3 inch 360

Was I the only one who thought that wasn't that impressive? All he did was print off some pictures and put them together...

wooo, I did that in the 2nd grade.
I thought that was pretty cool.

"He he, look at me, I have a brand new three-six-tee! Next I'll make a wee & u can play with me!"

People like this give geeks and nerds a bad name.

"He he, look at me, I have a brand new three-six-tee! Next I'll make a wee & u can play with me!"

People like this give geeks and nerds a bad name.

aw come on man, whats wrong with it? Haven't you ever made anything? A model airplane or car? A hobby R/C car or anything? Have you ever bought those miniature toys from the gumball machines?

I want one.

I couple years ago, I bought a deck of playing cards from a gumball machine that were about .5 x 1 inch big. Real playing cards like the ace of hearts, etc.

It was cool when I whipped out my little deck in front of the intoxicated ladies :naughty: They didn't think it was geeky to have a small deck. They said,"look at his tiny deck, it's so cute, I want to play with it!"

Yes, all the chicks loved to see my deck. I suppose they wanted to play strip poker and asshole with my deck, but I was afraid it would get messed up, bent, or dirty. I was afraid I would lose my deck, or even parts of it. You just can't play with it, if part of your deck is missing.

By the way, Asshole is fun, you should try it. But I only recommend playing it with the ladies

LMFAO. I am funneh.

when I was a kid, you could buy this little monkey keychain from a vending machine at the movie theatre that came with a pack of cigarettes that he could actually smoke. My how times have changed.
When I realized what was actually going on I was pretty :rolleyes: