3 more questions

blinking halo

Oct 8, 2004
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Hi again, resident noob mapper here.

1) I have an env spark set up just the way i like it, it sparks every few seconds etc etc all fine -> how do i go about linking an ambient_generic sound to it so as to make a spark noise every time the sparks fly?

2) I have a number of env_cubemaps in my map (48) but for some reason after running buildcubemaps in the console there still seem to be large (sometimes massive) gaps in the level where the cubemaps dont work, ie my gun model get the 'glow in the dark effect' despite the fact that in the editor a cubemap is clearly visible right on top of that area. Whats going on? How do i fix it? I have all my cubemaps 64 units above the ground and they are never closer than 256 units.

3) I have an env_sun entity set to the same angles as my light_environment (angles for cx skybox taken from interlopers tutorial) but the sun doesnt line up. How can i get it to line up accurately with the skybox texture sun?

thanks in advance
1. the env_spark makes its own noises, which synchronise with the sparking, so no ambient_generic required

2. try moving your cubemaps around a bit, and restricting them to places where the light changes dramatically rather than just sprinkling them everywhere. cubemapping is more an art than a science, or so i read somewhere

3. i'm kinda interested to know the answer to that myself
lol i used to title my post unoriginally liek this aswell. "2 questions" etc.
UltraProAnti said:
1. the env_spark makes its own noises, which synchronise with the sparking, so no ambient_generic required

2. try moving your cubemaps around a bit, and restricting them to places where the light changes dramatically rather than just sprinkling them everywhere. cubemapping is more an art than a science, or so i read somewhere

3. i'm kinda interested to know the answer to that myself

hmm im not getting any noise out of the env_spark... the 'silent' box is unticked.... =/

as for the cubemaps it was a simple matter of reloading the map after building the cubemaps.. stupid me :P
well then i don't know what the problem is with the env_spark thing
You may need to make the spark greater in magnitude for the sound to be heard. If you can't hear a sound in any case, the only way to synchronise an ambient_generic with the spark would be to start it disabled and set up a logic_timer to send SparkOnce to the env_spark and PlaySound to the ambient_generic at random intervals.

I've always recommended that people reload the map after building the cubemaps. No one listens.

Env_sun behaves strangely under various circumstances. It totally refuses to draw correctly if it points at certain angles (notably Straight Down), and it used to screw up if a point_camera could see it... I've always thought it better to point stuff, especially lights, at an info_null or info_target target instead of using the angles as VRAD really screws up the angles when it tries to read them.
i second raevens claim about reloading the map after buildcubemaps.

it is a VERY good suggestion....because it is a real solution.

that is all.