3D Modeler - Looking to Join Quality MOD




I am looking to join a quality HL2 mod. I've been modding MOHAA (Hell in the Pacific) for a long time now and although I will continue to support the HitP team, I am ready to move on to bigger and better things. Although I am not the greatest texture artist, I can model, unwrap and skin anything from weapons to static map models.

My latest work can be viewed here - MayhemStudios


pm me if u want to help, we are not looking for ppl to model nething big, a couple weapons, mb 1 character, and some optimization and detail work on existing weapon models.
pm me if your interested, we have quite a few characters, vehicles, and weapons that need to be done, along with detail and optimizing. We have some modelers but none of us are extremely skilled at it. we can handle weapons and vehicles, but we need someone whos a little better for characters and detailing. skinning is a plus too. you can also check out the site (temporary) at http://sdsource.hlgaming.com
Uhm, let me look at your pm again...err, do you have a web site for your mod? I did my own Vietnam mod for MOHAA and ET a while back, so I am kind of burned out that theme.
I am interested in seeing your work, I've sent you a PM on how to contact me.