40 years since Sgt. Pepper

xlucidx how can you say you cant stand listening to the beatles? that's like saying you dont like music

Um... It's not my kind of music?
The Beatles are pretty much a pop band, and I loathe that shit.

I appreciate what they've done with music itself, their music just isn't my style.

I like hard rock and metal, not pop.
Kids don't understand the Beatles. Maybe someday my grandkids will say Nirvana was meh, nothing compared to their electro-pop-3d-hyper-music of the future.
souless automatons stumbling around life oblivious to all that makes us human, mired in a bleak existence that is focused on the aquisition of shiney objects as some sort of status symbol or excercise in vapid social pecking order ladder climbing that does away with anything even remotely resembling art, beauty or thoughtful, meaningful introspection! foul troglodytes, curse your philistine hides for accepting mediocrity as a valid form of existence. you would stifle creativity, you would stifle progress in the name of keeping the status quo ..a pox on you heartless souless simulacrums, for it is you who have robbed mother Gaia of all it's wonder, of all it's beauty .. one day Sternn will be rid of you, my steel is at the ready

oh shit did I say that out loud? ...ummm nevermind ..bide your time Sternn, the time is almost at hand

and dont limit yourself to one or two genres of music ..music is music

and dont limit yourself to one or two genres of music ..music is music

I don't, I was just listing the primary genres that I listen to regularly.
I listen almost all genres, I'm a fan of a few older bands too.
Led Zeppelin, Richie Havens, The Who, Grateful Dead, Hendrix, and a few others.

Honestly, I'm not close-minded when it comes to music, I listen to whatever appeals to my ears.
souless automatons stumbling around life oblivious to all that makes us human, mired in a bleak existence that is focused on the aquisition of shiney objects as some sort of status symbol or excercise in vapid social pecking order ladder climbing that does away with anything even remotely resembling art, beauty or thoughtful, meaningful introspection! foul troglodytes, curse your philistine hides for accepting mediocrity as a valid form of existence. you would stifle creativity, you would stifle progress in the name of keeping the status quo ..a pox on you heartless souless simulacrums, for it is you who have robbed mother Gaia of all it's wonder, of all it's beauty .. one day Sternn will be rid of you, my steel is at the ready

It appears that you have just described The Sgt. Peppers... album and it's following of drones that like it for it's good press/influence there. Pretty much the one thing I hate most about that album, alongside it's terrible boring and dull music. Well, I say these bad words in refrence to the amount of praise that it gets. It's not bad, just not worthy of so much in my opinion. And opinions are opinions.
I'm surprised you're so surprised at the amount of detractors the Beatles have.
I'm surprised you're surprised I was surprised to find that out ...astonishing

people will hate something simply because it exists .."anti" is as much in fashion as being "pro" something ..sometimes moreso, but that may just be a popular perception ;)
I personally love post LSD Beatles, and the drugs or no - Sergeant Pepper is a timeless record that I'll never be without.
I'm surprised you're surprised I was surprised to find that out ...astonishing

people will hate something simply because it exists .."anti" is as much in fashion as being "pro" something ..sometimes moreso, but that may just be a popular perception ;)


You don't get it, do you? And I must say, for someone like you it seems awfully narrowminded to think that just because someone doesn't like a popular album that they are doing it just because it gets so much press. I don't CARE how well that album has done, or what it has done, and I don't dislike it just for the damned case of disliking it against the grain - I just think the most important part to the album, the music, is really nothing special. And as you said, music is music, right? That's the only thing that matters.

Theres TONS of albums by bands I LOVE that have released mediocre albums. Alot of which get critical acclaim that I don't agree with. What do I care? It's not a second thought to me. However, when it comes down to bands like Beatles, Zeppelin, etc, I cannot express my opinion without someone getting on my back about it. Although it's the music that puts me off these bands I'm starting to feel that even if I loved the music I'd be put off by all the morons that defend them ruthlessly against any bad word.

EDIT: You'll have to excuse my somewhat angry response. Whilst I stick to it, I wrote this when I just woke up and I felt ill from last night and had a horrible cold. But even so...