40,000 Xbox 360s Sold on eBay

And Mr.PC gamer fanboy, don't you think you ought to realize that Microsoft is trying to create a unified controller for PC and Console? 360 controllers work on PC. If you want PC gaming to thrive you need a good gamepad. You can't play every game with a mouse and Keyboard.
Of Course, but I do already have a nice controller for my Pc.

The xbox was the only controller to include a trip-release on their cords so if the cord was tripped over or accidentally pulled the cord to hard it would unplug it from the xbox. So if your friend's children are ripping them out of the console dude then fix it or buy a new one or take better care of it is my solution. It's not the quality of the part in question here, to me its the owners fault and/or an excessive amount of useage.
Well when you get 8 - 10 people over at your house a weekend shit eneds to happen.

Do you think stealing PC games is a good way to support PC gaming industry?
WTF are you talking about. I meant FREE games. As in Planetside, you know ACTUAL FREE GAMES.

Oh I don't think those are springles, thats nearly everything you could come up with, compare that to hundreds of modern exclusive games for consoles.
No those were the sprinkles....you want the full thing just ask.

Some of the games you listed I don't recognize; "DoW, Sc, and DoD:s" and stuff like that mean nothing to me.

If the amount of games on PC is so small that you can easily figure out what game it is by an abbreviation, then my argument is all the easier to get across. There aren't that many modern games for PC
Wow if you can't figure out those...
Dawn of War
Day of Defeat: Source???

You are just mad becuase I'm right. It doesn't matter if its a PC part or an Xbox part, the parts can still break, so stop blowing smoke up everyones ass about how PC is some how immune to defect and damage.
When did I say it was immune? Please point that out.

ATi and Nvidia create the most cutting edge graphics hardware that they possibly can, and work with producers like iD software to make games with advanced graphics that make you go out and buy their cards for the PC.

This is buisiness as usual.

ATi and Nvidia create chips for the consoles and they create sets for the PC. They would be more than happy to pump out 4 million Xbox 360 graphics chipsets in its first 3 months and several million <insert console name here> chipsets and still sell you a PC graphics card to boot.

3D modelers, gamers, and programmers all use graphics cards and that will never ever change.
I don't see your point..... I was talking about how they can make the xbox's cards soo much cheaper than a retail pc card.

PC gaming is not declining and the industry is not going to crash. ****ing relax dude. "omg the end of the world is coming, I have predicted!"
Well if everyone was like you....then it must be... I mean look at that price:performance ratio......

By the way, don't insult me by saying I need to learn to read when your sentence structure and ability to spell is a ****ing joke, not to mention that its not always clear what the hell you are talking about,
Lol, You need to learn to read when you couldn't realize that I never said "MY controller broke".
Or "My friend".

dude what in the hell kind of drugs are you on? What do you think that console game programmers don't count? Console gaming doesn't give people careers and futures? skills to make money? Stop typing all this crap and keep it to yourself, or at least create a new thread, you are becoming a fear-mongering tangent.
How many people learnd to make console games ON A CONSOLE.
The Pc Gamers\Programers are the ones who enter the Industry. Their the ones who go and program for the console, the pc, and etc..
You wont find a damn kid sitting down at his TV with his console writing code for a website or for a game.
OH and btw that $1200 was with my computer.
Sure it can, but just becuase you can set everything to its highest setting does not mean it can run every game with a smooth steady framerate. And is this before or after you have a 7800GTX that I assume you ordered and is on the way in the mail?
I built my computer in september....
I wouldn't pay 5 dollars for an Xbox360 let alone 500 dollars. Someone paying a grand for one is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I hope they get one of the defective ones.
Ravioli said:
I dont see any reason to buy Xbox 360 when it cant even run QuakeIV with highest settings...wtf? Wait for Playstation 3, technically it is better, and its not even out yet which mean they are still building on it makeing it even better then it is today.

Or just buy both..the PS3 isn't out for another year and i'm quite sure anyone with a job can save up £300 - £500 in 12 months. I got my Xbox360 on Friday, although i'm not allowed it until my birthday (21st - i'm not a kid) but i've been into GAME and played PGR3 and it looks better than anything the PC has and doesn't run bad what-so-ever.

VirusType2 said:
Oh I don't think those are springles, thats nearly everything you could come up with, compare that to hundreds of modern exclusive games for consoles. And I like how you said,"free games" and then you blame consoles for killing PC gaming. what ****ing nerve. Do you think stealing PC games is a good way to support PC gaming industry? :laugh:
I'm sorry but I have no interest in any of those games, but the games that come out on consoles can keep me occupied.

Even an fool wouldn't think he meant pirated games..they're not free, the internet isn't free for 99% of it's users so it would be a "warez", not a free game. Never heard the saying 'Nothing in this world is free'.

