4 Year Retrospectus

Was that before you racked up 25 thousand posts on a forum ;)

lol well the overwhelming majority were posted while at work ...so not a waste of time ..in fact the opposite is true ..I get paid to surf the net
lol well the overwhelming majority were posted while at work ...so not a waste of time ..in fact the opposite is true ..I get paid to surf the net

Your post did seem a bit haughty, high and mighty if you will. Someone entirely comfortable with their lifestyle would not feel they had to so promptly act in their own defense. But admittedly, I would probably be here a lot more if I got paid for it :E
4 years ago

Told shitty "Your mom..." jokes
typed online like an AIM'er ("lol hi2u" etc...)
Wore dress pants and dress shirts everyday
Favorite artists were Ozzy and Static-X
Listened to the local pop music/pop rock station
Didn't really have much of an opinion on anything
No pubes
Couldn't drive
Thought the UK was shit, made lots of "fish and chips" jokes and called British people "limey" like it was 1938

I'm a funny mother****er (Oh yeah baby, you know it)
My grammar is still shitty, but it's much improved
Wear jeans and rock t-shirts everday
Can't name a favorite musical artist because I like all kinds of music, but I've since thrown my emo/goth rock CDs out
Don't listen to the radio, it's all drive-time horseshit
I'm an opinionated asshole
Have pubes
Can drive
Would like to move to the UK
4 years ago

Told shitty "Your mom..." jokes
typed online like an AIM'er ("lol hi2u" etc...)
Wore dress pants and dress shirts everyday
Favorite artists were Ozzy and Static-X
Listened to the local pop music/pop rock station
Didn't really have much of an opinion on anything
No pubes
Couldn't drive
Thought the UK was shit, made lots of "fish and chips" jokes and called British people "limey" like it was 1938

I'm a funny mother****er (Oh yeah baby, you know it)
My grammar is still shitty, but it's much improved
Wear jeans and rock t-shirts everday
Can't name a favorite musical artist because I like all kinds of music, but I've since thrown my emo/goth rock CDs out
Don't listen to the radio, it's all drive-time horseshit
I'm an opinionated asshole
Have pubes
Can drive
Would like to move to the UK

Err, you didn't have pubes when you were 14??

I sprouted when i was like 10 or something.
some of you spend too much time playing games ..live first, game later ...i dont think I touched video games from my late teens to late 20's ..too busy living to bother with video games ..now that I have everthing mapped out I still cant bring myself to play more than an hour a day ..there's just so many other things to do ...dont waste your time you'll never get it back

Playing games = living live.
Why would doing what you like, especially something as great and engaging as games be less then living. Then doing something that the rest of society expects of you.
some of you spend too much time playing games ..live first, game later ...i dont think I touched video games from my late teens to late 20's ..too busy living to bother with video games ..now that I have everthing mapped out I still cant bring myself to play more than an hour a day ..there's just so many other things to do ...dont waste your time you'll never get it back

I haven't played games seriously since before Christmas. The difference is staggering.

Past few months I have:

Started a DJing residency at a clubnight with bands run entirely by me and a mate.

Written a well-recieved fashion article for the student magazine

I'm now going for music editor of said magazine


(and organising a music festival for september..)
Playing games = living live.
Why would doing what you like, especially something as great and engaging as games be less then living. Then doing something that the rest of society expects of you.

Really? I don't agree that you should phase out gaming for an entire decade but honestly if you are spending the majority of your time infront of a gaming screen, while you're in your prime, then you aren't getting all you can out of life.

think about it from the perspective of your future self, sitting on your deathbed. Do you want the majority of you memories to be you sitting on your ass shooting at ficitonal character or great times with friends/family/traveling/****ing etc
Really? I don't agree that you should phase out gaming for an entire decade but honestly if you are spending the majority of your time infront of a gaming screen, while you're in your prime, then you aren't getting all you can out of life.

think about it from the perspective of your future self, sitting on your deathbed. Do you want the majority of you memories to be you sitting on your ass shooting at ficitonal character or great times with friends/family/traveling/****ing etc
Biased examples, biased choice, worthless post.

Is he quite feminine or something?

Nope late bloomer I think. He just had his growth spurt. He was really small, now he has surpassed me by as much as 5 cm.
Hmmm a lot has changed personally.

Gone from being in High School, and despite knowing a lot of people being a loner really, didn't talk to girls, was very quiet, probably did too much gaming on the PS1/2...times weren't the best looking back on it =/

The the big break through was college, started to balance games and my social life, started making loads new friends and talking to girls :O Pulled a few times, had two girlfriends in that time, became part of this community, joined the 256 BF2 clan, got a wider musical taste in the metal/rock/punk range, started drinking :D

Now i'm a Uni student, new different friends, a girlfriend i am absolutely in love with :D can drive and have my own car, spend less time gaming, got a job (shit one but still) (hopefully) respected member of this community, own my own site, loads more!

Generally my social life has become much better, much more confident, happier with the way i am.

College started the change into what i am know, so glad i went :D
It's funny how every success story involves a lot less (sometimes none) video gaming.

Though I don't even consider this a video game forum anymore...
I haven't played a modern PC game in ages.

Last time I did play a game, was SA on the PS2, with a couple of mates just passing the controller :p
Biased examples, biased choice, worthless post.
Wow, you're amazing. Here i am actually explaining why i feel a certain way then backing it up, when all i really had to do spew out mindless/insulting/incoherent shit. thanks gray fox.

Next time, why don't you try actually explaining why a post is "biased".

/EDIT: and try to be a tad more respectful as well.
I still game a fair bit, I still play a bit of Wii most every night even after having it for 6 months. It's just finding the balance. I would never blow off a social occasion (or a man) just to play computer games. But by the same token I'm never embarassed to tell girls it's one of my hobbies, so many of them play things like Nintendogs now, it isn't weird. Having said that, I do game a lot less now than I did 3 or 4 years ago.
I was perfect than and I am even more so now... Maybe I take myself a bit too seriously these days.
4 years ago I was out to prove anyone opposed to me wrong.

Now I am the shadiest mother****er you'll know and wouldn't hesitate to gut you if you stood in the way of me and my goals.
I still game, but I don't let it take over my life. I play at night usually, but I don't play competitivly or anything. Just a bit of fragging with my mates. I pick up single player games when they're on the cheap but my life is way too overcrowded with music, drawing, reading, writing and doing work. And I love it.

4 years ago... christ, I was a totall ****ing bellend to be quite honest with you. I went through school without a care in the world, and whilst I still don't give a damn about maths, I was a completly ignorant bastard back then. I didn't care for anyone around me (except for my close mates) and I pretty much hated my entire year (except said friends)

Now, I'm currently getting through Sixth Form on B's for 2 out of 3 of my classes and I'm working as hard as I can to get fit for the Territorial Army. Thinking about Uni and going into graphic design/illustration and branching out into comics or general music artwork, etc. Enjoying music more than ever now that I've grown up out of the sheepish ''rocker'' roots I use to have several years ago (we all go through it; Linkin Park, Korn, etc, see the Music Forum for confessions :P) and just enjoying life. Got a great bunch of friends and now the weeds have been rooted out of the school due to exam results I love Sixth Form.

Wow, you're amazing. Here i am actually explaining why i feel a certain way then backing it up, when all i really had to do spew out mindless/insulting/incoherent shit. thanks gray fox.

Next time, why don't you try actually explaining why a post is "biased".

/EDIT: and try to be a tad more respectful as well.

Do I really have to explain why representing gaming as "sitting on your ass shooting at fictional character" is insulting and biased.
Not only that, the idea that gaming and friends do not go together is insulting on a whole new level.

But if you must know if I had to chose between sex, going to a bar, partying and games. I would chose games. Partly because I as a gamer can still get sexual satisfaction trough jerking off, and social satisfaction trough chat and forums.
But mostly because I love interacting in the most wonderful worlds, living trough epic stories, learning new things. Generally playing something that took a lot of hard work, imagination, and something that provides unparalleled depth and satisfaction of levels that no other kind of activity can.

The problem here is not gaming, the problem on this forum is the fact that a lot of people seem to have gotten in to gaming because they could not get with girls or in to clubs, and games were just an escape from their mundane lives, and now that they have gotten their livse in order, learned more about themselves, they realize they do not like gaming all that much, and simply cannot find the satisfaction in them they once could . And they're also just jerks.

While for me games have and probably always will hold an attraction that other activities can only mildly touch upon.
And can never hope to surpass, since like I said gaming satisfies me on so many more levels.
I don't think less gaming will directly lead to a better social life. I think having a better social life means less time to game, previously just you filled up the time from your shitty social life with gaming. Games aren't the culprit, just a means to fill the void.
Posting a thread which was trolled by an irrelevant topic.
The thing is for me that World of Warcraft would keep me from doing even the smallest of things.

The game has no pause button, and often, you can't just walk away, and if you do you're missing out on an oppourtunity that may not come again for a while. That was the problem with that game and similiar types of games for me.

