40 years since Sgt. Pepper

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
So, today it's 40 years since, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, was released, by many held to be the best album in the history of music.

Any thoughts and/or comments? What's you favorite song on the album?
Lovely Rita's a catchy tune, probably my fave on the album.
40 years isn't that long.

13 years ago, N-Trance released 'Set You Free' ... now that's a classic.
Sgt. Pepper is my least favorite Beatles' album, it was their big changing point, but I'd much rather listen to The White Album or Let it Be
it hasn't aged a year. ****ing brilliant album
40 years isn't that long.

13 years ago, N-Trance released 'Set You Free' ... now that's a classic.

But seriously, what a brilliant album. Lovely Rita, the (Reprise) and Getting Better are my top three.
A few tracks still require some illegal substances to be more than just odd, but the brilliance of the rest overrides it for me.
a day in the life ..those who said "meh" should be curb stomped

I kid, I'm not that blunt, but I don't think it's that special an album. It's alright. My parents love it.

I'm aloud to say meh too, because i actually paid for this album.
I'm aloud to say meh too, because i actually paid for this album.
Perhaps investing in a dictionary would have been the better choice.

Does anyone know if the BBC's tribute cover is going to be released? I can't seem to find any info.
Can't stand listening to the Beatles, my mother loves them though.
What the hell are they... get some real doc martens!!

Anyway, wooo, go beatles :)

ya but you wouldnt want to bloody your docs now would ya?

xlucidx how can you say you cant stand listening to the beatles? that's like saying you dont like music
Perhaps investing in a dictionary would have been the better choice.

Does anyone know if the BBC's tribute cover is going to be released? I can't seem to find any info.


There is nothing more annoying then someone who points out spelling errors on damn forum. Srry, i didn't realize i was writing an essay, won't happen again.

Allowed.....big whoop


Anyway, I gave this album another listen It's much better then i remember.
I've listened to that album thousands of times, the songs are burned into my memory ..even if you dont know the album surely by now the majority of people in the west have those songs burned into the back into their minds ..I mean that album has cultural significance more than any other piece of music before or since it's release ..seriously it's a must have in every fan of music collection ..I means it's the epitome of 20th century music ...bottom line: it's brilliant, and everyone should recognize it's brilliance or they are dead inside

no seriously ...DEAD inside

"Beethoven, ya he's kinda good ..but why no electric guitars? ..cuz that would make it bitching"

"Mozart would have been better if he hadnt written operas ..I mean why are opera singers always fat? and why dont they sing in english, damn foreigners"

disclaimer: the above statement is not a response to brinks or any other members post in this thread ...I'm just sayin... :E
I find it to be very generic, it doesn't deal with the themes that I typically turn to music for. I would much rather listen to Darkside of the Moon, Wish you were Here, The Moon and Antarctica, LOW, Hunky Dory, OK comp or Daydream Nation( for musics not lyrics). These are much true masterpieces in my mind and have all aged a hell of a lot better imo.

EDIT: i hope that statement wasn't directed towrads me, since i said nothing of the like:)
I don't take into significance how much of an impact it has had, or how many people regard it as a fantastic album; I just simply sat down and listened to it. And I thought it was okay at best, put it aside and put on something different. Something better no doubt, but that's for a different topic some other time. ;)

Seriously, no biggie at all. I'd consider Isis' ''Panopticon'' a masterpiece of an album in my own opinion, but again, not on topic here.
I find it to be very generic, it doesn't deal with the themes that I typically turn to music for. I would much rather listen to Darkside of the Moon, Wish you were Here, The Moon and Antarctica, LOW, Hunky Dory, OK comp or Daydream Nation( for musics not lyrics). These are much true masterpieces in my mind and have all aged a hell of a lot better imo.

EDIT: i hope that statement wasn't directed towrads me, since i said nothing of the like:)

personal opinion however you cannot deny that Sgt Peppers is a master piece ..not if you're a fan of good music ..i mean some of the artists you've listened were influenced by Sgt Peppers ..music in general is influenced by that album, it's inescapable

Antipop said:
Isis' ''Panopticon''

the difference being that you see it as a master piece but it's not universally accepted as a masterpiece in the way sgt peppers is ..I'm sure if an africa bushman listened to it he'd recognise for what it is: a work of genius. it's a unviersal truth much like how Beethoven is a brilliant composer or Hendrix is a guitar genius ..like their music or not but even non fans recognise those artists for what they are: the best of the best
I'm well aware of it's influence...big whoop. That doesn't make the album any more enjoyable. If anything those artists took the best aspects of that album and decided to top it in a way the Beatles could never match( MY OPINION< DONT START A SHIT FEST).

