3D Rusty Barrels


Aug 2, 2003
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Here are some barrels I made using some textures I developed through the pictures I took in my texture thread. Let me know how you think they look :).


Yes very nice. My rusty barrels are coming along. How do you get those lins in the side without using a torus?

Anyway, looks kinda good, but I don't like the skin.

Originally posted by st0lve

Anyway, looks kinda good, but I don't like the skin.


These ones are unoptimized, as I was just using them to test out the skin. It's still a WIP. What don't you like about the skin?
Originally posted by tim8604
These ones are unoptimized, as I was just using them to test out the skin. It's still a WIP. What don't you like about the skin?
I think its the skin color (grey\blue\green)... And the top skin...

Maybe try a more brown (like rusty brown) color?

Heres the reference I was using.


I've looked at them both so much, I can't really notice major differences like that :P. You still think I need to change the color?
ha excellent! :) looks great for such a simple texture too, great stuff, nicely done etc. etc. :D
The skin for the rounded part is nearly 1000 pixels wide, so it's pretty high quality. I was going to try to UV map the whole thing, but I got lazy and just used planar/cylindrical maps :P.
they look very nice and u can skin a lot better than me thats for sure :D but if your planning on using them in halflife2 there isn;t much point since halflife2 has about 10+ barrel models already made :dozey:
couple of reasons why someone might want to make their own barrels

1) most mountains have been climed before, but it doesn't stop people from doing it themselves

2) do everything anew and you can then claim it as _all_ your own work, and sell the mod if you want, probably wouldn't be able to if it contained HL2 material.
I think i'm going to try to create some more "true to life" models. It was pretty cool to see the finished product looking simliar to the real life one. If I get a chance to take pictures of the area where that barrel was, maybe I could replicate the whole little reference picture.

Any idea on some models? Nothing too complex though, I don't have much time this week, so only things that could be little day projects like this :).
Originally posted by tim8604
I think i'm going to try to create some more "true to life" models. It was pretty cool to see the finished product looking simliar to the real life one. If I get a chance to take pictures of the area where that barrel was, maybe I could replicate the whole little reference picture.

Any idea on some models? Nothing too complex though, I don't have much time this week, so only things that could be little day projects like this :).

Looks like somebody puked beside the barrel.
Yeah that does look good... benefits of damn good camera in texturing, the model itself is very simple, make it look like its been hit by a car. :)

Oh and make a realistic wooden box.
Originally posted by nw909
Looks like somebody puked beside the barrel.

This much is true.

hehe, it must be the grease they put into that barrel that spilled out somehow or something.... And I'll see what I can do to make a 'damaged' version of this pretty soon, along with a realistic wooden box. Where the hell am I going to find a wooden box?...