3DS Max 6 out.. will u upgrade?

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Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
well just wanted to know wat u lot think about the new 3ds max 6 and will u upgrade? let me know wat u think,


Edd][e :afro:
I thought it had been out for months. I rarely use it enough to warrent an upgrade yet. It looks cool though, some neat features in there, less buggy I think too.. i hope heh
since 95% of people here have a pirated version......... i wouldnt call it an upgrade
sry 4got to post all the new features, here we go:

Schematic View
Particle Flow
Vertex Paint
mental ray® 3.2
reactor® 2 dynamics
Dynamic Shader UI
Network Render to Texture
Network Region Render
Spline/Patch Modeling
Relax UV's
Mirror Skin Weights
Edit Vertex Normals
Shell Modifier
Load/Save Rendering Settings
I would upgrade, but i'm too in love with 98 too change to XP to use any of the newer versions, i'll stick with 5.0 for now :P
Originally posted by crabcakes66
since 95% of people here have a pirated version......... i wouldnt call it an upgrade

heh yes true, i am a free lance web designer getting into 3d, so seeing as all the new features r 4 the pros i will stick with 5.1 :x
Originally posted by crabcakes66
since 95% of people here have a pirated version......... i wouldnt call it an upgrade

lol, this was the same thought i had when i saw this post. Personally i won't be upgrading to 6.0 until at least january. (I volunteer with F.I.R.S.T. and get liscensed versions to work with.) Though i don't if AutoDesk is gonna be a sponser this year. That would suck.
I'm a pro, so I have to buy the software if I don't want to get sued :) Anyways, making $50+ an hour makes up for it eventually.
hmmmm to say u get payed phantomdesign youarn't even that good (no offense) I thought the standards where like really high and impossible to crasp. Who do u work for and what do u actually do?
How would you know if I am/am not good? Are you basing your opinions on these pictures? He he...these are my first attempts at modeling weapons, and it took an average of 40 minutes of goofing off per weapon.


Well, considering your bold insult, I see little reason to actually answer your question. Plus as far as I’m concerned, I’ve got nothing to prove.
A mature response phantomdesign :) And frankly if these are your first attempts at modeling weapons then their very good. Ignore the sarcastic remarks from some of the jealous types

Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more :)
:) I try to be professional. I deal with much worse all the time, so one guy (or even 10,000 people) arent' goign to discourage me.

Speaking of which, I should go make a few more gun models.
well if they ur first models well done :D tho i have to say i think me first ever model is cool :cheers:
dont mind Ichi, he's always making negative comments. his favourite saying is 'nothing special'. :p
lol,over here, it's so easy to get fake stuff (hong kong)....:D...i have the fake photoshop too...
Originally posted by eddie500
not sure ur surpost to talk about warez here..... :x

heh when he said fake photoshop I thought he was talking about paintshop pro.. ;)

<not a fan of PSP>
hehe would rather use mspaint ;)

*edit* Omg i'm a zombie (finally) :D:afro: :cheers: :bounce:
Originally posted by phantomdesign
...or pen an paper. A chizzel and rock would do.

lol yep any thing at all apart from psp :cheers:
troof! (and I must admit I have weak spot for mspaint's raw pixel editing prowess) :D
Originally posted by phantomdesign
How would you know if I am/am not good? Are you basing your opinions on these pictures? He he...these are my first attempts at modeling weapons, and it took an average of 40 minutes of goofing off per weapon.


Well, considering your bold insult, I see little reason to actually answer your question. Plus as far as I’m concerned, I’ve got nothing to prove.

pay no attention to ichi......
hey firegold, did you get my PM about normal mapping, and the program you mentioned ages back, in the thread about your high poly MP5 :naughty:
ye i am getting it now. if u want it PM me on irc or something. I will show u how to get it. name is Iver IchI or IchI^ i am in the this irc room for this forum.
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