I think pretty humorous that you think if someone doesn't automatically like Sgt Pepper on its social status alone they arn't a fan of good music, i mean jesus its one album. In the end it all comes down to taste.

EDIT: and im pretty open minded when it comes to music, i dont know too many people who would put both David Bowie's Hunky Dory and the Sonic Youth's DayDreamNation in their top ten.
I'm well aware of it's influence...big whoop. That doesn't make the album any more enjoyable. If anything those artists took the best aspects of that album and decided to top it in a way the Beatles could never match( MY OPINION< DONT START A SHIT FEST).

I think pretty humorous that you think if someone doesn't automatically like Sgt Pepper on its social status alone they arn't a fan of good music, i mean jesus its one album. In the end it all comes down to taste.

I'm not saying that at all ..all i'm saying that even if you dont like it you should be able to recognise it's genius ..that's all

btw I'm listening to Another Gig in the sky as we speak
Well i do like it...refer to previous posts in this thread, i just don't think it's musics great opus. it's hard to recognize somethings genius when you only find it to be a decent listen.

I personally don't understand how someone could not like an artist/album but say it's a masterpiece simply because it's been accepted as such. They're conforming to social norms imo.

I mean, hell, in a starwars thread you'd be the first one in there claiming that it's completely overrated....even though it's been accepted as a masterpiece.
Well i do like it...refer to previous posts in this thread, i just don't think it's musics great opus. it's hard to recognize somethings genius when you only find it to be a decent listen.

I personally don't understand how someone could not like an artist/album but say it's a masterpiece simply because it's been accepted as such. They're conforming to social norms imo.

I dont think something is a master piece just because the mainstream says it is ..the manistream cant be counted on anything even resembling good taste ..I mean the Diva du jour sells more records than somebody like Leonard Cohen ever did ..it certainly doesnt mean Kelly Clarkson is better than Leonard Cohen. Mob mentality rules, people are generally stupid so they cant be counted as a judge of what is good or not ..as a whole. Individually most would agree Sgt Peppers is a great ablbum :)

I may not like Michael Jackson but I can recognise that some of his earlier work bordered on genius. Not that big of a fan of Thelonious Monk but again I can recognise his genius

I mean, hell, in a starwars thread you'd be the first one in there claiming that it's completely overrated....even though it's been accepted as a masterpiece.

by whom? certainly not critics ..it's a good saturday morning pulp serial from the 30's updated for it's time: popcorn fare, albeit good popcorn fare ....Citizen Kane is a masterpiece Star wars is not
I dont think something is a master piece just because the mainstream says it is ..the manistream cant be counted on anything even resembling good taste ..I mean the Diva du jour sells more records than somebody like Leonard Cohen ever did ..it certainly doesnt mean Kelly Clarkson is better than Leonard Cohen. Mob mentality rules, people are generally stupid so they cant be counted as a judge of what is good or not ..as a whole. Individually most would agree Sgt Peppers is a great ablbum :)

I think ur answering some questions i havn't asked lol, i guess we'll have to agree to disagree:)

by whom? certainly not critics ..it's a good saturday morning pulp serial from the 30's updated for it's time: popcorn fare, albeit good popcorn fare ....Citizen Kane is a masterpiece Star wars is not
Certainly by critics, it's number 14 on AFI's top 100 films of all time, it's number 12 on IMBD's, it has a 94 on Rotten Tomatoes and it was nominated for Best Picture, Director and Screenplay at the oscars.

I agree, it's overrated. I'm just saying individually most would agree that both these pieces of work are masterpieces...but from my perspective( and urs when it comes to some media) that really doesn't matter.

