3d weapon model

it looks pretty neat :) but it also looks like it has a personality disorder and can't decide if its a gun or an armored vehicle :)
The smoothing errors hurt my eyes.

Looks nice, but go back and redo all your smoothing errors. And this should be in models/skins.

First off, if you want better help.. post in the 3D Modeling Forum. Now to crit...

Check my attachment for the areas these numbers refer to.

1) What is that thing? It looks really out of place and the whole cut out from the cylinder doesn't seem to fit the 'style and flow' of the rest of the gun.

2) I'm assuming this is the barrel? This seems waaaaaaaaay too small compared the the rest of the gun, especially since the barrel itself is even smaller than the tip on the front.

3) This 'detai' of pipes or whatnot seems really high-poly considering its very small, and that many other places on the gun could use those polys as will be stated in following points.

4) Use some of those extra polys to make this a little more 'curvy' like most of the gun, looks good though.

5) This could be part of the design you were going for, but this part right here doesn't seem to attach really to the handle, almost like its two seperate parts just thrown together, don't really attach that well.

6) I would suggest getting rid of the radial polygons in the center there and just putting a flat cylinder, right now ( from the other angles ), it looks kind of funny with it being stretched like that.

7) This part could also use a few more polys, and maybe another support in the middle somewhere, looks like it could break off pretty easlily right now.

8) This is realllly adding a ton to your poly count, I can only imagine your wireframe. Two booleans like that which aren't adding _that_ much detail are almost better to do without. You could always texture that in. Those nuts or whatever they are could also stand to have a few more radials.

9) This whole section seems to have some smoothing issues.

Overall, looks pretty good... and a few more tips. If you plan on showing this to the guys in the modeling forum.. They like it if you have these following things:

1) Top, Front, Side, Perspective Views ( solid, and wireframe )
2) Poly counts (tri's are what they want to know if you are planning to put this in the game)
3) A nice contrasting background (which you have)
4) Not a lot of showy renders if its a crap model ( ie: don't try to hide your mistakes by 'cel shading' it or whatever. I'm not talking about you, but just in general.

Good job though, and good luck! Don't hesitate to ask any more questions or whatever about general modeling. I am personally a Lightwave user, so any 3dsmax questions should be directed elsewhere ;).

my bad mods ;P

sorry about that, I thought I already added the pic...
i wont change anything on it anymore because it was just for practise but about those smoothing issues:
i really tried to make it more smooth but i just think it has too few polis there. im not a pro modeler and i did not ever make a real modeling project. but perhaps ill work with modeling later...dunno ^^

so thx for your detailed comment!
just to say that futuristic rifle designs will look more like the P-90.
light and a balanced design to reduce recoil
look here:

sorry it's in french but you can see pictures ^^

you can also see that website in english with the history of assault rifles.


FN (fabrique nationale) P90 5.56mm


the ARPAPOP a new concept of weapon architecture (made by GIAT)
a 5.56mm weapon with a new 35mm grenade launcher and with an adapted targeting system and a video camera that allow the soldier to shoot in corners or in the dark.
but i can't find it in the GIAT website anymore :/
and there's also a strange GAPAPOP

maybe it's the "naked" version of the ARPAPOP


the H&K G11


the OICW (guess in what game you can find it? ^^ )
OICW (Objective Infantry Combat Weapon), also known as the SABR and the XM29. This combines a short-barrelled 5.56mm with a self-loading low-velocity 20mm gun. The heart of the weapon is a laser rangefinder coupled to a fire-control computer linked to optronic sights and an electronic fuze-setter. This complex and extremely expensive fire control system means that the gunner can fire a 20mm shell to explode directly over the target at anything up to 1,000m.


the FAMAS (Fusil d'Assault de la Manufacture d'Arme de St etienne. MAS has been replaced by GIAT here in france)


and the FELIN (Fantassin à Equipements et Liaisons Intégrés) system with a modified FAMAS called FAMAS FELIN

mmh they still talk about the PAPOP here:
(french army government website)
the PAPOP is supposed to appear in 2010
the grenade laucher in this weapons is semi auto and can shoot 35mm normal, fragmentation or anti vehicles grenades
Originally posted by WARLORD


the OICW (guess in what game you can find it? ^^ )

no idea but thats a neat gun, i want one!

oh wait, is it in CS? heh
I hate the look of the OICW, it looks like a blob of unorganized crap.
hmm, why did you opened this topic in my forum? this belongs in the models and skin forum, lemme move it for yah
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Anyway. I persoanlly hate the OCIW. It runs off a fricking battery in the stock. What happenes if you drop it?

well like everything these days, it probably comes with an adapter for running it off the cigarette lighter socket in the car ;)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
well like everything these days, it probably comes with an adapter for running it off the cigarette lighter socket in the car ;)

roflmao. Of course :D
i think you would run out of ammo before running out of energy..
I really dont like any of those futuresitic guns
I like the ones the world got, look at those huge lumpy ass guns, try putting that on your back crawling through a small hole LOL

Those are tacticaly useless, damn its close to the size of a huge backpack.
heh, cousre the nade launcher removes the small hole problem BOOM small hole now a big hole. though i agree, it's the Vietnam F-4 phantom problem of developing this incredible machine that serves one purpose (and is a death trap in every other aspect) when a peasent with a 40 year old ak-47 can accomplish the same thing.

the one thing you guys are forgetting about the OICW is that it comes apart ^ (and is also now named the M-29).......


It has three different types of rounds ^....


and for when you need to crawl through that tight space, you can remove most of it and end up with this ^ (The SABR)
Ok so you remove all the parts and end up with that?
So you just forgett about the other shit and leave it in the dirt?

It still pays of to have a weapon with better accuary and realiability and you dont have to leave half the weapon when you have to do something tactical.
wtf's the rest of it for then ??? just a stock and a nade launcher ??
p.s. HOLY SHIT THE P90'S HUGE !!! :o
me want that gun!!!
*dies from L337N3$$ 0f D4 Gûn*
Originally posted by crushenator 500
wtf's the rest of it for then ??? just a stock and a nade launcher ??
p.s. HOLY SHIT THE P90'S HUGE !!! :o


Thats the P90, its not that big at all