4 kids executed near me.

I seriously don't know what to make of this story. What the hell is wrong with people? If this was simply random I'm sickened. And, even if it weren't and had some correlation with drugs or gang violence, that might even make it worse. I mean, me and a group of my friends have been known to hang go up to an elementary school late at night, mostly because it's about two minutes walking distance from a bunch of their houses. One time while we were there after hanging out we were just standing there and we see headlights around the corner. And a car turns around the corner, on the playground, and starts chasing us with its brights on!

We all booked it and luckily we ran and made it to a rather large bush without them seeing. I suspect they were all pretty drunk, and I'm not sure what they would have done had they caught us. It was pretty fun at the time, the rush and all, mostly because I've never taken consequences very seriously. Never seemed all that real to me, I guess. But, Jesus, people are getting shot randomly? I live in a pretty nice town, so I'm sure we would've been heckled by some drunk retards looking for a fight or something, but still...

I don't know what to think of people anymore. There are very few that I would say I actually hate, but sometimes humanity just seems really bad..
Do not forget it is we homo sapien who slew the neanderthal.

What more excuse do you need to hear? Those of us lacking modern civility and judgement resort to this type of violence for whatever reason, even something as simple as looking at someone wrong can spark a wrath.
Two dudes arrested over this - one of them 15.


Muffin, you gotta expect that in a world with a population of however big the population is at least one person is going to be a complete and utter dick - Shasta/Stucco is a good example. Some dicks are even more stupid, even more violent, even more... inhuman than others.
Yeah, I know. I'm not philosophizing about the inherent evil of humanity, it just sort of seems outlandish. I'm not Numbers or anything, but I think I wouldn't be adverse to some stiffer consequences for such crimes. Hell, I'm sure I could think of some interesting punishments. I just have to take a magic marker to that damned Bill of Rights, nobody will ever know the difference...



Just don't do anything you can't undo later.
Sad story.

The killers deserve what they got coming for 'em. Damned animals.

What is it about Americans and guns ... they're dangerous, throw them away.

Criminals will always have access to firearms. And, there's still, y'know, knives and improvised weapons and, if you're desperate or skilled with martial arts - your fists.

In a way, it's good these guys were dumb enough to use firearms. The sound gave them away, and they assumed the 4th victim was dead because she went down. Had they slit their throats no one would've heard. She might not have lived, etc.
its true, you ARE obsessed with NIN

Yeah, because NIN is ****ing awesome.

I can already see myself arguing in a thread AGAINST capital punishment for these people, but if anyone deserves it it's them.
Good GOD what is becoming of this world.

The system of today is really stupid.

Someone threatens you with a gun. And you have a gun.
You know he won't hesitate to kill you. The options: He shoots you, your dead. You shoot him, he survives and sues you, you lose in court, and pay him your life savings. You shoot him, he dies, you go to jail for life FOR MURDER.

None of these options is very tempting. So basically we CAN'T protect ourselves.
Didn't see these posts.
You cant just stroll in to a store and buy a gun,that guy most likely bought that gun off the streets there is no way he could have gotten it legally without having an ID.
I'm not trying to turn this into a gun debate, but you have to wonder if guns would be so readily available to purchase via illegal means if they were more strongly controlled. In the UK it's very difficult for criminals to get guns, but here it's a piece of cake. It's not the weather that is to blame for this, nor is it the people. It's the fact that guns are legal and widely available in the United States. That is the PRIMARY reason that we have thousands of gun deaths every year.
Shut the **** up.
co05, I'm not warning/infractioning you for this post because I understand that religion is a touchy subject, and the post you're responding to is provocative and completely unnecessary. Just please in the future refrain from responding like this because we try to keep things relatively good natured here.
Leave the religious comments out of this... please...
I agree. This thread is not the place for a religious discussion, and Tick the comment you made was unnecessary and disrespectful.
Some say it's bad: Gun deaths and the sort.
Others say it's good: more people can protect themselves...
co05, I'm not warning/infractioning you for this post because I understand that religion is a touchy subject, and the post you're responding to is provocative and completely unnecessary. Just please in the future refrain from responding like this because we try to keep things relatively good natured here.