EDIT: im not trying to derail the thread or anything i was just using SW as an example.
I think ur answering some questions i havn't asked lol, i guess we'll have to agree to disagree:)

Certainly by critics, it's number 14 on AFI's top 100 films of all time, it's number 12 on IMBD's, it has a 94 on Rotten Tomatoes and it was nominated for Best Picture, Director and Screenplay at the oscars.

ya but a movie about dancing starring Shirley McClain was also nominated for best picture ..even now judged under the same criteria there's no way it would beat the winner of the oscars for best picture that year: Annie Hall

IMBD is voted on by the general public, AFI only covers american film and has been criticised for only featuring Studio pictures and not including independent or arthouse films ..I mean where's the Great train robbery or Metropolis or films by John cassavetes or Sam peckinpah etc ...anyways I'm not trying to belittle AFI's choice but sometimes cultural merit overshadows it's merit as a film ..again good popcorn fare in the same vein as Jaws or ET but hardly a masterpiece

I agree, it's overrated. I'm just saying individually most would agree that both these pieces of work are masterpieces...but from my perspective( and urs when it comes to some media) that really doesn't matter.

EDIT: im not trying to derail the thread or anything i was just using SW as an example.

well I think a certain demographic would certainly say Star Wars is a master piece (this community and gamers in general being one) ..however somehow I dont think it's seen in the same light by people who enjoy the work of John Huston or Fellini or Mastrioni or Bergman etc. Star wars never comes up on top of the greatest films of all time ..Sgt Peppers almost always the hits the number one spot ..now obviously lists are not exactly the be all and end of all of what is considered a masterpiece but they do help judge why something is considered a master piece: universal but most importantly peer recognition
the difference being that you see it as a master piece but it's not universally accepted as a masterpiece in the way sgt peppers is ..I'm sure if an africa bushman listened to it he'd recognise for what it is: a work of genius. it's a unviersal truth much like how Beethoven is a brilliant composer or Hendrix is a guitar genius ..like their music or not but even non fans recognise those artists for what they are: the best of the best

Exactly. And I don't see Sgt. Peppers as a master piece and that's all that matters. Whilst I read reviews to know whether an album is worth my time downloading/buying, I'm not going to let some good reviews and critical acclaims take over my personal prefrence.

Some of my favourite albums are slated by critics and people alike, and alot of them are indeed acclaimed as amazing, but that's the least important part of it for me. For sure.
ya but a movie about dancing starring Shirley McClain was also nominated for best picture ..even now judged under the same criteria there's no way it would beat the winner of the oscars for best picture that year: Annie Hall

IMBD is voted on by the general public, AFI only covers american film and has been criticised for only featuring Studio pictures and not including independent or arthouse films ..I mean where's the Great train robbery or Metropolis or films by John cassavetes or Sam peckinpah etc ...anyways I'm not trying to belittle AFI's choice but sometimes cultural merit overshadows it's merit as a film ..again good popcorn fare in the same vein as Jaws or ET but hardly a masterpiece

Critics are critics, AFI stands. It's quite high on that list and if you were to incorporate arthouse etc. I'm fairly sure it would still make the list. I through IMDB in there for good measure. And you didn't mention rotten tomatoes;)

I'm not saying it's better then Annie Hall, im just pointing out it was recognized by the academy

Anyway, i derailed the thread, my bad

The Point is, it makes no difference who recognizes what. Music always comes down to the bottom line. What do i feel like listening to? Sgt Peppers is rarely the answer.
sgt. peppers is decent. for its time it was the most important album created by the band that has influenced more bands then any other. It however does not stand up to any "masterpeice" since. Hell its cultural significange can be wattered down even by Nevermind, which changed the market of music for half a decade. Not saying its a better album (actually i find both rather average) but you cant call an album a masterpeice based on cultural signifigance.
Exactly. And I don't see Sgt. Peppers as a master piece and that's all that matters. Whilst I read reviews to know whether an album is worth my time downloading/buying, I'm not going to let some good reviews and critical acclaims take over my personal prefrence.

Some of my favourite albums are slated by critics and people alike, and alot of them are indeed acclaimed as amazing, but that's the least important part of it for me. For sure.

Dude, you don't like hendrix or led zeppelin, your opinion doesn't matter ;)

j/k... kinda :E
crazy, I agree with stern bout a day in the life.

Oh boy....
Very meh. At best, some songs are "catchy", but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to them. I really don't give a damn about the historical influence it had, you can't rate an album or band by that, you can only rate the album or band itself. As musical entertainment, I personally rate the Beatles as "meh".
It's a good album, but it's no way the best album of all time. It's kind of an album that anyone could like. The songs are fun but they don't really mean anything more to me then that.
It's famous and well-regarded because it's awesome.