3 reasons why the game will be release in November.




I think the game is mostly finished. There is no way in hell that this game is going to be released anytime before November. Halo 2 pulled the same thing. They have the worst PR in the history of video game companies. So I think we should all rally on this site. I have seen other forum members go as far as to say that they will only wait for the cracked version of the game so they dont have to give valve a penny! While that is extereme it would certainly send an very omnious message to Valve. Which simply would be the more you mismanage and lie... The more you get shafted in sales. (Not that a few hundred people pirating would even put a dent in them.) Regardless Valve should simply release more maps on cssource to hold us over. They dont even need to pay for bandwith just drop the files on fileplanet ect.. so much BS...
1. VALVe will be rich even if they release it ie. today
2. SIERRA will be rich even if they release it ie. tomorrow

[obvious]That's not three reasons, you just took one reason and repeated it three times.[/obvious]

I Loled...

Anyway.. it would be better if Valve just dind't give us so much things.. it really takes away the WOW factor once you start playing the game..

Like.. Oh, that Combine soldier just fell out of a house and the physics looked awesome...
BAH! seen it in a BINK.

OMG! look at that! The ***** is **** with the ****...
BAH! seen it before...
I agree it will be released in November for more money, but i'm curious what kind of profit-percentage increases November offers as opposed to October?
If Valve is about 98-99 % done with CS:S if they are it could release in septmeber.
When will marketing idiots figure out that nobody really gives a crap when it comes out. As long as it's on the shelves by the holidays, the stupid people of the world will still be able to buy it just because the box art is pretty. Everybody in their established fan base wants the game as soon as it's done, not in November. I wonder if they've considered how many people will not buy the game just because it's been delayed for more than a year (assuming they don't release by the 30th).
Half-Life 1 was also released in september. I don't think they would have selled more copies if they did it in november.

The best part about all of this is the descion to release this game in November is probably being made by an Account Executive who has never nor will ever play a video game in his life much less half life 2 when it gets released. Its all about market and sales trends, and classically when a highly inticipated game gets released around the holiday season it gets 56 percent more impulse buys than if it were stale (IE: september release.) Thats a huge amount of money. Im quite suprised doom 3 didnt pull the same crap although I can speculate why... They didnt want to get into a buyer war (Also content was not suitable for Christams really and I know that effected them.) I believe the release they planned was perfect. So Valve as Strong bad would say. You suck so much YOU SUCK SUCK!!!! You too Vivendi!
Formulajh7 said:

I think the game is mostly finished. There is no way in hell that this game is going to be released anytime before November. Halo 2 pulled the same thing. They have the worst PR in the history of video game companies. So I think we should all rally on this site. I have seen other forum members go as far as to say that they will only wait for the cracked version of the game so they dont have to give valve a penny! While that is extereme it would certainly send an very omnious message to Valve. Which simply would be the more you mismanage and lie... The more you get shafted in sales. (Not that a few hundred people pirating would even put a dent in them.) Regardless Valve should simply release more maps on cssource to hold us over. They dont even need to pay for bandwith just drop the files on fileplanet ect.. so much BS...

Ominous message to Valve or not, it is Vivendi's call. I believe Valve would release HL2 as soon as final preload is good to go (probably within the next few weeks) but they cannot as Vivendi would lose cash. So to blame Valve for any post gold delay is as ridiculous as it is to blame Vivendi for any pre-gold delay.
Die VU die! I hate publishers! Oh why can't VALVe publish their games themselves...:(
Annihilator_91 said:
Die VU die! I hate publishers! Oh why can't VALVe publish their games themselves...:(

Cause its too much work and costs alot. And VU owns the rights to Half-Life games.
I would laugh so much if the stats came in that there was no diference in selling hl2 in nov in difference to sept, because like formula said, its just f******** stupid executives that only car about money and would sell their wives and children to make a quicl buck. If this is what happens and there was no difference in sales i will lead a crusade against VU and torture every business executive i find.

Can you just imagine a world without business executives?..........
.....(lalalalal-""WORLD PEACE"" yeahyeaheyah) ....brings a tear to my eye.
EVEN if the games sells millions more on november i will still lead the crusade against VU....
It's all very presumptuous of you to assume that Vivendi are gonna delay the game until the Christmas period
are u a spy working for VU Chris_D?
Because if you are i want u to send VU a message.............
......Pleaseopleaseopleaseoplease reeelllease the gaaaammmmme on sep30!!!!!!
IF Vivendi delay it, I wouldn't be surpised if it was for financial reasons. You all sound like it's something unusual, but it's not. Businesses crave money, and they take every chance they get to make a lot of it in a short amount of time (in this case, releasing HL2 in the Christmas period). It's hardly something to cry about.