As much as i love to open a next-gen console and play it to death, they loose the novelty ALOT compared to a PC game, one example of this is GTA:SA which my brother bought on PS2 on release day yet i waited 6 months to buy it on PC because it's so much better on the PC simply for the fact PC's have internet for mods and mp3 radio station, and i'm sorry but WoW is easily better than any console game..the only series on console that can come close to WoW is FF (FFVII to be precise). Regardless of all this i'm gunna play my 360 with low expectations so not to be disappointed (i've got PGR3 and PDZ - which i'm sure you know what they are, right :rolleyes:?)

VirusType2 said:
If the amount of games on PC is so small that you can easily figure out what game it is by an abbreviation
I back Alig. He's pretty much said everything I would have said about the matter, especially about WoW and FFVII :) The only difference is that I don't have a 360 :(

Please, stop the quote wars before someone gets hurt!
Sorry about the double post, I didn't relize what time and rushed myself.
Minerel said:
I find great games on the Pc. From paid games to free games.
6. Xbox Live Arcade
The most over-looked feature of the system, the arcade marketplace will be the second most visited location on your Xbox 360, after the launch screen. Free games, cheap games, addictive, non-stop $10 exclusive arcade games…the list goes on. It's only a matter of time before the Japanese biggies bring their arcade classics -- Streets of Rage, Double Dragon, etc. This is a fresh slate upon which a new arcade revolution is about to be launched. Watch this space closely and you'll see a system grow in leaps and bounds.
Alig said:
As much as i love to open a next-gen console and play it to death, they loose the novelty ALOT compared to a PC game, one example of this is GTA:SA which my brother bought on PS2 on release day yet i waited 6 months to buy it on PC because it's so much better on the PC simply for the fact PC's have internet for mods and mp3 radio station
Well good you didn't wait too long, since they took this game off the shelves for a XXX part hidden in the game, so you almost didn't get your PC release.
I know you are saying that PS2 has lost all its flare, but my opinion about the PS2 is so very low. I've said it so many times that when the PS2 came out and I bought one, I was expecting it to be much better than the Sega Dreamcast, It was much much worse! The textures were so muddy it was just one big mush of mud on my TV while i had my Dreamcast hooked up to VGA, I almost cried realizing that Sony sold me a piece of shit and I had charged up my credit card over $500 for the PS2, 2 games, and a $40 8 MB memory card! (i got 512 MB for my PC for that price) LOL The video output of the PS2 is horrible compared to VGA. even if you buy a S-Video cable for your PS2 (which wasn't available for a while) it still looks a little poor when converted to VGA on a PC monitor. I was PISSED! And they are going to do it again! IMO The only graphics advantage of the PS3 over 360 is the Disc platform and that comes at a higher cost - And this time Sony doesn't have a huge head start since Microsoft didn't even get into the console scene untill there were hundreds of PS2 games and millions of Playstation fans already.

If you want to compare a console, compare the GC or Xbox. The Xbox had a much better Grand Theft Auto Series. To me the PS2 was like a PS1.5

Besides I play Intenet radio (shoutcast.com) all the time while Im playing xbox or whatever. Its even easier to do this (changing the station, adjusting the volume) if you are NOT playing a game on the PC.
4. Multimedia Hub
Along with playable games, rippable CDs and playback movies ready at launch, the Xbox 360 enables players to customize their MPEG music sticks with perfectly designed playlists in addition to connecting to Microsoft's Media Center for a more complete media sensation. Stream music from your iPod and synch it with images from your last holiday vacation. Play music to the Jeff Mintner visual synchronizer and customize the desktop with themes and gamer tiles and have fun doing it.

I never said that PC's are not a great thing to have or that they were not a great gaming platform or anything like that. I only said that I think consoles are the best gaming platform.
, and i'm sorry but WoW is easily better than any console game..the only series on console that can come close to WoW is FF (FFVII to be precise).
Final Fantasy 7 sucked SO ****ing bad. I fell asleep like a narcoleptic every single time I turned that game on. Swear to god that game was like boring as hell. Im not sure how they get so many fans with that game but anyway.. thats a PS1 game. So what exactly are you saying that you like the computer version of GTA becuase the graphics are better but then you like PS1 version of FF? So you just all but nullified your reasoning for saying a PC is better. Besides there are going to be mods for 360.

And WoW? yea wow is a pretty good game. It got boring though. I would never say it is the best game ever made though.

In Xbox magazine they said to be on the lookout there will be games like WoW coming to Xbox360. I mean they did MMORPG's like Everquest on PS2 and Phantasy Star Online on both Dreamcast and Xbox... and now FFXI and likely FFXII for Xbox360

And Wow Does not require a hardcore game computer with the best of the best hardware.

WoW runs great for me with my PC i spent a grand total of $360-$380 on that included the monitor, 1GB memory and a $120 256 MB PCI card.

Alig said:
Regardless of all this i'm gunna play my 360 with low expectations so not to be disappointed (i've got PGR3 and PDZ - which i'm sure you know what they are, right ?)

Yea i said there are so few games on PC that you can learn all the abbreviations for them easily. WoW, HL2, D3. Stuff like that, but the 360 just came out a few days ago! you can't expect there to be very many games yet. :p

Besides they expect 19 games to come out for the 360 before Jan. 1, 2006 (25 days from now) When was the last time you saw 19 games come out for the PC in a little over 1 month. More like 1 game.
I won't quote you because Sui said so :p

I never knew about SA getting banned, i wondered why i couldn't find it in the UKs biggest high street game store (GAME), so i bought it second hand from GameStation.

