4 days left...i'm so excited!

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guys come on. stop clinging to the 30th. i've got the email from doub lombardi sitting in my inbox. its been traced to Valve. what more do you want Gabe to sit on your face?
I'm not falling for that "I have an e-mail in my inbox" shit again. Gabe is the president of Valve,which means he MUST make ALL the annoucements.

Valve hasn't commented on any of the delays at ALL. Which means they are F.A.K.E.
no doug lombardi is emplyed so Gabe doesnt have to. ever heard of MARKETING DIRECTOR
By the way their mail servers wasn't down. I contacted Mike all day without problems. This seems to be a "fake" rumor.
Originally posted by frances_farmer
no doug lombardi is emplyed so Gabe doesnt have to. ever heard of MARKETING DIRECTOR

All Lies you pig-dog infidel! Doug Lombardi is all lies! He never emailed that fake website called shacknews!

All infidels lie!
Even if there WAS an email sent by the fake guy named Doug Lombardi to the fake website www.shacknews.com and about Half Life 2 being delayed, it would more than likely be a ploy to get us to be like "No, you infidels, it's all lies" so that when comes time for the 30th we will be like - "oh, it really WAS Sep. 30. Geewillickers Valve, you guys sure did pull a fast one on us!"

Then everyone would laugh and drink some koolaid and have a BBQ while playing Half Life 2. Then the red commies would attack, paradropping in Minnesota like in that one 80's flick. Sirens would be going off everywhere and people would be instructed to get underneath their desks because the red commie bastages are attacking. Those bloody pinko commies! But since that was just Minnesota, no body would care the reds would rule what they think is the capitalist pigs home town. Oh dear.
no he emailed Shacknews. PHL, City-17.net who i work for, Hl2central, Hl2files. The list goes on.

Here is part of the email properties:

Received: from unknown (HELO MX.valvesoftware.com) (
by netmail02.services.quay.plus.net with SMTP;

Now if you run that IP through arin.net I think you'll find its registered with valve and comes from valve.

To save you the trouble I've done it for you:

Search results for:

Electric Lightwave Inc ELI-NETBLK5 (NET-207-173-0-0-1) -
Valve Software ELI-1737-2071731760 (NET-207-173-176-0-1) -

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2003-09-24 19:15
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.

You should really face the facts. I'll phone up Gabe Newell later today though if you still need proof.
You're human too? Wow. (man, how long will this go on? hehe)
Notice how it is hard to talk about anything besides the delay because we just end up getting pissed the game was delayed. I think people are more excited about the release date than they are about the game.
I'm just having a little fun with it. Might as well, I'm pretty bored right now. I think I had frances farmer going there for a little while. Hopefully he was playing along with though.
Originally posted by ilove64
Notice how it is hard to talk about anything besides the delay because we just end up getting pissed the game was delayed. I think people are more excited about the release date than they are about the game.

lmao! :laugh: you got that right :D
Im sooo exited! And I just cant hide it! Im about about to loose control and I think I like it!

Keep the faith! Fight the power! I beLIVE brotha! :bounce:
The unbroken spirit
Obscured and disquiet
Finds clearness this trial demands
And at the end of this day sighs an anxious relief
For the fortune lies still in his hands


HL2 will be released in the 30th! Vavle lies!
Originally posted by Ares
I'm just having a little fun with it. Might as well, I'm pretty bored right now. I think I had frances farmer going there for a little while. Hopefully he was playing along with though.

phew. i find that very relieving. unfortunately i wasn't sure whether you were joking or not, so I couldn't play along. :o
Maybe it wouldnt be poor marketing, maybe it would be a pure genius marketing move :).
If it came out ont he 30th now it had better have a little movie as part of the installer where gabe says "BOOYAH! Good one, eh?"
maybe vivendi doesn't allow the team to get hl2 before they ship so valve starts spreading delay rumors so noone will shop and all they themselves have a change of picking up the game... yep. that's it. ;)
wait you guys still think its coming out the 30th???? i thought it was official its not...
the game isnt complete.... they wont release a game thats not complete....

why do you want a buggy game?
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