3ds max - Xsi Delima....


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
I understand 3ds max...

I cant comprehend XSI.

This is the problem im faceing, i suck but atleast i can make okish looking models in 3ds max. I keep hearing that XSI is so much better and that its the future of modeling ect ect....

I cant make CRAP with xsi and all the tutorials ither cost money or arent for a plane beginer. Their is so many options to use with XSI which i know is a good thing but its driveing me nuts.

Is their any tutorials for a complete "This is a box... This is me moveing the box.... this is the box changeing..." Get the idea?

With 3ds max its all right their and their is a bazillion free tutorials that spell this all out in plane english. It seems like with XSI they figure that the only people useing it where people that knew wtf they where doing to begin with.

Help :)
Its the max curse, once you learn how to use it its almost impossible to switch to another program and think its better, or easier to use.
Stick with max, its a great program, IMO, but dont listen to what people say, use whatever program you are comfortable with. And if your comfortable with max then stick with it, dont force yourself to switch.
its the same with me. im almost to the point where i can model just about anything with Max. when i fire up XSI im clueless. just selecting and un-selecting a box in XSI gets me lost. i think im going to end up just buying a book or 2 on XSI, and see what happens. i mean if we want to make models, animations etc for HL2, then isnt XSI the way to go? cause i havent heard of any news for exporters for max 6-7 for the HL2 engine.
Add me to that list to :p I'm still playing put i fine 3dsmax in general ALOT easier to use.
XSI was the first 3D designing program I ever used, and I was just amazed that I was making anything at all. This was in a class, where you teach yourself though, and I used the tutorial book that came with it, it helps alot, it comes free with several others when you buy XSI. The thing that helped me the most was that I was able to go to a class with a real instructor who was great, for 2 days, that helped the most (this was sophmore year in Highschool). I agree with you guys though, there are no good beginner-intermediate tutorials, I lost alot of my skills and really wanna get started again with some simple stuff.
I know 3dbuzz has xsi tutorials. Check them out they might be of help.
Looks like 3dstudio max 7 is comeing soon... Peeps on Cg boards are starting to rave that it will be like XSI and maya except with the interface we all know and love! *Does happy dance*

You know the BIG thing i didnt know?

I know that you have to render stuff... i didnt relize that if you want it to look really good you gota spend like 20k on a RENDER!
On top of the somewhat confusing interface the tutorials included are really very ordinary. They have missing bits and generally skips steps or just don't give enough detail on what to do. Perhaps the full version has better tutorials but they did a piss poor job on the tutes in the HL2 edition.
XSI did good in theory... But if they are wanting us to use it they need to bring it down to us that are useing it... The beginer level...

People that are makeing mods for Halflife2 arent useing XSI becuase if they are makeing a mod now, chances are they already owned the software that they knew how to use already.
Going from Milkshake 3D to 3DS Max was pretty easy for me - you should try Milkshade if you aren't very experienced. That would be me...but I wanted to use 3DS Max.
The tutorials on 3dbuzz are very good. I think you need a 'star' to get all of them. Best way to get one is to leave comments/show work in the WIP forum (decent posts, if you give good C&C and seem to know what you are talking about you should get one faster).
yeah the 3dbuzz ones ar perfect...arfter those you got all the besics you need....
To me XSI is pure logic, and 3dmax insanity :D
3dsmax7 will out perform XSI v4. Simple as :D When youg et to a certain lvl anyway you will most likly get training with new application in the games industry its self. Remember all the artists at Valve had never toached XSI before, but they managed to learn it pritty dam fast. You can learn anything when you put your mind to it. I am sticking with 3dsmax because 3dsmax7 is gunna rock :D

Also I am devloping my zbrush skills. This is because its quite a rapidly expanding program for character work, especially with the demand for normal maps. 3dsmax7 will also have wicked tools for normal maps.

Just yesturday Crytek where trying to recruit zbrush users for character and object work :D

I love 3d application companys :D
Maybe I will ask for Zbrush 2 for christmas hehe, been wanting that for awhile.
Lupus said:
Maybe I will ask for Zbrush 2 for christmas hehe, been wanting that for awhile.

its good for character work, but terrible for anything like a vehicle or something. Mind you... I dunno really. I have only just started using it. Its amazing at what it does, but its pritty limited when it comes to what you actually want to model.
Aye, I'm moving into modelling characters, and am very impressed by the program, and it is cheap (3d program wise) which is great too :) .