However, I think Vivendi want to get this thing out of the door just as quickly as Valve do. I'm still predicting an October release until proven otherwise, because it seems the most likely to me.
if i couldnt by alot of games my self but i can by games now but if i couldnt and they did release it now id just say to my mum and dad can i have my crimbo present early this year for hl2 and i think that what every 1 should do if they couldnt aford it
here's another 3 reasons why it won't come out till november:

they're not done with the game yet
they're not done with the game yet
they're not done with the game yet
scarecrow1 said:
are u a spy working for VU Chris_D?
Because if you are i want u to send VU a message.............
......Pleaseopleaseopleaseoplease reeelllease the gaaaammmmme on sep30!!!!!!
If I worked for VU and I saw this thread, I'd delay it just for shits and giggles.
Has anything like this happend before to games before (to be delayed because of better money season)? Oh, I see - Halo 2 :LOL:. Well I think Vivendi can do anything it wants. But I don't see point to delay game till Christmas. Christmas will come anyways and the game will be on the shelves by then. And that's all that matters. To be on the shelves by Christmas. Not after but at least before. If that's October, even better.
Wow, another "Valve raped my mom and killed my dog and now I hate them" thread. Yeah, you can't ever have enough of those! :cheers:
A.I. said:
Has anything like this happend before to games before (to be delayed because of better money season)?
It's probably what happened to Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. But you can really understand them doing that with that game. They must've seen some peak period arising and they decided to delay it for months and months before its release.

I don't see much logic behind delaying Half-Life 2 for two months. It surely won't make that much of a difference.
Formulajh7 said:
They have the worst PR in the history of video game companies.

LOOL.. their PR is brilliant, Everyone wants Half-Life² .. so its obvious they succeeded brilliantly in that part.
If you can't spare money for HL2 and need to ask your parents to buy it for you at christmas, you're probably too young to be tolerable in the online soceity anyway. [/generalize]

I doubt a holiday release date has the same difference in cash flow as books do.
Well, I just edited my post. Releasing the game on Christmas only to rise the sales doesn't make any sense. If the game is released after Xmas, I understand, but if it hits the shelves before Xmas it should be OK.
Annihilator_91 said:
Die VU die! I hate publishers! Oh why can't VALVe publish their games themselves...:(

they are with steam partially. guys i hope you dont really believe that VU would delay it till christmas, they want their money as fast as possible.
KagePrototype said:
However, I think Vivendi want to get this thing out of the door just as quickly as Valve do. I'm still predicting an October release until proven otherwise, because it seems the most likely to me.

Agreed. I think we won't be seing HL2 in September, so the next month I'm looking to is October.
Three things that are low in this thread:

Seriously though, these threads suck.
PvtRyan said:
Wow, another "Valve raped my mom and killed my dog and now I hate them" thread. Yeah, you can't ever have enough of those! :cheers:

Yeah I would Imagine most of the people on this forum are really sick of seeing
"blah blah blah valve lied to us man why cant they just release the game man."

In fact If there are children this young on here then theoretically
they are not old enough to legitimately buy the game?!? (I believe Its going to be a Mature rating or 16+ or whatever)
Evil Beaver said:
Three things that are low in this thread:

Seriously though, these threads suck.

Sorry for the double post but he said it perfectly and it needed to be emphasized incase anyone missed it.
VGJosh said:
Sorry for the double post but he said it perfectly and it needed to be emphasized incase anyone missed it.
Don't tell people to "shut the **** up" or call them morons please.
Evil Beaver said:
Three things that are low in this thread:

Seriously though, these threads suck.
It'd probably be easier not to post in them then.
I consider the idea releasing Half-Life 2 in November in order to sell more copies to be about the same level as adding a brick to The CN Tower. Yes, it'll make it a bit taller taller, but do the extra few inches really matter?

Excitement and anticipation for Half-Life 2 has always been high. PC Gamer UK does a most-wanted poll every month and ever since Half-Life 2 was announced it's been top of the poll with about 30% of people listing it as one of their most wanted games.

I think Half-Life 2 could be released at night, in a dark cave at the bottom of the sea (with an owl) and it will still sell a surprising amount of copies. Doom III was released in August and that still sold very well.

And the bottom line is, where did the August date come from? Just because some guy mentioned it in a report doesn't mean he had access to special information. Vivendi have already said they don't have a definate ship date and Valve have said that they don't know either and they're still waiting from the date from Vivendi. If the publisher doesn't know (probably because they're unwilling to commit till after it goes gold) and Valve don't know, where did he get November from? Could it have been an estimate? I think so.

Sum up: Vivendi haven't even said that they're going to release Half-Life 2 in November, so stop shouting at them. It's a bit like like Harry Enfield.

I like Vivendi, they publish good games that I enjoy to play and they have access to a lot of good developers like Valve and Blizzard. BUT IF VIVENDI WERE TO DELAY HALF-LIFE 2 TILL NOVEMBER JUST TO GET MORE MONEY, I'LL BE "OI, VIVENDI, NO! Just because you have the ability to set a release date whenever you want doesn't mean you can abuse the privledge"

And so on...
VG, you are making a bad start here. You're becoming a fanboy who constantly says "Valve doesn't owe j00 anything." Actually Valve owes us EVERYTHING! Without us Valve is NOTHING. We are the reason Valve is making HL2 because without the money we spent on HL1, Valve wouldn't have had enough money to make it. :O
someone should email Valve and ask for confirmation about those 3 reasons
ferd said:
someone should email Valve and ask for confirmation about those 3 reasons
Haha, even if it was the case, they're not likely to release it.

I'd like to think Valve aren't as greedy as a normal publisher would be. Surely they'd understand delaying the game for a further two months is hardly worth it.
Chris_D said:
Haha, even if it was the case, they're not likely to release it.

I'd like to think Valve aren't as greedy as a normal publisher would be. Surely they'd understand delaying the game for a further two months is hardly worth it.

How would YOU know if they'd understand? :upstare: