3 strikes and you are out for 25 years

Calanen said:
I've got no problem with 3 strikes laws. Making one mistake, or even two...I can believe but 3? So these people pray on the rest of society.

I know what its like to have nothing. And be hungry. And not be able to get a job because the economy fell apart. But I never stole from anyone, or committed any crime.

So I have no sympathy for people who commit crimes. 3 strikes seems like a lot of chances, when the overwhelming majority of people, never break the law ever.

But there is a groundswell of euroliberal and distorted values - saying that people who pull weapons on police if shot were 'murdered' by police, that if police chase auto thieves and the auto thieves crash their car and die, its the fault of the police. Just nuts. Would not have even been contemplated 50 years ago. The cops dont care anymore, and hell why would they? This attitude is far more widespread in Europe and Australia than in the USA, but does get a surprising amount of airplay there too. In San Diego, a homeless dude was throwing cinder blocks at cars from an overpass. The cops pulled up under the overpass and he threw cinder blocks at them, so som1 shot him. And there was an outcry about how the cops should have shot him the big toe, or put a net underneath him or whatever. Protect the right of the homeless guy throwing cinder blocks at passing cars.........until its your wife or mother who is killed because the cinder block comes through her windscreen on her way home from work. Then its, 'the cops do nothing!'

So lock em away. Ive got no problem with that. Im tired of having my car stolen, my house broken into, being bashed in the street and robbed. Ive worked hard my whole life, and have to keep replacing things that bastards like these steal from me. So let em go to jail. And stay there.

And what about drugs? What about someone who's caught three times with, say, cannabis on him. Does he deserve to be locked up for 25 years?
Calanen said:
I've got no problem with 3 strikes laws. Making one mistake, or even two...I can believe but 3? So these people pray on the rest of society.

I know what its like to have nothing. And be hungry. And not be able to get a job because the economy fell apart. But I never stole from anyone, or committed any crime.

So I have no sympathy for people who commit crimes. 3 strikes seems like a lot of chances, when the overwhelming majority of people, never break the law ever.
Really? I can bet you that most people (including you) have commited some kind of crime in their life.
But there is a groundswell of euroliberal and distorted values - saying that people who pull weapons on police if shot were 'murdered' by police, that if police chase auto thieves and the auto thieves crash their car and die, its the fault of the police. Just nuts. Would not have even been contemplated 50 years ago. The cops dont care anymore, and hell why would they? This attitude is far more widespread in Europe and Australia than in the USA, but does get a surprising amount of airplay there too. In San Diego, a homeless dude was throwing cinder blocks at cars from an overpass. The cops pulled up under the overpass and he threw cinder blocks at them, so som1 shot him. And there was an outcry about how the cops should have shot him the big toe, or put a net underneath him or whatever. Protect the right of the homeless guy throwing cinder blocks at passing cars.........until its your wife or mother who is killed because the cinder block comes through her windscreen on her way home from work. Then its, 'the cops do nothing!'
Ok, but you are getting border line of saying the cops should have no regulations. When someone pulls a gun on the cops they always have a right to shoot; don't know where you got that from. I can't recall a case where a cop was blamed for a death of a fleeing suspect in a car crash (unless civillians are involved). And I am not aware of the bricks case but usually cops have non leathal ways of stopping such things, tasers for example.
So lock em away. Ive got no problem with that. Im tired of having my car stolen, my house broken into, being bashed in the street and robbed. Ive worked hard my whole life, and have to keep replacing things that bastards like these steal from me. So let em go to jail. And stay there.
You are tired of getting you car stolen and you being robbed? How many times did this happen to you? Also, if it really did was you having to fill out an insurance form enough pain that the other guy, who probably did it as a result of a drug addiction, should be locked away for life?

