300 FPS Paintball Mod. ($$!!HIRING!!$$) EVERYONE look.

umm arman said that not me? i dont know arman in real life or live in the same country as him.
im actually working for a skate board company right , although due to my contract i cant really say anything else at the moment.
crackhead said:
no hes not hes working for a company now.

We take what people say on the internet as fact?

crackhead said:
umm arman said that not me? i dont know arman in real life or live in the same country as him.

My real name is Clive Rochester Hasbeen Arman Mugglewump. I live in a very large, very nice mansion in Spain called 'Rumple de tum'. It was built by Sir Francis Drake. I work for the CIA.

A little OTT, but you get the point yes?
wow you really work in the cia? /end sarcasm. well i see no reason not to believe him.
I dont expect anyone to believe me:p but hey it doesent matter why would i lie to myself:S
Edit: Hey, was too quick to judge. Looked at your more recent skills and they seem decent enough. Sorry.

I'm still confused about why you would want anything to do with this mod, though... being a part of a company already and how this mod doesn't seem to have a team or ever have hope of getting started...
just an edit that when i started out in the forums ive advanced in my skills but i am workin in pohotshop and less on my own concepts:p
armanguy said:
hahhaah so true you do have a pint there but im workin less on my concpet art skillz more with my photoshop skills
See my edit. Didn't mean to be a jerk.
thats ok lol , anyway i want to advance my skills doing concepts for mods is fun anbd helps me learn new things. The skateboard company is not a full-time job its just part-time. so i wouldent mind helping out this mod cause it pays. and i like paintballing.