3 new screenshots

S1ddharthA: Im pretty sure those rocks that you're talking about were painted with watercolours.
... I should have made my AI comment sound more like a joke (which it was supposed to be)... now everyone is laughing at me not with me...
I think Sidd is just one of those nitpickers like the guys who laugh at Doom3 for having a chainsaw on a space installation... just drop it.
And I won't make fun of the concept art thing because it was probably an honest mistake...
LoL i finally get to see whats all the comotion is about..Nice screens..Need the full game though .. :cheese:
Originally posted by S1ddharthA
lol styloid you make me laugh man. yea its a
great example of the super awesome ai that
a guy is just sitting on top of a car for no reason.
nice thinking. if the model was clipping through the
wall you would prolly say it goes to show how cool
hl2 ai is that the enemies are smart enough to
physically materialize inside the walls in order to
hide...rite? lol.
No no... I think Styloid is right - what are you yourself suggesting anyway?That Valve place NPCs in random places for no reason? Erm... What?
It's a god damn screenshot for christ's sake! He's probably on the car because it looks cooler. Geez.
Ok guys apparantly S1ddharthA has been confirmed as Mr. Pink, a known troll who keeps signing up with accounts to cause trouble, there's more info in the off-topic thread. I knew there wasn't something right about him but ya know the religious types, say anything about them and they accuse you of hating their religion *rolleyes*

aaannyyhoooo..., lets all put his remarks behind us and continue on as normal, cheers.
So finaly HL2.NET site allow sccand pics to be posted, weeeeeehaaaaa