So let me ask you this. You are okay with someone getting 25 to life for drug possesion while others get off in 15 years for murder? (why won't anyone address this, this is about the 10th time I asked this).
That someone would justify criminality on the basis that 'its covered by insurance' beggars belief. And it may surprise you to learn that a lot of people cannot afford insurance. And how many times has this happened to me? A lot. I'm not going to post it all here and then listen to you about, 'post the link to the crime report and the officer in charge of the investigation! See you cant its all lies!' So believe me or not. I dont care. You only have to read the reports of crime statistics from just about anywhere to know that its happening to somebody, and I am one of the somebodies.

'Someone said 'Cops can always shoot if someone pulls a gun from them. I don't know where you got that from'. I'm not sure whether you are saying, the cops can always shoot if a gun is pulled on them OR the cops cannot always shoot if a gun is pulled on them. Either way, whenever the police kill criminals, the loony left comes out and says how unfair it was that x person attacked the cop with some weapon, normally not a gun. Hey he only had a crowbar, knife, cinder block, basbeall bat - all of which if you are struck in the head with, can be just as deadly as a firearm. I speak to the police, who have just given up because when they do their job they get crap from all the armchair pipe smoking academics in their berets saying 'Yes welll, it was clearly open to the police, in this instance, to say, excuse me sir, please put down your knife, and give yourself up - and then, they could fire 5 warning shots, and then maybe shoot the man in his big toe or shoot the weapon out of his hand.' Its all very well to be Mr Hindsight 20/20 - but if you have ever have had som1 coming out you with a weapon, and I have - you do not have the luxury of committee meetings and you are just trying to stay alive. So unless people stop making all these idiotic complaints about the scum in society who prey on the good people, morale of the police force is going to continue to plummet.

There was a famous case in Australia where a guy called Levi, was on Bondi beach with a butchers knife, running around stabbing the air, making weird noises. Little kids are on the beach. Families are on the beach. 5 police respond and draw their weapons. I knew one of the police who was there, I went to school with him. They told him repeatedly to drop the knife. And he just taunted them making noises, running towards then away. As this was happening, a crowd of onlookers including children, are just behind the police as this guy decides to charge the cops with the knife. If he gets past the police, he is in the crowd hacking and slashing children playing on the beach. So the cops drop him. And then the loony left comes out about, oh they could have done x y and z. But then again, if the police had not shot him, and he got past the cops and into the crowd of onlookers, it becomes 'Man kills 3 year old with butcher knife while police watch!.' If there is a vote, my vote is, that when I am at the beach with my family, and there is guy running around terrorising people with a butchers knife, the cops get to shoot him.

As for penalties and comparative penalties - I believe the whole marijuana thing the penalties are too high for -possession I mean. But I would introduce execution for rapists and pedophiles. They are never going to be 'rehabilitated' just let out one day to do it again and hopefully get away with it next time. Some research indicates that each pedophile molests like 500 kids approximately in his lifetime, many ruined lives because of one idiot. So just line him against the wall and shoot him.
That someone would justify criminality on the basis that 'its covered by insurance' beggars belief.
If you don't have insurance tough luck; in this country it is the law to have insurace.

I've had my car stereo stolen on a number of occasions and my insurance wouldn't cover it. To replace it it took me months of saving up because of other bills. If I found out who it was I would love to kick their ass and I would hope they would get locked up for a certain time; however, I would never wish 25 years in prison on anyone that did something as petty as this.

Either way, whenever the police kill criminals, the loony left comes out and says how unfair it was that x person attacked the cop with some weapon, normally not a gun.
Example? I love this whole loony left analogy but when someone calls you on it you can't provide anything to back it up. In the case you posted with the knife I agree that they had a right to shoot him (if there aren't any facts you are leaving out); however, this is in Australia and hardly shows this 'loony left' you talk about.