Have you ever been playing a similiar, "not pausable" game, and your parents ask you to do something, but you're so busy you either blow them off or forget? Yes, well...that's what I'm talking about that was part of the problem for me. In addition to even people calling the house and such, I may have been rude to them because I was in the middle of doing something in-game, and they interrupted.

I always felt like I was in a hurry to get done whatever I was doing in real life, to get back in front of the PC and join my other real life friends in the World of Warcraft, or in years previous, Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike had less of a hold on me, but it still had one.

I still game, but I only plan to play games that can be paused. I played STALKER all the way through and I plan to buy Episode 3/Portals. I may even buy an Xbox 360 when Grand Theft Auto IV comes out...or even pre-empt that by buying it with Halo 3.

Some of you may say that even single player games had similiar sort of hold on you, but I bet it didn't have nearly the same degree as an online, addictive game. Anything with a pause button is fine with me from now on out.
The thing is for me that World of Warcraft would keep me from doing even the smallest of things.

The game has no pause button, and often, you can't just walk away, and if you do you're missing out on an oppourtunity that may not come again for a while. That was the problem with that game and similiar types of games for me.

Have you ever been playing a similiar, "not pausable" game, and your parents ask you to do something, but you're so busy you either blow them off or forget? Yes, well...that's what I'm talking about that was part of the problem for me. In addition to even people calling the house and such, I may have been rude to them because I was in the middle of doing something in-game, and they interrupted.

Problem with WoW for me isn't that it's so addictive and that I must keep playing, problem is that I realize the people I'm playing with are actual real people who often count on you in some way. You can't just quit halfway in a dungeon because you'll screw them by doing so. So yeah, the inability to pause it is indeed a problem, but in another way than you meant. I have no problem laying the game down when I need to get something done, but the problem is others that are counting on you. Just because they're interwebs people doesn't mean you don't have any obligations towards them.
Problem with WoW for me isn't that it's so addictive and that I must keep playing, problem is that I realize the people I'm playing with are actual real people who often count on you in some way. You can't just quit halfway in a dungeon because you'll screw them by doing so. So yeah, the inability to pause it is indeed a problem, but in another way than you meant. I have no problem laying the game down when I need to get something done, but the problem is others that are counting on you. Just because they're interwebs people doesn't mean you don't have any obligations towards them.

Well, even though I didn't mention it, that's exactly the reason I didn't want to leave the game when I had to.

Good point though, because I should have mentioned that in my post. You definitely do feel an obligation to the people you're playing with, because in many cases, as you say, they are counting on you to do your job, as you are on them. I like the "do onto others as you would have them do onto you" motto, and I absolutely despised people who would go AFK during key moments in the game, and therefore tried to hold myself to the same standard. It's not unreasonable to do so, logically, but it's what it does to your real life and the people around you that is the problem.
Do I really have to explain why representing gaming as "sitting on your ass shooting at fictional character" is insulting and biased.

Oh please, it was merely making an example. I play games, im not here to insult anyone. I'm just saying that imo gaming isn't the most productive way to spend ones time.

Also, is it biased or insulting to say that the majority of gaming involves sitting on your ass? Or, that a huge chunk of games invole you shooting at a fictional character? i dont think so.

Not only that, the idea that gaming and friends do not go together is insulting on a whole new level.
A WHOLE NEW LEVEL...... this shit just got real. First off point out exactly where i siad that friends and gaming can't coexist.., im actually really curious to know. And second, explain how if i did make that statement it would be so insulting that we would have to create another insult level just to comprehend how insulting it really was......

But if you must know if I had to chose between sex, going to a bar, partying and games. I would chose games. Partly because I as a gamer can still get sexual satisfaction trough jerking off, and social satisfaction trough chat and forums.
But mostly because I love interacting in the most wonderful worlds, living trough epic stories, learning new things. Generally playing something that took a lot of hard work, imagination, and something that provides unparalleled depth and satisfaction of levels that no other kind of activity can.

The problem here is not gaming, the problem on this forum is the fact that a lot of people seem to have gotten in to gaming because they could not get with girls or in to clubs, and games were just an escape from their mundane lives, and now that they have gotten their livse in order, learned more about themselves, they realize they do not like gaming all that much, and simply cannot find the satisfaction in them they once could . And they're also just jerks.

While for me games have and probably always will hold an attraction that other activities can only mildly touch upon.
And can never hope to surpass, since like I said gaming satisfies me on so many more levels.
I PERSONALLY can't even begin to comphrehend this line of thinking. Jerking off instead of sex? gaming/forums instead of socializing? It defies logic almost. But if that's how you feel then more power to you, i personally believe there are so many more ways you can enjoy epic stories, beautiful( and timeless) artwork etc outside of gaming.

