4 billion years from now


Feb 6, 2006
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Another one of those space/deep thinking threads.

Was watching a documentary on National Geographic called Aftermath. It's about what will happen to the earth when the Sun swells up to a Red Giant star. Basically we're fried.

Do you think Humans will find a way to survive this? Will we even last that long without destroying ouselves?

Is this a shitty thread?

Discuss :cheers:
we will keep control of that bitch of the sun to stop anyoing us
In 4 billion years? Hmm. Episode 3? Duke Nukem Forever?

EDIT: Do those jokes even bring a smile anymore. EDIT EDIT: Imagine how old those jokes will be in 4 billion years.
Humanity will be ****ed then.

Space travel isn't advance enough to take populations to space, and even if we could we still haven't discovered practical methods to reach another habitable planet.

4 billion years from now, we won't even be in history, traces of us would probably be all gone.
We need to turn earth into a ship.

All these years we've been trying to turn a ship into Earth. Well, inhabitably similar. I think you may be on to something.

We could hitch a ride on an asteroid.
Do you think Humans will find a way to survive this?

Survive? It's billions of years in the future. By that time we would have spread out throughout the galaxy, making extinction of humanity virtually impossible. On the other hand given the sentimental value that Earth has as the birth place of humanity, I'm sure we could get creative. Perhaps turning the entire solar system into a large superstructure with an artificial sun at the center.

Will we even last that long without destroying ourselves?

No, we won't destroy ourselves.

Is this a shitty thread?

The only thing that's shitty is your assumption that we'll kill ourselves. Which is really annoying since this idea turns up in EVERY discussion about the future.
But it's true. Look around you. Supposedly, in like 300 years, we won't be able to survive without air conditioning because the humidity will be too high.

We're DOOM3D.

study: http://www.pnas.org/content/107/21/9552 (you have to sign up to download the paper)

layman version:http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2010/05/earth-2300-too-hot-for-humans.html

"The wet-bulb limit is basically the point at which one would overheat even if they were naked in the shade, soaking wet and standing in front of a large fan," Sherwood told USA Today.

At the moment, virtually nowhere on Earth has a wet-bulb temperature of more than 30 °C. But with a global rise of 11 °C, huge areas would have wet-bulb temperatures of more than 35 °C for part of the year. According to the climate model used by the team, these regions would include much of the eastern US, the entire Indian subcontinent, most of Australia and part of China.
And then I looked around my bedroom and thought of all the things that I own being swallowed up by the sun if they were even lucky enough to survive that long, and now I feel sad and rather small.

The first time that happened to me, I was 10. I've been having panic attacks on and off ever since. Why must the universe be so big and scary?

I'm confident that mankind will have moved on to other planets/galaxies by that point, although I can't really pin down why. Maybe it's just the eternal hope that eventually we end up in a world akin to that of Firefly. Not that I'd be alive to see it or anything, but it'd still be awesome.
4 billion years later, humanity would prolly be wiping out all sentient life in the surrounding galaxies.

We'll prolly manage to kill the sun too in the name of sacred Terra, the birthplace of humanity.
If humanity isn't on other planets or zooming around space like in Star Trek then we have failed.
DNA has a finite limit though, we will die out before the sun dies out thats for sure. if we become robotic in form we can survive, and if not turning into a myst of some sorts would be even cooler.
DNA has a finite limit though, we will die out before the sun dies out thats for sure. if we become robotic in form we can survive, and if not turning into a myst of some sorts would be even cooler.

I've seen that somewhere, but forgot where. What was it again?
Perhaps turning the entire solar system into a large superstructure with an artificial sun at the center.
I like this idea.
The only thing that's shitty is your assumption that we'll kill ourselves. Which is really annoying since this idea turns up in EVERY discussion about the future.
In my opinion, it's only shitty when it doesn't add to the discussion. Someone posts "We'll end up killing ourselves before then anyway." With no further insight as to why or how. It naturally makes people want to argue against that, even if they sort of agree.

Look around you. Just look around you.

