3Ds question



hey guys i was jsut wondering how do you combine to seperate polygons together in 3ds?
Can you be more clear on what u are actually doing and what object your are working with? also what mode is that object in?
You can delete them and create the polygons as one. (Right click->Create polygon)

It's quick, you just have to click on each vertex in order until you get back to the first one, and it makes the polygon. (Usually counter-clockwise, if it creates the polygon backwards when you're doing it counter-clockwise, just use the reset-xform utility and it should fix that (you might have to flip all of the polygons back), or just go clockwise, but you'd still need to do reset-xform later.)
okay ill show u an example, i made half of a car and i have a mirror of the other half, but now i want to combine them so i can merge all the middle vertices. but the question is how do i combine the two halves first.
yup what random said... just select em both and "attach"

lol i tried finding attach but i cant find it, where is it under?
Check your manual, that's the quickest way.

1. Mirror object.

2. Attach. (1.) PIC

3. Weld. (2. in above picture) Select the vertexes to weld.
Select one half, right click->attach, select other half. Then in editable mesh, select all middle vertices, scroll down on the right side and click on the "Selected" button under Weld.

Remeber that when you are welding two models together that it doesnt contain surface where the weld meets. Remove any polygons that might interfere with the weld.


Bring them together and choose attatch (in the edit menu) and click on the unselected item to make them 1 item


After the object is attatched select all the middle vertices.


Instead of just clicking the weld button, just click the window icon beside it to get the menu I have up. Sometimes when you weld the vertices doesnt melt together. That means your treshold probably isnt high enough. And sometimes when the vertices are to close (welding 4 instead of 2) its to high or you have to do it the hard way and choose 2 and 2 vertices and weld in that area. (Its annoying but sometimes nessesary)


The end result should be that the model is welded together.

What I do at the end, is usually select all the lines that has been creating in the middle and click the "remove button" this will remove the created middle line (if this is a wish) then you select all the middle vertices again and click remove on these to. Voila a welded car and no unessesary middle line.

Good luck!