4 yr old borrows car to rent a videogame

I had a really good laugh reading that.

"He said he stopped at the video store but ... the door was locked and the lights were out. He got back in the car and headed back home and that's when the officer saw him."
You think he was related to this kid?

Pesmerga said:
Games are simutaneously a kid's greatest motivation and greatest reason not to do anything at all.

Quoted for absolute truth in any situation, ever.
This was in chicago right?
It's one of those..
Only in America
I started playing games around 4-5, when my dad showed me warcraft 1, and i turned out fine...... *looks around* i gotta go play some more games.....
When a 4 year old can drive to the local store at 4am in the morning.. and it takes you 40 lessons to pass a test... you know you've got problems.
stigmata said:
I say you let kids play video games once you've taught them right from wrong, and once they are mature enough to realize that what happens in videogames, stays in videogames. Hell, my 10 year old sister plays Halo 2 and Counter-Strike Source (albeit not very successfully :p) and the only problem she's got is the sheer power of irritation.

[addition] I started playing games at the tender age of eight or something, and I turned out fine. Good ol' Super Mario and Star Fox. And Bloody Rage (possibly the wrong name), some gory fighting game that pit hideous monsters and dinosaurs against each other in a fight to the death. Includes special finishing moves, like ripping your opponent's heart out and devouring it!

He is half of what you were playing at, He isnt even at Pre-school. Your sister is also 10, he is 4... it also sounds like he has been there quite often by knowing where to go..

Tantalus said:
You're an idiot, aren't you?
most likely, but i would like to here why i am from you?
I seem to be playing with 4 year olds all the time. In CSS and Halo 2 there are so many kids with such ANNOYING squeaky voices using the mic, sometimes singing and stuff. But a 4 year old driving a car? Skills.
I'm not surprised really, in America it's extremely easy to drive a car, it's pretty much point it in the direction you want and hit the accelerator.

Must be for all the Americans who can't use there hands and feet at the same time ;).
Ehh, I don't buy this story. I'd be surprised if it were true and a slightly older kid, but naw, I don't buy this.

Most 4 year olds I know don't even know how to drive their matchbox cars, let alone a real one. LOL

Always crashing into shit.