As for penalties and comparative penalties - I believe the whole marijuana thing the penalties are too high for -possession I mean. But I would introduce execution for rapists and pedophiles. They are never going to be 'rehabilitated' just let out one day to do it again and hopefully get away with it next time. Some research indicates that each pedophile molests like 500 kids approximately in his lifetime, many ruined lives because of one idiot. So just line him against the wall and shoot him.
I think the problem is you came in this discussion too late. I am in full agreement that this should apply to violent crimes; I am against this law for things like drug possesion or theft. So I think we are in agreement on that.
No limit wants me to put together some form of essay on the idiocy of the loony left, sources, footnotes or whatever? If I had the time or the inclination I might do it. But do a google search on the Ron Levi case if you can be bothered. That case has been echoed again, and again.....in Australia at least. Less so in the United States, but I saw some of it happening in San Diego.

So, Im not going to publish a collection of loony left inaccuracies book for you No Limit. Sorry.

And if I did, you would not say, oh you were right Calanen, that was loony. It will just be met with silence. So why bother?
Calanen said:
No limit wants me to put together some form of essay on the idiocy of the loony left, sources, footnotes or whatever? If I had the time or the inclination I might do it. But do a google search on the Ron Levi case if you can be bothered. That case has been echoed again, and again.....in Australia at least. Less so in the United States, but I saw some of it happening in San Diego.

So, Im not going to publish a collection of loony left inaccuracies book for you No Limit. Sorry.

And if I did, you would not say, oh you were right Calanen, that was loony. It will just be met with silence. So why bother?
Just like I won't publish examples of the crazy bible thumping right as this isn't the thread for that.
Btw - I would not put me in the category of bible thumping right, if indeed you were - im a nationalist, but agnostic - so any thumping i do is without reference to religious texts of any kind.
bliink said:
nope. Its a perm ban. He should have read the rules.

Bliink: The judge, the jury, and the executioner.... :afro:
bliink said:
nope. Its a perm ban. He should have read the rules.

so your saying if i got too 10 warnings tomoro, ill never be able to come back?

no 6 months/8months?

for LIFE :(

Is there a right of appeal? Did Rzal get his phone call and right to counsel? Was this a cruel and unusual punishment?
Calanen said:
Is there a right of appeal? Did Rzal get his phone call and right to counsel? Was this a cruel and unusual punishment?

You think this is a democratic nation? :O
Its simple; don't break the rules. :)
Parity of sentencing is always tricky. No1 will ever agree with the sentence you give. Always som1 will either say it is too light or too heavy. Justice Brian Sully in New South Wales in Australia (who is a very good man and nice guy, good judge imo btw) recently reduced the 40 year sentence of a woman convicted of killing er children, to give her the prospect of rehabilitiation without the 'crushing' figure of 40 years

The case note appears below.

The crime is so shocking the tendency, in my view, is to say execute the woman. But u cannot do so in Australia. So then you are left with a number of years - and how many should society impose on a crime so shocking? I would have preferred that she be sentenced for life without the possibility for parole. Justice Sully with whom the other two judges agreed, believe her sentence be reduced from 40 to 30 years with parole after 25.

FOLBIGG, Kathleen Megan – CCA, 17.2.2005
Sully, Dunford & Hidden JJ
Citation: R v Folbigg [2005] NSWCCA 23
Sentence and conviction appeal.
3 x murder; 1 x manslaughter; 1 x maliciously inflict GBH with intent to do GBH.
Total sentence of 40y with NPP of 30y.
Appellant killed her 4 babies over a 10 year period. Each was suffocated during a spontaneous outburst of anger. An earlier attack on her 2nd baby caused blindness. Appellant was seriously psychologically damaged due to early neglect & physical & sexual abuse as a child. See R v Folbigg [2003] NSWSC 895.
Charges heard jointly – whether miscarriage – whether sentence excessive.
Conviction appeal dismissed.
Sentence appeal allowed on counts 4&5. Resentenced on those counts, resulting in an overall sentence of 30y with a 25y NPP.
Originally Posted by Calanen
Is there a right of appeal? Did Rzal get his phone call and right to counsel? Was this a cruel and unusual punishment?

You think this is a democratic nation?
Its simple; don't break the rules.

btw i was joking about the counsel (but he should have gotten a phone call dammit!)

Never a truer word said bliink - zero tolerance for all offenders.......hmm hang on a sec....