I personally don't understand it but if you like it, more power to you.
I really like this thread. I feel like I'm too self conscious to let myself "change as a person" too much, but I have made a conscious decision to round out my life. For me, it used to be school first, video games second, and to hell with everything else. I always felt an immense pressure to conform to everyone else - partying all weekend, blowing off school, and all that stuff. But I feel like I'm finally finding a balance between my ambition and having a little fun without abandoning my principles. And I still love gaming (I think I always will), but I balance it with the stuff that matters.

So thanks, halflife2.net, for having absolutely nothing to do with this.
Four years ago I was taking Zoloft for OCD and I didn't have a personality. That shit made me a complete and total sociopath.

I've since regained my humanity but I've having trouble dropping the sense of humor.
Four years ago I was taking Zoloft for OCD and I didn't have a personality. That shit made me a complete and total sociopath.

I've since regained my humanity but I've having trouble dropping the sense of humor.
And rightly so. Your sense of humor is epic.
I took -alot- of shits.

guess it was from all that bacon I ate.

and I *gasp* stopped playing video games....ah the penalties of being a busy poor student.
Four years ago I was taking Zoloft for OCD and I didn't have a personality. That shit made me a complete and total sociopath.

I've since regained my humanity but I've having trouble dropping the sense of humor.
I was the same way, but no. They had me on Adderall, the Zoloft, switched me to some other shit, then BACK to Adderall. I got off the shit around December of last year. Now they want me on some other shit.
I took -alot- of shits.

guess it was from all that bacon I ate.

and I *gasp* stopped playing video games....ah the penalties of being a busy poor student.

My shits are less regular now than 4 years ago. It always used to be the same time every day. Now they aren't. Ah, memories...
****ers, you're making me want to excercise and change who I am!

Good thing only excessive amounts of alcohol will make me less self-conscious!
4 years ago i was carefree and my future had direction.

Now i'm at a fork in the road and i have no idea which road to take.

For the first time in my life i'm afraid of failing.
Oh please, it was merely making an example. I play games, im not here to insult anyone. I'm just saying that imo gaming isn't the most productive way to spend ones time.
You were degrading gaming to a low and simplistic level, while at the same time making sure explicitly mentioned the benefits of "social live".

Second, obviously there are a lot more productive ways to spend your time, but the "social"activities you mention are not any more productive.
Besides one should define productive. Both are not directly productive for society. But they are productive for yourself, and your mental sanity
Also, is it biased or insulting to say that the majority of gaming involves sitting on your ass? Or, that a huge chunk of games invole you shooting at a fictional character? i dont think so.
Huge amounts of "social activities" involve sitting on your ass, or lying on your bed while intoxicating yourself.

A WHOLE NEW LEVEL...... this shit just got real. First off point out exactly where i siad that friends and gaming can't coexist.., im actually really curious to know. And second, explain how if i did make that statement it would be so insulting that we would have to create another insult level just to comprehend how insulting it really was......

When you separated gaming from social life, in fact you explicitly mentioned sitting on your ass and shooting characters vs family/friends/****ing. Now seeing as sitting on my ass and shooting characters has introduced me to a certain forum where I interact and exchange ideas with many other people that share my passion, and insult my passions, people from all over the world, I would say gaming has done far more for my social live, and especially the quality of it, then anything else in my live.

I PERSONALLY can't even begin to comphrehend this line of thinking. Jerking off instead of sex? gaming/forums instead of socializing? It defies logic almost. But if that's how you feel then more power to you, i personally believe there are so many more ways you can enjoy epic stories, beautiful( and timeless) artwork etc outside of gaming.

I personally don't understand it but if you like it, more power to you.
Well I guess you should work more on your comprehension ability. It should be obvious why a forum that lets me interact with people from all over the world, from different cultures is more enriching them socializing with the average joe in my neighborhood. And yeah I would say jerking off provides some of the pleasure of sex with girls.
But you are right about being able to enjoy a lot besides gaming. I'm not denying that. And to much of anything is bad for you, a live and the time given to you should be spent in balance.
I didn't mention previously, that my social life has improved as well.
I've never considered myself a gamer and I play games at most one hour every week.
Huge amounts of "social activities" involve sitting on your ass, or lying on your bed while intoxicating yourself.


That sounds like ONE social activity.

I find it hard to believe that anything from this forum has been "enriching"...