40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution Pre-Orders!


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Wooo so the new DoW expansion is out for pre-orders today, have recently been playing dow2 and chaos rising and really enjoyed both so very much looking forwards to this.

Looks like they have 5 pre-order deals, each one the same price but unlocks different war gear for 5 of the 6 races! Its going to be a really hard choice knowing what race to pick!

What race will everyone else be getting?
Retribution, is that connected to my beloved Imperial Guard?
Is this the witch hunters one?
Dow2 is great. Put off buying it for ages but its totally worth it. There is still one unannounced race, really hoping its not neurons tho.
Best be Tau. If it's Dark Eldar I'm kicking someone's ass at THQ.
Dow2 is great. Put off buying it for ages but its totally worth it. There is still one unannounced race, really hoping its not neurons tho.

I thought there are 6 races in the game; IG, SM, CSM, Orks, and Elder, which is five but there is a tyranid pack on THQ website that would make the sixth
As long as I can paint my space marines as Black Temps, I am content
I have never played the DoW games, always wanted too, but never felt like spending the money because I am so picky about RTS games.

Anyways I was looking at this last night on steam, what a load of shit; if you preorder, you get to pick one, ONE, unlockable class, if you want any of the others, ohhh wellll! :|

Anyways, the Imperial Guard and the Eldars looked cool. But then I looked up the Eldars online and they look like Power Ranger villains.
Eldar are space elves. And they are fruity as such.
They managed to look pretty non-flamboyant in DoW2. Maybe it's the fact that we've finally seen their faces.

The Eldar witch? I'd hit that.

With my lightning claws...
Anyways I was looking at this last night on steam, what a load of shit; if you preorder, you get to pick one, ONE, unlockable class, if you want any of the others, ohhh wellll! :|

It dosnt quite work like that. As you play through the single player with your chosen race you constantly pick up new wargear which you can then assign to your squads between levels. All these bundle packs do is give you a few cool starting items for your chosen race.

Also yea I guess that is all 6, btw dark elder would not have been bad, they have just re-released the hole army and they look pretty awesome to be fair.

lol no. "Feth" is a curse used by the Tanith, and those uniforms are of the Cadian infantry not the Tanith ;)

I never really got into DOW2, I loved DOW though. I might try this out if the IG aren't as godawfully shitty as they are in the first DOW.