up for this month, because for all of the E3 coverage they provide, the cost of a video game magazine is well worth it.
ill be listening to the IGN / GameSpy Live Wire broadcast all week.


9:30 a.m. PDT: Breakfast with GameSpy - GameSpy's Editors give you a preview of the day's E3 events and tell you what they're setting out to see for the day.

10:00 a.m. PDT: Rob Pardo of Blizzard Software on World of Warcraft

10:21 a.m. PDT: Raph Koster of Sony Online Entertainment on Star Wars Galaxies

10:51 a.m. PDT: The team behind the Galactic Conquest mod for Battlefield 1942

11:00 a.m. PDT: Infinity Ward on Call of Duty

11:30 a.m. PDT: Todd Hollenshead of Id Software on Doom 3 and more

Noon PDT: Ken Levine of Irrational Games on Freedom Force 2

12:30 p.m. PDT: Pandemic Studios on Star Wars: Battlefront

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PDT: BREAK

2:00 p.m. PDT: John Whitmore of 2015 Studios on Men of Valor: Vietnam

2:30 PDT: Joshua Van Veld from High Voltage Software on Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

3:00 p.m. PDT: Spark Unlimited on Call of Duty: Finest Hour

3:30 p.m. PDT: Jeff Briggs of Firaxis on Sid Meier's Pirates! and more.


9:30 a.m. PDT: Breakfast with GameSpy - GameSpy's Editors give you a preview of the day's E3 events and tell you what they're setting out to see at the show.

10:00 a.m. PDT: Brian Fargo of InXile Entertainment on The Bard's Tale

10:30 a.m. PDT: Perrin Kaplan from Nintendo of America

11:00 a.m. PDT: David Perry of Shiny Entertainment on Enter the Matrix and more.

11:30 a.m. PDT: Sony Online Entertainment on EverQuest II and more!

Noon PDT: Pete Parsons of Bungie on Halo 2

12:30 p.m. PDT: Richard "Lord British" Garriott on Tabula Rasa and more.

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PDT: BREAK

2:00 p.m. PDT: Demis Hassabis of Elixir Studios on Evil Genius

2:30 p.m. PDT: Ted Price of Insomniac Games on Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

3:00 p.m. PDT: Rob Gee of Raven Software on X-Men: Legends

3:30 p.m. PDT: Will Wright of Maxis on The Urbz, The Sims, Sim City and more.

4:00 p.m. PDT: Peter Molyneux of Lionhead Studios on The Movies and more.


9:30 a.m. PDT: Breakfast with GameSpy - GameSpy's Editors give you a preview of the day's E3 events and tell you what they're setting out to see for the day.

10:00 a.m. PDT: Chris Mahnken of Irrational Games on Tribes: Vengeance

10:30 a.m. PDT: Alex Ward of EA Games on Burnout 3

11:00 a.m. PDT: Ian Davis of Mad Doc Software on Empire Earth 2

11:30 a.m. PDT: Tim Sweeney of Epic Games on the Unreal 3 engine.

Noon PDT: Mark Skaggs of EA Games on Battle for Middle-earth

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PDT: BREAK

2:00 p.m. PDT: Ben Bell of Sony Online Entertainment on Champions: Return to Arms

2:30 p.m. PDT: Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games on Dungeon Siege 2

3:00 p.m. PDT: Warren Spector of ION Storm on Thief, Deus Ex and more.

3:30 p.m. PDT: David Hufford of Microsoft on Xbox and Xbox 2.

ill probally check out gamespot stuff, and alot of other sites.

one thing id like to add, does anybody know why HLR thinks they have exclusive content that no other gaming site will? im pretty sure their list isnt as long as the one above. anyways ill stop before i get flamed again as the forehead guy ;)
does anyone know if hl2 vids will be shown on all days or a specific day?
Really ? Ithought e3insider was the best place?

Oh well, I have a subscription to fileplanet, and Game Informer is gonna do a covereage of it as usual.

So I'm convered.

Can't ... wait...
are any of the u.s. magazines doing a dvd that ships with thier mag anytime after e3 or anything?
b/c if they did.........
Soundwave said:
Last year I subscribed to Gamespot Complete for E3 and was so impressed with it that I've since kept the subscription, so that is where I'll be getting my E3 info from. They go all-out with coverage, the first broadcast will be tomorrow night actually (Microsoft's Press Conference), hopefully they'll be showing Halo 2 footage again.

What he said ^^^.
Im subscribed to :

-Gamespot Complete
-IGN Insider
-Gamespy Founderclub

forget subscriptions there's always some place else in the world wide web that you can find the same things they offer

and that's free
yea....well....i can watch it...a day after it comes out...so THERE
i hope it gets on steam or bit torrent.

usualy sites get so slow for hl2 and so clogged that its almost impossible to get a demo or file during e3 you gotta wait another week.

if that doesn't work i'll go to this sites IRC chat which is always busy, and they people there are very nice and will upload me the files or give me nice isolated ftp like they did last year.
go ausgamers!
that place kicks ass, it's like super fast and no lines
gamershell is pretty cool to
and if i'm feeling desperate...GAMESPOT!
but probably all the sites will be insanely slow and people will get barely any progress on thier downloads until AFTER e3's over
anyone know a place that for some reason WON'T be slow as mollasses come e3?
I think it's sad that Valve promised us the SDK before E3 and no-one's mentioning it because everybody knows it's not coming.
2 days and 22 hours is still time enough...i hope
as i said b4 its best to hang out in the IRC channel of this website to learn the second when a new link to dload or ftp mirror is up

last thing u wanna do is have gamespy/fileplanet/gamespot/etc. open and constantly refreshing.
or find an independent site that has all the vids that no one knows about, it won't take long just google it
I use www.gametab.com it is a bunch of gaming sites news, all on one convenient site.
I also have a free www.fileplanet.com membership :D

here is a list I made of games I want more info on:
-Tribes: Vengeance
-Medal of Honor Pacific Assault
-Midnight Club 3
-Half Life 2
-Team Fortress 2
-Counter Strike 2
-Day of Defeat 2
-Battle Field 2
-Unreal 3
-Halo 2
-Swat 4
-STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
-Doom 3
-Duke Nukem Forever
-All the console gaming systems

edit: fixed the links
Spiffae said:
I pay $3.99 a month for Gamespy, and It's well worth it. They always have movies up very quickly, and they have live coverage of E3... their movies are 640x480 quicktime too... can't be beat.

crap... i posted that last night... i meant Gamespot

i feel like a tool :P