I can't say i care much for the GC (never owned one, never intend too) or the Xbox (got one on its release day and sold it within the same month) because i prefer the games on PS2 alot more. I'm buying (receiving) the 360 under the impression that the Xbox never exsisted because i really didn't like it, but it did start to get some high rated games towards the end of its days and i hope the 360 picks up where the Xbox left off.

Shoutcast radio as in the one Winamp has?. Well i never knew it was on the Xbox and i listen to it a hell of alot, except in games because i need sound in games, so i doubt it will be any easier to use on the Xbox as on Winamp..probably less actually because mouse (or keyboard shortcuts) beats any controller for speed and accuracy.

WoW isn't boring, its time consuming like all MMO's (to a lesser extent though), if you don't like the genre then don't play them. I've been playing WoW for over a year now (if you include the US beta's) and i've not considered quitting so far (did have a 1 month break due to real life shit, and a 2 month break atm..moving house, new house, no phone line, no internet..). As for FFVII, i hated it at first but it grew on me and then i realised how absolutely amazing that game was made and played out.

I never said i like the PC version of GTA:SA better because it has better graphics..although it does have a MUCH better drawing distance which can sometimes proove rather useful, anyway, i said i like the PC version better because i can download mods for it and play my own music while playing with the intergrated MP3 radio station (which Xbox may have? but PS2 doesn't [even more so when you don't have the HDD for it]). You have to mix and match anyway, GTA the original overhead ones are some of the most original and best games made, yet they have poor graphics. FFVII has poor graphics but that doesn't take away from the fact its one of the best games ever made imo (and how do you know i had it on PS1? it was released on PC as well).

I don't really care how many games come out for the 360, i won't be buying many at the ****ing rip-off price of £45 - £50 price tags, not to mention it's a console..they're mainstream and bought for one thing and one thing only, or did you buy your's to replace your DVD player?. There will always be more games on a gaming console than a PC ..especially the shite PC companys put in them (bar Alienware - overpriced anyway - and no doubt some more) and sell to the oh-so-****ing-uneducated-customers they attract, Dell pops to my mind. If these companys put actual "alright" stuff in their pre-built PC's then maybe, just maybe, the customer (who i pity) could actually play a 3d game on it and PC games would suddenly pick up in sales tbh. People think of PC's as "ebay buying machine" and thats it, my mate at work was so excited over how good the graphics was on the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 and i just thought "..i can imagine.. [] [] [] on and around every single texture". If he had a PC that could even load FEAR, HL2, FC, D3 or just about any recent game at its lowest possible visual options his view of a console would drop suddenly.
Alig said:
I won't quote you because Sui said so :p
No i think he was suggesting that the quotes were more of a verbal attack. you can quote people man, he was saying lay off the insults
I never knew about SA getting banned, i wondered why i couldn't find it in the UKs biggest high street game store (GAME), so i bought it second hand from GameStation.

Shoutcast radio as in the one Winamp has?
no I didn't mean that i listen to Winamp via my Xbox. I mean i listen to winamp (shoutcast.com) through my PC while playing xbox. meaning you don't need a game PC, you just need an internet PC to use most of the features of a PC.

WoW isn't boring, its time consuming like all MMO's (to a lesser extent though), if you don't like the genre then don't play them. I've been playing WoW for over a year now (if you include the US beta's) and i've not considered quitting so far (did have a 1 month break due to real life shit, and a 2 month break atm..moving house, new house, no phone line, no internet..). As for FFVII, i hated it at first but it grew on me and then i realised how absolutely amazing that game was made and played out.
well i've played it for like 6 months. LIke i said it is a very good game but definately not the best game ever made. It has always had its boring moments, and i have just completely gotten sick of it all and quit playing.

it[FF7] was released on PC as well
I wasn't aware of this im sorry.

There will always be more games on a gaming console than a PC ..especially the shite PC companys put in them (bar Alienware - overpriced anyway - and no doubt some more) and sell to the oh-so-****ing-uneducated-customers they attract, Dell pops to my mind. If these companys put actual "alright" stuff in their pre-built PC's then maybe, just maybe, the customer (who i pity) could actually play a 3d game on it and PC games would suddenly pick up in sales tbh. People think of PC's as "ebay buying machine" and thats it, my mate at work was so excited over how good the graphics was on the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 and i just thought "..i can imagine.. [] [] [] on and around every single texture". If he had a PC that could even load FEAR, HL2, FC, D3 or just about any recent game at its lowest possible visual options his view of a console would drop suddenly.
Thats so true. so called "complete gaming PC's" are pieces of shit (well decent at best) and to have a superior game PC you have to have build it yourself - Which is a shame! As intelligent as I am, although im sure i could figure it out or look on the internet to find out, right now i don't know the first thing about building a game PC so Im afraid to fry - er, i mean try ;)