Ah, I'm sorry. Will do. I just get angry when people flame other for their religion for no apparent reason.
So do I. I almost flew off the handle at him myself when I saw that post, even before you responded to it, and I'm an atheist myself.

Still, part of tolerance is... tolerance.
Didn't see these posts.

I'm not trying to turn this into a gun debate, but you have to wonder if guns would be so readily available to purchase via illegal means if they were more strongly controlled. In the UK it's very difficult for criminals to get guns, but here it's a piece of cake. It's not the weather that is to blame for this, nor is it the people. It's the fact that guns are legal and widely available in the United States. That is the PRIMARY reason that we have thousands of gun deaths every year.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. There will always be those deaths, guns or not. You take away guns, and they'll be killing each other with knives, baseball bats, crowbars, maybe there'll be some stupid clown trying to use his display sword as a weapon. Point is: They're still killing each other.

What banning guns does is eliminate a symptom, but doesn't cure the disease. What you need, really, is less violent people. People who can solve problems in a manner that doesn't spill blood, y'see? And that'll only come with proper education and people who raise their kids right.
So do I. I almost flew off the handle at him myself when I saw that post, even before you responded to it, and I'm an atheist myself.

Still, part of tolerance is... tolerance.

I cannot show tolerance for people that say they have no faith in humanity but turn around and pray and have faith to this invisible man in the sky and at the same time say god is almighty and and that he controls everything,and when you ask that person "why did god not stop this from happening?"

Then you would get an answer like:"god works in mysterious ways."

por ejamplo- why you haven't been fried by a lightning bolt yet.

I cannot show tolerance for people that say they have no faith in humanity but turn around and pray and have faith to this invisible man in the sky and at the same time say god is almighty and and that he controls everything,and when you ask that person "why did god not stop this from happening?"

Then you would get an answer like:"god works in mysterious ways."


Your not showing tolerance for them is just as closed minded as you say their beliefs are.

I'm an agnostic, btw, but I also hate intolerance on all levels.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. There will always be those deaths, guns or not. You take away guns, and they'll be killing each other with knives, baseball bats, crowbars, maybe there'll be some stupid clown trying to use his display sword as a weapon. Point is: They're still killing each other.

What banning guns does is eliminate a symptom, but doesn't cure the disease. What you need, really, is less violent people. People who can solve problems in a manner that doesn't spill blood, y'see? And that'll only come with proper education and people who raise their kids right.

Gun control is not the cure-all end-all to the scourge of violence and murder, but I'll be damned if you can justifiably argue that it's not a significant factor in the number and prevalence of these sorts of incidents. Fact is, if people want to commit a violent act, they're going to be much more likely to do it if it's as easy as buying a gun, pointing it, and pulling the trigger, rather than taking an axe or blunt object to someone's face.

I cannot show tolerance for people that say they have no faith in humanity but turn around and pray and have faith to this invisible man in the sky and at the same time say god is almighty and and that he controls everything,and when you ask that person "why did god not stop this from happening?"

Then you would get an answer like:"god works in mysterious ways."


Let me spell something out for you - if you want to continue being a member of this community you have to either learn a little bit of tolerance and respect, or just stop talking entirely about these sorts of things. Your opinion is worth nothing if you are too narrowminded and thickheaded to understand and appreciate the value in the opinions of others to the extent that you would dismiss them like this.
Gun control is not the cure-all end-all to the scourge of violence and murder, but I'll be damned if you can justifiably argue that it's not a significant factor in the number and prevalence of these sorts of incidents. Fact is, if people want to commit a violent act, they're going to be much more likely to do it if it's as easy as buying a gun, pointing it, and pulling the trigger, rather than taking an axe or blunt object to someone's face.

Except it's easier to lay hands on an axe or other melee weapon to do the deed than a firearm. Getting hands on a firearm requires a background check, waiting period, etc. As well as a sum of money for the gun, and it's ammo.

