3 Horde Vs Orgrimmar

I wouldn't be surprised if your account is suspended by the end of the week. :p
No seriosuly, how the hell can you attack your own faction? :p

and I want that rogue's UI :(
I didn't watch it yet, because the download is slow...but...

umm, at first i thought you meant stormwind or IF, but im downloading the vid- HOW do you attack your own guys?

hmm how you get mark of shame


sigh....please reveal, in full details. I'm not horde anyways, but I'd like to know. Unless there is a similiar thing with Alliance.

ps: I can't believe the people on www.warcraftmovies.com were complaining about the music and what was happening in the video. I don't think they've even played Warcraft before. They couldn't understand what was going on.
That's just extremely cool the Horde is. The other week, I slapped Thrall in the face and he actually enjoyed it and he said "Your steak and kidney pies are ready!" and I was like "STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE IS AN ALLIANCE FOODZ" so I rippedhismaskoffandIrealiseditwasactuallyscoobydooplayingaprankonmebecauselastchristmasIkilledhispetrabbitandfedittoScrappyandheate it.


Yeah, I don't know how to actually attack your own faction.
He's either using the potion that changes your appearance or he's changed his model package so that his play model shows up as an orc.
Ok watched the video. How many NPCs did you have to kill to get your reputation that low?