Have you worked out what we're looking for?

Correct! The answer is... the Sun.
Is this a quote from something? I feel like I'm supposed to know it. Lithgow?

hmmm http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...rfai=CG6lB2IydTPqlFaeqgATTuvUoAAAAqgQFT9AQ0Z0
...no one will give a shit, about any of us, not even a little, and not even a single person
Watch Stephen Hawking's Guide To The Universe on Discovery. Im seriously addicted.

When arguably the smartest man on the planet says that all our resources should be focused on inhabiting a plant as far away from our Sun as we can, you have to take notice.

He says that the first rocket shot into space was the single most important step in mankind's history.

We seriously need to get off this planet as fast as we can if we truly believe humanity is worth saving. Which...err..I dont think it is but anyway.

Bunch of parasites hovering around space. I guarantee the second we touch down on some distant planet, the fat businessmen will be getting together trying to figure out how much money they can make from this place.

The Age Of Stupid is a great film based in the future looking back in time at humanity's failures on the environment.

But it's true. Look around you. Supposedly, in like 300 years, we won't be able to survive without air conditioning because the humidity will be too high.

We're DOOM3D.


That study would be correct if the assumptions it was based on were correct.
It assumes that current changes in the environment will continue as they do today, without any attempt from us, to fix things.
It assumes we will have the same, or almost the same technology we do today.
It also assumes our bodies will be the same as they are today, therefore vulnerable to the changes in the Earth's environment.

False assumptions, DOOM3D averted.
We seriously need to get off this planet as fast as we can if we truly believe humanity is worth saving. Which...err..I dont think it is but anyway.

Why is there such a negative view against humanity from... Humans? Don't we have any self-confidence? Or are there just a few of you who think that since our race has some issues that need worked out that we're not worth saving? I think humanity is more than worth saving. We could have a great impact on the universe, and if we CAN terraform planets in the next few centuries, we'll have a great impact on the ability for all sorts of different life forms to flourish all around the universe. For that reason alone Humanity would be the best thing to ever happen to the universe.

And think about the advancements of technology in the last 200 years. Unless you're just looking for a doom and gloom excuse to hate existing, technological advancements show no sign of slowing, and with the greater population of people being educated, this process could speed up. There's no way with our mindset at current being passed on to our children, with good personal values mixed in, and a dash of character here and there, rather than this scapegoat for self-affliction, that humanity isn't worth saving. That timeline posted on the last page isn't all that far-fetched. A few of the things listed raised eyebrows to me, particularly Barack Obama being re-elected, but it had a good message, I think.

By all means, keep the darkness rising attitude, but I think it's just stupid to assume that all humans are worthless. Even in the aspect of the universe.
^^Yeah, all this negativity, doom and gloom is seriously starting to piss me off. You won't get anywhere, if from the start you think you'll fail.

Also as for that future timeline I posted a while back, the funny thing is that if those things come true, reality will be a lot stranger that envisioned in any science fiction story.
4 billion years? Will we even resemble like humans anymore?
I did. I'm pretty sure the film's name wasn't Lady Cassandra.

Have you tried googling it? Who said the image name was the name of a film?

If you had googled it, you'd have seen immediately what it's from.
It assumes that current changes in the environment will continue as they do today, without any attempt from us, to fix things.
hahaha, meanwhile, China is putting 1,500 new cars on the road every day. At that rate alone, that's about 5,475,000 cars in just 10 years, let alone 300. But "they won't continue as they do today" - that's right, it's been increasing. And every country on the globe has been heading in a similar direction with regards to energy consumption and pollution, for centuries.

It also assumes our bodies will be the same as they are today, therefore vulnerable to the changes in the Earth's environment.
hahaha, yea right. You think we are going to evolve significantly - the whole basis of our respiration - within 300 years? Actually, correction, this has to do with the evaporation of water. 'Body sweat evaporation'. So, what we are talking about is the properties of water, which is a constant.

It assumes we will have the same, or almost the same technology we do today.
I don't think so. I thought it was just fair warning - having nothing to do with predicting new technologies that could quickly change the temperature or humidity of the planet.