Not as easy as rolling up the garage door, picking out the nastiest looking tool and getting to the wet-work.
This is disturbing.

I do not like this.

Now I feel bad.


Pfft. Do not like murder.
I thought this would be a thread by Numbers

*whistles nonchalantyl*

This is shit though =/

What....? :(

Yeah, I know. I'm not philosophizing about the inherent evil of humanity, it just sort of seems outlandish. I'm not Numbers or anything, but I think I wouldn't be adverse to some stiffer consequences for such crimes. Hell, I'm sure I could think of some interesting punishments. I just have to take a magic marker to that damned Bill of Rights, nobody will ever know the difference...





Seriously, of course they frigging deserve harsher punishments.
A few years in jail just makes the hatred worse. So they just kill more and more everytime they get out, untill they are either sentenced to execution or a lifetime.

And theres always a chance, they would escape.
Yeah, just kill 'em. :p

*runs away before getting stoned by human rights groups*
So apparently these kids went out to get a bite or something, and a couple of guys joined the group later. They found on there cell phones that they were texting each other to get the hell out of there, but by than it was too late. One girl tried to run away and was shot, but she survived. They lined the other 3 up against an elementary school wall and shot em in the head.

So far they've caught two people. A 28 year old guy and a 15 year old.

Its pretty creepy considering how they were killed, and a bit more for me, considering I live no more than 20-30 minutes away from newark.

At the same time though, im wondering what the hell the 4 kids were doing out at night. Im pretty sure it was more than just grabbing a bite to eat. I only say this because I find it hard to believe there are roving bands of guys looking for teens and going "WOO EXECUTION TIME"

Thats because the kids who were killed formerly belonged to a street gang local to they're area of Newark. We won't know for sure, but it was probably either them confronting former gang members or the later, gang members confronting them informally.

Seriously, of course they frigging deserve harsher punishments.

"If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth, - certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evil; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn."

**** the machine, and **** harsher punishments. Welcome to the fact that the human race either has to get its shit together or die.
Except it's easier to lay hands on an axe or other melee weapon to do the deed than a firearm. Getting hands on a firearm requires a background check, waiting period, etc. As well as a sum of money for the gun, and it's ammo.

Not as easy as rolling up the garage door, picking out the nastiest looking tool and getting to the wet-work.

Maybe so, but actually bringing yourself to kill someone with such a weapon takes a lot more "bottle" (for want of a better word) than to shoot someone. If push comes to shove I could most likely bring myself to shoot someone, it is an impersonal killing. I couldn't stab someone, or otherwise beat them to death.

You're also much more likely to survive a stabbing/beating, than a shooting.

Also, I can outrun a lot of people, I cannot outrun a bullet.

I really think a lot of people are really deluding themselves, when they say if you took guns out of the equation you'd still get a similar number of killings, via other weapons. Take a look at the UK, in respects to the USA, where we have much tight gun control. Your violent crime per head is 20 per 1000, where ours is 4 per 1000 (both are approx values, published by our respective governments). The UK is pretty similar in respects to the social makeup of USA, however, the big difference is that we don't have guns as a readily available "tool". So I cannot see how your argument that guns would be replaced with other weapons holds any kind of validity.
I'll say what I say every time shit like this happens. We need psychology. If we know what motivates people to do stuff like this and we can correlate crime statistics with other data then we at least have a direction to go in. Otherwise, we don't stand a chance, we're basically running blind. I expect that increasing gun control would have some good effect, but I have no idea how big that effect would be. I read a lot of that Virginia Tech gun debate thread and I don't know what to think about it now. I do know that even in the UK where gun control is a lot tighter, there is still gang culture like in Manchester and London, and plenty of gun crime to go around. So culture, society, psychology, people and other confusing and annoying things like that definately come into the equation, not just gun laws.
I really think a lot of people are really deluding themselves, when they say if you took guns out of the equation you'd still get a similar number of killings, via other weapons. Take a look at the UK, in respects to the USA, where we have much tight gun control. Your violent crime per head is 20 per 1000, where ours is 4 per 1000 (both are approx values, published by our respective governments). The UK is pretty similar in respects to the social makeup of USA, however, the big difference is that we don't have guns as a readily available "tool". So I cannot see how your argument that guns would be replaced with other weapons holds any kind of validity.

