3 new videos, and bye bye steam beta

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Erik Johnson has announced that in the next few weeks steam will be exiting beta and releaseing three new videos, you will now need to have actually phisically purchased a valve game to use steam. valve titles will now be able to be purchased via steam and steam id's will be put into full use

this and many more changes (check steam forum)

looks like hl2 is right on schedule :cheers:
Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. You mean I have to BUY a old game to use the new version of Steam? WHAT THE FAUCK DO THEY EXPECT ME TO BUY!?!?!? HL1!?!?! I don't wanna wait until HL2 to get any new media at all.
Thats not entirely correct. You can still purchase HL2 thru Steam even if you don't own any other Valve games.
Maybe I should read the SteamPowered forums first, but I tought I'd ask..

Only the people who purchased Valve products (Half-Life, CS, DoD...) will be able to download the new vids through steam?

Will the beta still be available and updated for people without Valve softwares?

I guess most of us got the original Half-Life though...
HL2 media will, and always has, been available through other sources than steam. However, it is unlikely that you'll have to have a Won-id to get the movies. Steam itself will remain a free download: you just need to buy one of any Valve game to get access to all the games currently on Steam beta. Very likely, that won't include the HL2 movies or other promotional items. I guess it could, but as I said: you'll still be able to get the movies elsewhere, so don't complain.

If you didn't buy HL1 originally, how have you been playing it? Only via Steam?
I think you can use steam you just dont get free half-life anymore
If you have 1 working valve cd key, you can have steam.
If you didn't purchase HL1 it means you are a n00b and Valve basically hates you. You can still purchase it now and avoid the embarassment. :)
Originally posted by Apos
HL2 media will, and always has, been available through other sources than steam. However, it is unlikely that you'll have to have a Won-id to get the movies. Steam itself will remain a free download: you just need to buy one of any Valve game to get access to all the games currently on Steam beta. Very likely, that won't include the HL2 movies or other promotional items. I guess it could, but as I said: you'll still be able to get the movies elsewhere, so don't complain.

If you didn't buy HL1 originally, how have you been playing it? Only via Steam?

that got my thinkin apos... couldent beta users just use the files that beta got them and play half-life.. just a thought
lmfao rox that film is genious... I had to rar it by right clicking icon tho
couldent beta users just use the files that beta got them and play half-life.. just a thought

Nope. Steam's database is being wiped and started over. The files from steam will not work without a steam authorization.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
If you didn't purchase HL1 it means you are a n00b and Valve basically hates you. You can still purchase it now and avoid the embarassment. :)

Originally posted by Apos
Nope. Steam's database is being wiped and started over. The files from steam will not work without a steam authorization.

maybe if a 1337 haxxer did some work with it =P
What about the secret hidden video footage out after the e3 ones???
Originally posted by Ki||tacular
Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. You mean I have to BUY a old game to use the new version of Steam? WHAT THE FAUCK DO THEY EXPECT ME TO BUY!?!?!? HL1!?!?! I don't wanna wait until HL2 to get any new media at all.

you should be killed for not having hl1
Originally posted by alb1221
Erik Johnson has announced that in the next few weeks steam will be exiting beta and releaseing three new videos, you will now need to have actually phisically purchased a valve game to use steam. valve titles will now be able to be purchased via steam and steam id's will be put into full use

this and many more changes (check steam forum)

looks like hl2 is right on schedule :cheers:

What the hell!??!! I will buy half-life 2 no problem off steam, but they better patch cs to 1.6 cause if we can't, then they are making us pay for the same product twice!!!!!!
I doubt they will release the tech demo, I think it is going to be the FSAA deal, and maybe the buggy movie or strider. We shall see, it's good to hear from Valve though.
but they better patch cs to 1.6 cause if we can't, then they are making us pay for the same product twice!!!!!!

Uh... twice? You mean once. If you own CS retail, you'll get 1.6
Originally posted by adio2001
I doubt they will release the tech demo, I think it is going to be the FSAA deal, and maybe the buggy movie or strider. We shall see, it's good to hear from Valve though.

He said 3 movies

Buggy -> Strider -> Dunno.
3 NEW movies, that doesn't include buggy N strider.
You guys shouldnt get your panties in a knot in anticipation for 3 new vids in the next few weeks. Remember when it was first announced that they would be releasing roughly 1 vid a day? Here we are like a month and a half later with a handfull of vids to show for it. Just be patient and see what happens. Dont set yourself up for dissapointment by beliveing every word of a dev team that obviously has trouble with fulfilling commitments.
Originally posted by WickedEwok
You guys shouldnt get your panties in a knot in anticipation for 3 new vids in the next few weeks. Remember when it was first announced that they would be releasing roughly 1 vid a day? Here we are like a month and a half later with a handfull of vids to show for it. Just be patient and see what happens. Dont set yourself up for dissapointment by beliveing every word of a dev team that obviously has trouble with fulfilling commitments.

I still have the email from Gabe on that fateful day of June 30 when he said the vids are comming tomorrow ;)

But really they can't hold back the vids much longer, the game is comming out in a month practically.
Does anyone know if you could use a "packaged" version of hl1? I got the game with my ati card. BTW the cd key has never worked, there are two numbers and neither seems to work, if im not looking in a compleatly obvious place where the real key should be, can someone tell me?

<edit> It might have been bundled with my motherboard or my video card, i dont remember anymore.
Originally posted by Eclipse
Does anyone know if you could use a "packaged" version of hl1? I got the game with my ati card. BTW the cd key has never worked, there are two numbers and neither seems to work, if im not looking in a compleatly obvious place where the real key should be, can someone tell me?

you can get the plutonium pack or whatever its called in any store for around $30. It includes all the mods too.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
you can get the plutonium pack or whatever its called in any store for around $30. It includes all the mods too.

Why would i want to buy another copy? Are you saying that it wouldent work?
Originally posted by SilentKilla
if you can find the right number it will work,
/me duh

Yeah don't go looking on Google though. Chances are 2000 other people and their grandmas use that same number.