!!! 3D modeler/mapper looking for some Mod team !!!


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Hi I am 3D modeler/mapper looking for some Mod team.
It's summer so I have tons of free time.
I've been working on 3d apps for 4 years now, I'm "experienced" in 3dsmax, Rhino 3D

Here you can find some samples www.fgdf.free.komrel.net
(most was made in hurry so i could be better:) )

you can contact me at fgdf@gazeta.pl
Its kinda fun to see ppl hire a artist even if they havent seen his work :D
some picsc are missing (like intro pic) but it doesnt matter the most important are on their place

p.s. its's really funny isn't:)
please check mail (simon.wt@pandora.be)
we need a guy like you :p
Wow, sweet models =D
How much time do you spend on a weapon model?
Are you American, or European?
We could use another modeller for E.M.P. :)
Rivals: Organised Crime Redefined, has seen your work and is interested in your capabilitys, you have mail.
wow. i should try to post a pic of some models i can do just to see how many emails i get.

---walther wa 2000 tooked me some 6 h PK 7h
t34 25/30h (without rendering proces some 7 h)

---I am European and student:)
(you should have noticed it from my @mail:)
Your T34-76 is sooo sweet :)
The weapons do have a really good LOD!
And the map looks like fun.

Who ever gets you as a modeler/mapper should feel lucky ^^
fgdf, have you found a mod to work with yet? I sent you an email yesterday, with no reply.

/me criez

SORRY SORRY SORRY but.. i have to wait for "second thought" before i make the final decision
P.S. I didn't reply becouse of your "yesterday" was my "today":)
Well, I cannot see any of the pictures, but from what I hear, you sound pretty good. I am with LoS mod (Liberation of Seoul). A korean war mod. WE are currently looking for weapons modelers and mappers just like you. If you are interested, check your PM or your email. Or you can check out our site and see the list of models we are planning to do. http://www.los.halflife-files.com/

Guess it doesn't hurt to try even though about 6 mods offered before me :cheese:
Originally posted by green1152
Well, I cannot see any of the pictures, but from what I hear, you sound pretty good. I am with LoS mod (Liberation of Seoul). A korean war mod. WE are currently looking for weapons modelers and mappers just like you. If you are interested, check your PM or your email. Or you can check out our site and see the list of models we are planning to do. http://www.los.halflife-files.com/

Guess it doesn't hurt to try even though about 6 mods offered before me :cheese:

more than that :cool:
crabcakes66, omg another BFC member :)

and you (crabcakes)
Nice work, I just wanted to compliment it. I am 16 and have been working on SoftImageXSI for half a year at school, and I have made some ok looking gun models, but those are pretty damn sweet. I wish I had a 3-D modeling program at home to use, then I could get really good. Again, nice work. :)
well let me just say this to make it clear. mycomputer = 900mhz, 256 sdram, built in graphic chipset. And there you go. But my new computer about to be build soon is 2.4ghz, 1024mb pc3500 ddr with a radeon 9800. O yes, I shall spend countless hours in SoftImage then. I just don't like not being able to save my really cool things I make in the demo version, but I will definately use it ALOT once I get my new system. Thank you for trying to help me out though. :)
I have also send a mail to you(who in here havent)...

Just a question..... how meny e-mails have you recived about a model job?
I think that I shouldn't ,I can't tell you from simple reason...
I'm going to make decision (my) tommorow And please don't think that i am impolite not responding for your @mails it's,
but I must admit that amount of them shocked me.
I bet there was a lot. And I think you are very considerate and resposible for giving a reason why you haven't responded to all of the emails.
@!-fgdf-!: It's like a mouse walks to a group of hungry cats and says "Eat my arse!" :P
WhiteOni: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

People that can model, code, map and draw have to be
carefull with what they say on these kinds of forums:cool:

You shouldent be shocked.... As Oni said.... well....
There is some kind of point about the cats and mouse ....
<lol> i tried to be carefull I didn't want to lie to you gays :)
anyway i really thought that if got 2 or 3 mails i would be heapy
I only said that there was more masages that I suspected.
Thats all

I dont feel like a mouse! hungry cats:)
And i will respond all mails but i couldn't done it earlier becouse lack of time.
And the winner is... Rivals - Organized Crime Redefined
I want to thank you for all offers it wasn't easy to chose.
Most projects are very intresting but some are realy outstanding. I hope to see someday all this projects done.
Work hard and good luck.