Fun fact: The U.S. has a higher non-gun murder rate than many European country's total murder rates. On the other hand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Mexico have non-gun murder rates in excess of our total murder rate. So, I think people do still so love that old fashioned manner of killing.


Additionally: Gun supply =! more gun violence

Thing is, violent crime isn't tied to the availability of weapons. What violent crime is tied to is the quality of life. If you got a good life, you're less apt to go break the law. Less apt to mug someone for another ten bucks, etc.

The UK has lower because you guys have a smaller country, you're dealing with less shit right now, you, basically, have a higher standard of life. We've got illegals jumping the border and turning our southern areas into shitholes, "Gangstas" glorifying the "thug life" and living in the "ghetto", money being pissed away in an unwinnable war, etc. etc.

Shit sux. And when shit sux, people get angry. When people get angry, things get violent.
You clearly have never met any immigrants.

The area that I live in is full of Mexican immigrants, most of them illegal (there are a ton here, they're probably 20% of the population) and they're good, hardworking people. If all of America was like them we'd be much better off. They don't bother anyone, they just work, make money, send some of it home, and work more. You're an idiot if you think that they're anything more than a scapegoat for retard conservatives because they need to find somewhere to lay the blame for how badly they're ****ing our country up.
You clearly have never met any immigrants.

The area that I live in is full of Mexican immigrants, most of them illegal (there are a ton here, they're probably 20% of the population) and they're good, hardworking people. If all of America was like them we'd be much better off. They don't bother anyone, they just work, make money, send some of it home, and work more. You're an idiot if you think that they're anything more than a scapegoat for retard conservatives because they need to find somewhere to lay the blame for how badly they're ****ing our country up.

We don't get too many up here in Massachusetts.

And just because where you or I live ain't feeling the hurt doesn't mean it don't happen. Not every illegal is a bad person, but there are some. And the fact that an illegal is, well illegally here raises problems. Some that simply come from them existing - like how they don't pay taxes.

And ...we do. Basically, they're getting a free ride that the citizens of the nation, and the nice folk who went through the stupidly complicated legal immigration process or migrant worker programs, etc, are getting screwed for it. And then end up hurting themselves in that some things aren't available to them that would be if they found a legal way in, y'know?

Funny, I thought the war comment would've been the one to derail this thread, haha. :cheese:
Fun fact: The U.S. has a higher non-gun murder rate than many European country's total murder rates. On the other hand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Mexico have non-gun murder rates in excess of our total murder rate. So, I think people do still so love that old fashioned manner of killing.


Additionally: Gun supply =! more gun violence

Thing is, violent crime isn't tied to the availability of weapons. What violent crime is tied to is the quality of life. If you got a good life, you're less apt to go break the law. Less apt to mug someone for another ten bucks, etc.

The UK has lower because you guys have a smaller country, you're dealing with less shit right now, you, basically, have a higher standard of life. We've got illegals jumping the border and turning our southern areas into shitholes, "Gangstas" glorifying the "thug life" and living in the "ghetto", money being pissed away in an unwinnable war, etc. etc.

Shit sux. And when shit sux, people get angry. When people get angry, things get violent.
You didn't just cite an obviously pro gun website to try and prove a point did you?

You obviously also know very little about the social makeup of the UK. We deal with the same "shit" you deal with, day in day out. Yeah, maybe our immigrants are eastern European and not mexican and our gangstas aren't black. But that doesn't mean we don't get it as well.
You didn't just cite an obviously pro gun website to try and prove a point did you?

You obviously also know very little about the social makeup of the UK. We deal with the same "shit" you deal with, day in day out. Yeah, maybe our immigrants are eastern European and not mexican and our gangstas aren't black. But that doesn't mean we don't get it as well.

The fact it's pro-gun doesn't alter statistics, now does it? ^_^