Are you going to put your faith in something that hasn't been [and has no indication of being] invented?
Have you tried googling it? Who said the image name was the name of a film?

If you had googled it, you'd have seen immediately what it's from.

I uh..

can't connect to anywhere else but HL2.net. Yep.
One thing that is constant with the Human race is its natural ability to survive and adapt. We have brains that can plan for future events and invent creative solutions. I'm confident that the human race will figure out a way to survive. It might take a near extinction event to get us to change our ways but we will adapt. (I'm thinking of the philosophy behind the new The Day the Earth Stood Still movie)

What we should focus on today is preparing for that crisis and try to make our species worth saving...we have such potential and value already but we can be SO much more.
If you want to, sure why not.

I'm just thinking that if we move away from Earth and colonize other planets, 4 billion would probably be enough time for our bodies to evolve and adapt to our new planets. We might have different "species" of humans.
4 billion years? Will we even resemble like humans anymore?

Uhhh, all life is extinct in the year 1,000,000,000. And it certainly won't have made a resurgence 3 billion years later!
hahaha, meanwhile, China is putting 1,500 new cars on the road every day. At that rate alone, that's about 5,475,000 cars in just 10 years, let alone 300. But "they won't continue as they do today" - that's right, it's been increasing. And every country on the globe has been heading in a similar direction with regards to energy consumption and pollution, for centuries.

What part of 300 years in the future don't you understand? You assume cars will continue to use fossil fuels and pollute the environment, when there's a clear indication that clean energy sources will gradually replace the need for fossil fuel. Not to mention that it's possible cars won't be used at all 100 years from now.

hahaha, yea right. You think we are going to evolve significantly - the whole basis of our respiration - within 300 years? Actually, correction, this has to do with the evaporation of water. 'Body sweat evaporation'. So, what we are talking about is the properties of water, which is a constant.

Who said anything about evolution? Nanotechnology, genetic engineering, robotics, take your pick. By the end of this century remarkable advances would have been made, rendering us virtually immune to anything the environment can throw at us. And if your going to say again "hahah, yeah right", do some research look into the latest advances in these fields, then think what will be possible in a century or two.

I don't think so. I thought it was just fair warning.

Yes I know, I'm not advocating that we sit around and let the planet go to hell. What I'm saying is that even if we did let the entire ecosystem collapse, we would still be here.

Are you going to put your faith in something that hasn't been and has no indication of being invented?

Much smarter people than you or me, say otherwise.

The problem with studies like this is that they have a narrow view of one environmental problem, project it linearly into the future, in this case 300 years, then go on to declare OMG WE'RE DOOMED!!11.
hahaha, meanwhile, China is putting 1,500 new cars on the road every day. At that rate alone, that's about 5,475,000 cars in just 10 years, let alone 300. But "they won't continue as they do today" - that's right, it's been increasing. And every country on the globe has been heading in a similar direction with regards to energy consumption and pollution, for centuries.

So then, nobody in this world has good intentions to create a mode of transportation that requires less fuel, or perhaps a way more efficient form of public transportation that is even better than that of Europe? Technological advancements aren't going to stop next year, and neither are new ideas. It's not like everyone in Japan is going to be driving an H1 hummer for the n ext 400 years, I give it 10 years, and we create a hydrogen engine. That's just a shot in the dark, though.

hahaha, yea right. You think we are going to evolve significantly - the whole basis of our respiration - within 300 years? Actually, correction, this has to do with the evaporation of water. 'Body sweat evaporation'. So, what we are talking about is the properties of water, which is a constant.

Maybe not 300 years, but we have 4 BILLION to go! :p

Lets say just for the sake of argument that humanity survives 4 billion years up to this disaster. Lets put this in perspective.

4,000,000,000 years. How long has humanity been around at this point? Maybe 195,000 years... How long have we been studying the universe around us? 3000 years? Start counting. Lets take it a year at a time! See how long it takes to get to 4 billion.